View Full Version : RAW Results / Report - 23rd Jun 2014

06-30-2014, 06:51 AM
RAW Results - 23rd Jun, 2014
Location - Washington, DC
Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole


We are in Washington D.C. for this week’s episode of Raw that will be the final Raw before Money in the Bank on Sunday night. Before we get to the program on the USA Network, we go to the WWE Network for the WWE PreShow Panel.

This week, it is hosted by Josh Mathews and he is joined by regulars Booker T and Alex Riley. This week’s fourth man on the panel is Santino Marella.

The briefcase is above the ring instead of the title belts.

Booker says that he is looking forward to what Stephanie McMahon is going to say about Vickie Guerrero. Alex tells us that we are getting a rematch of the four on three tag match from Smackdown tonight on Raw.

Josh says that it feels like something big is going to happen, but Alex interrupts and he says that there is another deal on WWEShop.com.

Josh mentions the announcement from the start of Raw and we see a video package showing how Roman Reigns got into the Money in the Bank ladder match for the WWE Title.

Josh mentions that the Authority is not happy that Vickie Guerrero’s actions caused Roman Reigns to get into the Ladder Match for the WWE Title.

We see how John Cena got into the Money in the Bank Ladder Match for the WWE Title.

We see the seven men who will have the opportunity to become the new WWE World Champion. Josh asks for predictions and Santino says that it is anyone’s game, but Roman Reigns has momentum. Josh brings up that Randy Orotn did not have to qualify. Booker says that Orton won last year so he is a threat. Booker says that he is picking Orton, but he would like to see Sheamus win so we can see Brock Lesnar versus Sheamus.

Alex mentions that we have not seen Randy in action for a while. He says that it could come down to Cena or Del Rio.

Josh asks if it is different because of the stakes. Santino agrees with Josh. Santino says that this will be a longer match so the man with the better cardio will have the advantage.

We go to the ring for footage from the Adam Rose versus Heath Slater match that will air on Thursday night on Superstars on the WWE Network.

Rose punches Slater but Slater with a leg lariat and he gets a near fall. Slater and Hornswoggle face off with the entourage but Rose with a baseball slide when Slater tries to get back into the ring. Rose goes up top and hits a cross body followed by jabs.

We return to the panel. Josh asks Alex Riley and Alex says that he thinks Alberto Del Rio will win because he has won before and he has a good strategy.

Josh wonders why no one picked Bray Wyatt. He asks what will happen if Wyatt wins. Santino says that Wyatt might not have the endurance for the match and what if he is afraid of heights. Josh asks Booker about being afraid of heights and how it comes into play for a match like this. Booker says that he never did well in ladder matches or cage matches because he felt out of his comfort zone. Bray usually has Rowan and Harper, but they won’t be there. Alex says that if Bray does not win, it won’t affect him as much as the other six men in the match.

In case you missed the announcement earlier, you didn’t have to watch Smackdown because we are getting a rematch of the four on three handicap match tonight on Raw.


We are in Washington, D.C. and your announcers are Michael ‘Bullets’ Cole, Jerry ‘Senators’ Lawler, and John ‘Capitals’ Layfield.

We start off the 1100th episode of Raw with one of the Principal Owners of WWE, Stephanie McMahon.

The title belts are now hanging above the ring, instead of the briefcase that was over the ring for the pre show.

Stephanie says that as principal owner of this billion dollar business, one thing she cannot tolerate is gross negligence. When someone cannot complete the most simple task . . . Vickie Guerrero cannot get her boss a simple cup of coffee. Therefore, Vickie Guerrero has to come out to face the consequences.

Vickie tells Stephanie it is so great to see that she is doing better. She always has the company’s best intentions in mind. She says that Roman Reigns put that stuff in her coffee.

Stephanie says that Roman Reigns was her biggest failure to date. Vickie was given simple instructions by her and her husband. Stephanie says that they told her not to let Roman Reigns in the Battle Royal. Now, Roman competed in and won the battle royal. Now, Roman is competing for the WWE Championship at the Money in the Bank Pay Per View. That means that Roman has a one in seven chance of winning the title. That is on Vickie.

Vickie says that it won’t happen again. She promises.

Stephanie tells Vickie she is damn right it won’t happen again. For nine years, you have been riding the coattails of your dead husband Eddie Guerrero. They felt pity for her. They could not make her a Diva, so they made her a General Manager and she couldn’t do that right.

Before Stephanie can utter those two words, Vickie tells Stephanie that she will do anything, even beg.

The crowd chants ‘No’ and Stephanie likes the idea of begging. Stephanie yells at Vickie to beg more and then she calls Vickie pathetic. Stephanie says that Vickie is like a cockroach or a Twinkie. She gives Vickie two options. She can be fired or be the General Manager of Smackdown . . . if she can win her match tonight.

Vickie says that she is not a competitor so Stephanie asks if that is her resignation. Vickie asks who her opponent is. Stephanie says that Vickie’s opponent is Stephanie McMahon.

Vickie says that there is one name that people respect more than McMahon is Guerrero. Eddie taught her how to lie, cheat, and steal so she accepts. Vickie gives an emphatic “EXCUSE ME” and then she leaves the ring.

Michael mentions Triple H’s confirmation of the announcement about the second ladder match.

Tonight, Triple H will announce the other five (according to the graphic) entrants in the match later tonight.

Jimmy Uso (with Jey Uso) vs Luke Harper (with Erick Rowan)

Harper with a drop kick followed by a chop. Harper with a European uppercut and Jimmy with a punch. Harper with a punch of his own. Jimmy with a kick and then he hits a dragon whip but Harper with a running back elbow. Jimmy with a super kick for a near fall. Rowan tries to interfere with Jimmy but Jey takes care of him. Jimmy runs into a discus clothesline for the three count.

Winner: Luke Harper

After the match:
Jey gets on the mic and he wants to know where Rowan is going because they have just started getting Uso crazy. He wants to kick Rowan’s ass all over the Nation’s Capital. Jey with a plancha onto Harper and Rowan.

Erick Rowan (with Luke Harper) vs Jey Uso (with Jimmy Uso)

The match is joined in progress and Jey with elbows but Rowan runs into boots. Rowan catches Jey off the turnbuckles and hits a fallaway slam. Rowan gets a near fall. Rowan with a head butt and then he chokes Uso in the ropes. Rowan drops Uso on the top rope and gets a near fall. Rowan puts Uso on the turnbuckles and then he punches Uso. Rowan misses a shoulder in the corner and he hits the ring post.

Jey with a super kick to the head and Jimmy with a cross body off the steps onto Harper. Jey with a superfly splash for the three count.

Winner: Jey Uso

After the match:
Harper tries to pull Jimmy out of the ring but Jey with a pescado. Rowan attacks Jimmy and sends him to the floor. Rowan punches Jey and Harper pulls Rowan out of the corner and he Irish whips Rowan into the corner and he splashes Jey. Harper with a splash of his own. Rowan sends Jimmy into the ring steps and then Rowan picks up Jimmy for Harper to hit a lariat.

Harper and Rowan pick up the title belts and hold them.

Bray appears on the TitanTron. He says that he is so very very proud of them. A leader that does not glorify the triumphs of his family is no leader at all. They look down on creation at the fallen bodies of his victims. You will see him climb that ladder. His victory will bring a glorious new era. The Eater of Worlds will be declared the champion of all of the souls he passed on his way to the top.

His brothers will prove their eagerness when they destroy all of the little creatures. They will act like giants as they spread their message.

Follow the Buzzards.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Daniel Bryan will appear on the Money in the Bank Kickoff Show.

It is time to take a look at Lana and Rusev’s tour of Washington D.C., complete with their music. Lana says that they came to Washington D.C. to see why you care. They stand in front of the Capitol. She says that they make laws in there that make this country the laughing stock of the world. We see the White House, where the leader of your country makes decisions that make your country weaker.

That is why the Kremlin and Russian Federation is superior. Your treasured landmarks are pathetic. Your government is pathetic. Your country is pathetic. She tells everyone to wake up. She says that there is only one decision. You need to bow down to the superior leader, Vladimir Putin. There is no one who can stop the Revolution of Rusev.

Rusev tells America, Rusev Crush.

Paige makes her way to the ring to join the commentary for the next match.

Alicia Fox vs Naomi (with Cameron)

Alicia does a cat pose while Cameron joins the commentary as well. Naomi with a waist lock. Naomi with a sunset flip for a near fall. Naomi with an arm drag followed by a drop kick. Naomi sets for the Rear View but Alicia holds on to the ropes. Naomi with a snap mare. Alicia with a wrist lock but Naomi with a flip clothesline and head scissors that sends Alicia to the floor.

Naomi with forearms to Alicia and then she sends Alicia into the apron. Alicia pulls Naomi off the apron. Alicia kicks Naomi and sends her into the ring. Alicia with a forearm followed by a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Naomi slaps Alicia after Alicia talks trash. Alicia with elbows to Naomi followed by a Northern Lights suplex and Alicia gets a near fall.

Alicia slams Naomi’s head into the mat. Alicia kicks Naomi and chokes her in the ropes. Alicia with a forearm to the back and then she throws Naomi through the ropes to the floor while Alicia poses on the turnbuckles.

Alicia tries for a tilt-a-whirl back breaker but Naomi counters with an inverted DDT and the three count.

Winner: Naomi

After the match:
Paige gets on the apron and holds the title belt in front of Naomi. She offers her hand and Naomi shakes it. Paige asks Naomi if she wants it and Naomi nods her head.

Sheamus is in the locker room getting ready for the tag match and Roman Reigns is in there too. Sheamus asks if he is ready for a fight. He says that he is talking about the four on three match. Roman says that they need more people. Sheamus says that he has some doubt in his mind when Roman and his wee friends were beating everyone up.

Roman says that if he wanted to take him out, he would do it right now.

Sheamus says that it will be fun tagging tonight, but on Sunday it will be magical when he walks out as the new WWE Champion.

Roman says that he doesn’t believe in magic, he believes in Roman Reigns . . . and so should you.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Adam Rose beating Titus O’Neil twice on Smackdown.

Before the match, Bo tells Titus that he fell off his horse on Smackdown. That did not stop him. He got back on. . . and fell off again. He proved to everyone that winning isn’t everything. Tonight, he will prove that all he has to do is . . . BOLIEVE.

Titus O’Neil vs Bo Dallas

Bo with a waist lock and drop kick but Titus stays on his feet. Titus catches Bo and hits two back breakers and he throws Bo to the side. Titus barks and then he brings Bo back into the ring with a biel. Titus with forearms and punches. Titus with an Irish whip but Bo moves when Titus charges into the corner and Bo hits the BoDog for the three count.

Winner: Bo Dallas

After the match:
Bo does his victory lap. Bo returns to the ring and he takes the mic. Bo calls Titus ‘buddy’ and says that he is Nine and Bo. Titus slaps the mic away but Bo calls himself Mr. Butterfingers. He tells Titus to get back on that horse and he thanks everyone in the crowd. He tells Titus ‘Don’t stop BOLIEVING’.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Triple H makes his way to the ring.

Hunter says that he can come to Washington where people make decisions that make this country worse, but he is the bad guy. Hunter says that all he does is what is best for business. That is not some empty catchphrase, it is the root of everything that he does. Not only will there be a Championship Ladder match on Sunday, there will be a traditional Money in the Bank Contract Ladder Match. We see the briefcase back above the ring. The owner of that briefcase will get a chance to earn a WWE Title Match over the next year. It virtually guarantees the winner of the case, the opportunity to write their own future.

Hunter reminds us that on Wednesday he said that Seth Rollins was the first entrant (even though Seth made the announcement on Tuesday). Hunter says that everyone is in the match because it is best for business.

The first person is Kofi Kingston. The second person is Jack Swagger. The third entrant is Dolph Ziggler. The fourth person is Rob Van Dam. The final person to enter the match is Wade Barrett.

Hunter says that any man in the match is considered the favorite, but Hunter says that he believes that there is only one man who he thinks will win the match. That man is Rob Van . . . Hunter laughs and then he says that he knows that this man will win the match. He is a ring general and the future of the business . . . Seth Rollins.

Seth is surprised that they are not over it because it has been three weeks. Have you really not moved on? Seth says that he is over it and he has moved on. If you love Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns as much as you do, you should be thanking him because he is responsible for their success.

Seth says that he took the Shield as high as they could and then he dropped the dead weight. You can call him a sell out all you want. Roman can growl all he wants and Dean can get all twitchy. Seth says that he created and build the Shield. The Shield got him this far. On Sunday, him and him alone will climb the ladder and grab the contract. You can call him a sellout, but on Sunday, you will have to call him Mr. Money in the Bank.

Rob Van Dam’s music plays and he comes out. He says that it seems like they don’t take him seriously.

Seth says that he takes him seriously, but would take him more seriously if it was 2005.

Rob says that was when Seth would have to ask his parents to stay up to watch Rob because he wanted to be a wrestler.

Rob says that he was a former Money in the Bank winner and a former WWE Champion. Rob says that Hunter totally remembers when Rob crushed his trachea at the first Elimination Chamber match. It is lame to brag about the past. Let’s live in the present because we have this pay per view on Sunday. Why not beat Hunter’s new golden boy right now.

Hunter says that is a great idea and we have a match.

Rob Van Dam vs Seth Rollins

Rollins with kicks but Van Dam with an Irish whip and kick in the corner. Van Dam with an Irish whip and monkey flip. Van Dam with a running heel kick into the corner and then he clotheslines Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Van Dam with a pescado onto Rollins. Van Dam with a moonsault from the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins chokes Van Dam in the ropes. Rollins with a suplex and he rolls through into a second one. Rollins sets for a third and he hits it and gets a near fall. Rollins with a rear chin lock. Van Dam with a kick but he misses a spinning heel kick and Rollins with a wraparound clothesline for a near fall. Rollins kicks Van Dam.

Rollins with a running forearm into the corner followed by a clothesline. Rollins gets a near fall. Rollins with a reverse chin lock. Van Dam has a kick blocked but he gets a near fall with a body scissors rollup. Van Dam with clotheslines and a thrust kick. Van Dam blocks a kick and he hits a spin kick followed by Rolling Thunder. Van Dam goes up top but Rollins stops him. Van Dam goes to the apron and he hits a slingshot DDT. Van Dam goes up and misses the Five Star Frog Splash.

Rollins with crossfaces to Van Dam and then he hits the Buckle Bomb followed by Black Out for the cover but Dean Ambrose attacks Rollins and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Seth Rollins (by disqualification)

After the match:
Ambrose sends Rollins into the Roberts Box and then he continues to attack Rollins until the officials separate him. Ambrose appears to go out of the arena, but he runs back in and leaps off the announce table and hits a clothesline onto Rollins.

Rollins scurries to the back.

Dean says that you might as well put him in the ladder match. He will still show up in Boston and he will bash in Seth Rollins’ face. He will grab the briefcase and he will screw up the whole pay per view.

We see Vickie Guerrero stretching in the back for her match for her career.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened at the end of the Rollins/Van Dam match.

Hunter is with Seth Rollins and Seth says that he doesn’t want Dean Ambrose to screw things up for him. He wants Dean Ambrose put into the ladder match. He says that it sounds crazy, but he controlled Dean Ambrose for two years. He is a ring general and he needs to have Dean Ambrose in his sights at all time. He wants to see Dean Ambrose’s face when he is holding the briefcase.

Hunter says that it is on him if it blows up in his face.

Seth wants Dean and Hunter loves his confidence so Dean is in the match.

Wade Barrett says Dolph Ziggler experienced a miracle last week. He earned a fluke victory. Then Dolph’s ego went too high. Wade’s got some bad news. After he beats Dolph tonight and wins on Sunday, Dolph will be so embarrassed that he will have to change his name like your constantly losing, racist football team.

Intercontinental Title Match
Wade Barrett vs Dolph Ziggler

Barrett with a kick and forearm to the back. Barrett sends Ziggler into the corner and then he kicks Ziggler. Barrett puts Ziggler in the ropes and Barrett tries for the knees but Ziggler with punches and a rollup for a near fall. Ziggler with a drop kick for a near fall. Ziggler with punches. Ziggler with a kick but Barrett clotheslines Ziggler over the top rope to the floor.

Barrett slams Ziggler’s head into the apron. Barrett gets a near fall when they return to the ring. Barrett with a rear chin lock. Ziggler lands on his feet and he connects with an uppercut and then he hits a cross body and punches Barrett. Ziggler leaps into the corner and he punches Barrett. Ziggler follows with a neck breaker.

Ziggler goes for the Fameasser but Barrett moves and Wade hits the Blackpool Slam and gets a near fall. Barrett picks up Ziggler and sets for Wasteland but Ziggler escapes and he hits Zig Zag but Ziggler cannot take control and Barrett rolls to the floor and Ziggler realizes he lost a great opportunity to win the title.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are in the middle of the rapid fire elbow drops, ending with the delayed leaping elbow drop but Ziggler can only get a near fall. Barrett back drops Ziggler over the top rope to the floor. Barrett goes to the apron and he hits the Cactus Jack Elbow drop. Barrett gets a near fall when they return to the ring. Barrett with a reverse chin lock.

Ziggler tries to float over in the corner and Barrett with a kick to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Barrett goes up top and Ziggler leaps up and hits a Super X Factor. Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler with a punch and Barrett punches back. Barrett sends Ziggler to the mat and then Barrett sets for a power bomb, but Ziggler with punches. Barrett hits Wasteland but Ziggler kicks out. Barrett is not sure of what he has to do to win while Ziggler crawls to the ropes. Barrett sets for the Bullhammer but Ziggler moves. Ziggler with the Fameasser for a near fall.

Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag but Barrett holds on to the ropes. Barrett catches Ziggler but Ziggler with a crucifix cover for a near fall. Barrett with the BullHammer for the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

Vickie Guerrero is walking in the back and Renee Young wants to know how concerned Vickie is about having to face Stephanie McMahon. Vickie snaps at Renee but she says that he might not be the most liked in the back but she has been the most humiliated person in the history of the WWE. She is taking her dignity back. She has no regrets.

Randy Orton asks Vickie about no regrets. He says that Vickie will regret the decision she made last Monday night. She will get exactly what she deserves. Randy says that he will get what he deserves on Sunday. He says that it would be a lie if he says it was nice knowing you.

We go to commercial.

We rea back and we will have a six man tag match on Main Event: Rob Van Dam, Kofi Kingston, and Dolph Ziggler will face Seth Rollins, Wade Barrett, and Jack Swagger.

Stephanie says that Vickie is standing in the wrong place. It is not going to happen in the ring. It will happen in a pool of something that smells horrible. The first one into the pool loses the match. It is fitting that this will end her career because when she loses, she will be fired.

Vickie calls for some ladies to come out and ‘Get Her’. Layla, Rosa Mendes, and Alicia Fox make their way to the ring to get Vickie.

Vickie Guerrero (with Eddie Guerrero’s music) versus Stephanie McMahon in a Vickie’s Job on a Metaphorical Pole Match

Rosa, Layla, and Alicia enter the ring and Vickie goes to the floor and she goes up the ramp. Alicia, Layla, and Rosa grab Vickie and they have her by the pool. Vickie is able to escape and she sends Rosa into the muck. Layla is sent into the pool of muck. Alicia grabs Vickie but Vickie sends Alicia into the pool of stuff.

Vickie starts her own Yes Chant and then Stephanie hits Vickie from behind and pushes her into the pool and it appears that Vickie’s career has gone into the proverbial crapper.

Stephanie utters those words to Vickie and tells her that she is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFIRED.

Stephanie starts to sing, but she is standing between Vickie and the pool. Stephanie has too much fun and she realizes that she is in trouble. Stephanie tries to calm Vickie down but Vickie sends Stephanie into the pool of ooze.

Stephanie is being helped out of the vat of goo by a referee but Stephanie falls in and then she pulls the referee into the pool of poo.

We go to commercial

We are back and we see the progression of tag team partners for Goldust that ended with the debut of Stardust.

Byron Saxton is with Goldust in the locker room. Goldust is asked about Cody’s transformation. Goldust says that is not what he saw. He saw Stardust. Stardust enters and he sings When You Wish Upon a Star and he blows some glitter at the camera. Goldust says that now he is the normal one.

Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter are in the ring and Zeb wants everyone to rise up and say ‘We The People’.

Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

Kofi with kicks but Swagger with a waist lock. Kofi with kicks to Swagger followed by a back heel kick. Swagger with a shoulder tackle but Kofi with a back elbow. Swagger with a kick and he sends Kofi shoulder first into the turnbuckles. Swagger with knees and then he sends Kofi into the ring post followed by a clothesline for a near fall.

Swagger goes for the Swagger Bomb and he connects but only gets a two count. Swagger with a hip lock into an arm bar. Kofi gets to his feet and he hits a jawbreaker. Kofi with a pendulum kick and it staggers Swagger. Kofi with a cross body and then he clotheslines Swagger over the top rope. Kofi with a drop kick that sends Swagger to the floor again.

Kofi with a flip dive onto Swagger on the floor. Swagger catches Kofi on a cross body attempt. Kofi with a victory roll for a near fall. Swagger sends Kofi into the air and then he applies the ankle lock and Kofi rolls around and tries to get to the ropes but Swagger keeps Kofi in the hold and in the center of the ring and Kofi taps out.

Winner: Jack Swagger

We are told that Paige will defend the Divas Title against Naomi at Money in the Bank.

Renee Young is in the interview are with Alberto Del Rio. Renee is shocked at his presence but he says that he is the one who she should be talking to. Alberto is undefeated in Money in the Bank Ladder Matches and he is one of two who has successfully cashed in. He will be the next WWE Champion.

Paul Heyman and Cesaro enter and Paul says that he heard the number one. Paul reminds us that he is the one behind the one in Twenty One and One. He is also the one behind the one who will climb the ladder and retrieve the titles to become the new WWE Champion. That is not you, Mr. Del Rio, that is Cesaro.

Del Rio asks if Cesaro ever talks or is he Paul’s little puppet.

Cesaro says that he would talk to Del Rio but he speaks five languages and none of them are loser. They face off momentarily, but what will happen when they are part of a tag team tonight?

We go to commercial.

We are back and on Smackdown, Sheamus will face Bray Wyatt.

Damien Sandow is in the ring and he is dressed like a politician. He reads his own Gettysburg Address. He asks if everyone is happy. Damien says that he is Honest Abe. To be honest, he would rather spend another night at Ford’s Theater than let the simpletons dictate what he does.

Big E interrupts.

Big E vs Damien Sandow

They lock up and Sandow wrestles in his full garb. Sandow with punches and kicks. Sandow with more punches to Big E and then he runs into a clothesline or two. Sandow misses a clothesline and Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex. The straps come down and Big E with the Big Ending for the three count.

Winner: Big E

Tom Phillips interviews Big E but Big E interrupts and he says that we saw Lana and Rusev denigrate and mock everything that this country stands for. He says enough is enough. This is our country. This is our America. A land of the free. He says that we will not stop.

Lana’s music plays and she calls Big E a foolish American. She says that the Rise comes before the fall. Rusev hits Big E from behind and hits a Fallaway Slam. Rusev with a leaping thrust kick. Rusev stomps on the back and he applies the Accolade.

The fans chant USA but Rusev continues with the Accolade until he is done humiliating Big E.

We go to commercial.

We go to commercial.

Renee Young is in the interview area with John Cena. John says on Sunday you will hear someone say we have a new WWE World Champion. All that means tonight is that the people he fights with tonight are his enemy. Never before have so many people been put in a ladder match to become the WWE World Champion. Careers will be put on the line. There is one guarantee. We will see a new WWE Champion. The time for talk is over and it is time to pick em. Which one of the Magnificent Seven walks into Boston a Superstar and who walks out as a champion.

Boston is the home of the Green Monster, the color of money and his money is on himself because the Champ is Here.

John Cena, Roman Reigns, and Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio, Randy Orton, Cesaro, and Bray Wyatt

Cena and Orton start things off and they lock up. Orton with a side head lock. Orton with a shoulder tackle. Orton gets distracted by fans and Cena with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Sheamus tags in and he punches Orton and sends him into the turnbuckles before punching Sheamus. Sheamus tags Cena back in and he punches Orton. Orton with a kick and Cena goes to the apron. Del Rio tags in. Del Rio with a kick to the leg followed by a punch to Cena.

Cena with an Irish whip and bulldog. Cesaro tags in and we have a test of strength. Cesaro with the advantage as he takes Cena to his knees. Cena gets back to his feet and Cena with a kick to the knee. Cena tries for a leap frog but Cesaro with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Wyatt tags in and he kicks Cena. Wyatt with a front face lock followed by a suplex throw and then he gets a near fall.

Wyatt kicks Cena in the ribs. Wyatt dances Cena around the ring and then he hits a uranage for a near fall. Wyatt with a nerve hold on Cena. Wyatt with a back senton as we go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio with a reverse chin lock on Cena. Cena escapes the hold but Del Rio with a kick and DDT for a near fall. Cesaro tags himself in and he kicks Cena. Cesaro teases a Giant Swing, but instead he applies a Boston Crab because the pay per view is in Boston. Cena crawls to his corner but Cesaro pulls Cena into the center of the ring. Cena tries for an STF but Cesaro kicks him away. Cesaro sets for the Neutralizer but Cena with a back body drop.

Cena tags in Reigns and he clotheslines Del Rio. He knocks Orton off the apron. Reigns with a flying clothesline to Del Rio. Reigns with a running clothesline into the corner followed by an uppercut. Reigns sends Orton into the announce table and then he hits the broad jump drop kick on Del Rio. Reigns sets for the Superman Punch on Del Rio but he hits Cesaro and Orton instead. Del Rio with a lungblower for a near fall.

Wyatt tags himself in and Del Rio complains to Wyatt. Wyatt with a cross body for a near fall. Wyatt kicks Reigns and Cesaro tags himself in and he kicks Reigns. Cesaro with a deadlift side salto for a near fall. Cesaro punches Reigns and Orton tags himself in.

Orton kicks Reigns and he hits suplexes Reigns for a near fall. Orton with a reverse chin lock. Reigns with elbows and a head butt. Orton sends Reigns to the mat. Orton with a boot to the abdomen and Del Rio tags in. Del Rio with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.

Del Rio chokes Reigns in the ropes and Wyatt tags himself in. Wyatt with punches in the corner and Wyatt goes for a splash but Reigns comes out of the corner with a Superman punch and both men are down.

Cesaro tags in and so does Sheamus. Sheamus with two running double sledges followed by a shoulder in the corner and a knee lift. Sheamus with the forearms to the chest as he points at Paul. Sheamus gets Cesaro on his shoulders but Cesaro escapes. Sheamus with a power slam. Orton with a back breaker to Sheamus.

Cena with an Attitude Adjustment to Orton. Del Rio with a super kick and Cena with an Attitiude Adjustment to Del Rio. Cesaro with an elevated uppercut to Cena but Sheamus with a Brogue Kick for the three count.

Winners: Roman Reigns, John Cena, and Sheamus

After the match:
Kane’s pyro goes off and he comes to the ring. Kane sends Reigns into the ringside barrier. Del Rio with an enzuigiri to Sheamus. Kane gives Del Rio and Sheamus choke slams. Kane choke slams Cena.

Triple H’s music plays and he comes out to the stage. He introduces the eighth participant in the WWE Title Ladder Match . . . Kane.

Kane shoots off his pyro in the ring posts, but Reigns with a spear to Kane.

We go to credits.