View Full Version : Main Event Results / Report - 24th May, 2014

06-30-2014, 06:58 AM
We are in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and your announcers are Byron ‘Noll’ Saxton and Tom ‘Nelson’ Phillips.

We are told that Renee Young will be interviewing Roman Reigns later tonight on the show.

Dolph Ziggler is in the ring with a ladder as the briefcase hangs above the ring. Dolph looks at the briefcase and he says that climbing this ladder and reaching up and grabbing that prize is a symbol. It is a symbol you’ve made it. It means that you’ve gone for it, you’ve climbed to the top, and you’ve grabbed it. Your life changes in an instant. He says that he knows.

Two years ago, it was him. He climbed this ladder and grabbed that contract. It was the greatest moment of his career. Dolph thinks about it for a moment and he says that most importantly, claiming that prize sent him on a path and you know where that led to. He cashed in the night after Wrestlemania and pinned Alberto Del Rio to become the World Champion.

Dolph says that because of you, it was the greatest moment of his life. Somehow, some way, lightning is going to strike twice. This Sunday, at Money in the Bank, one more time, he climbs this ladder and he reaches up and grabs that contract. This Sunday, it’s not about stealing the show . . . it’s about taking what’s mine.

Rob Van Dam’s music plays and he comes out for our first match.

Match Number One: Dolph Ziggler, Rob Van Dam, and Kofi Kingston versus Seth Rollins, Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter), and Wade Barrett

Swagger and Kofi start things off and Kofi with a waist lock and Swagger with a standing switch. Kofi with a standing switch and Swagger with elbows and punches. Swagger with an Irish whip but Kofi with a monkey flip and a running kick to the chest. Ziggler tags in and he hits an elbow drop for a near fall. Ziggler with a drop kick for a near fall. Barrett tags in and he punches Ziggler.

Barrett with a suplex and he floats over for a near fall. Barrett with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Barrett goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Ziggler lands on his feet and he tags in Van Dam. Van Dam with clotheslines followed by a kick and jumping back kick followed by a splash for a near fall. Van Dam with a thrust kick and he knocks Rollins of the apron.

Swagger is kicked off the apron by Van Dam from the turnbuckles, but Barrett pulls Van Dam off the turnbuckles and to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins with a suplex to Van Dam and he holds on for two more suplexes and he gets a near fall. Rollins keeps Van Dam from making the tag by manipulating the wrist and Swagger tags in and he punches Van Dam. Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall followed by a Swagger Bomb and he gets a near fall. Swagger with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Van Dam with a kick but Swagger stops Van Dam from making the tag and Barrett tags in. Wade with a kick and neck breaker for a near fall. Barrett kicks Van Dam in the corner. Barrett puts Van Dam in the ropes and he connects with knees and he follows with a boot to the chest for a near fall.

Swagger tags in and he kicks Van Dam. Swagger with a front face lock but Van Dam tries to power his way to his corner. Swagger tries to send Van Dam into the turnbuckles but Van Dam blocks it and he hits a kick to the head followed by a springboard side kick and both men are down.

Rollins and Kofi tag in and Kofi with a springboard chop. Kofi avoids a splash into the corner and then he hits a few chops followed by a drop kick and a leaping clothesline. Kofi with the Boom Drop and then he sets for Trouble in Paradise but Rollins moves out of the way and he connects with an elbow. Kofi blocks a flatline into the corner and then he goes for a springboard cross body but Rollins moves.

Kofi hits SOS but everyone breaks up the cover. Everyone who is not legal is sent out of the ring and Kofi with a rana followed by a rollup for a few near falls. Rollins with Black Out for the three count.

Winners; Seth Rollins, Jack Swagger, and Wade Barrett

After the match, Swagger with a boot to Ziggler and then he throws Kofi to the floor. Swagger applies the ankle lock to Ziggler. Barrett grabs a ladder and he hits Van Dam with it. Ziggler escapes the ankle lock but Barrett hits Ziggler and knocks him out of the ring. Barrett hits Swagger with the ladder and then he hits Swagger with the BullHammer.

We take a look at what happened on Friday night between Layla El, Summer Rae, and Fandango.

Fandango tries to talk to Layla but Layla wants to know if Summer is around. Fandango says that he has something for her and he gives her a rose. Fandango says that he would never betray her. He tells Layla that she is the only one who has danced into his heart. She will always be his one and only dance partner. Fandango kisses Layla and we go to commercial.

We are back and we are reminded that Daniel Bryan will be on the Kickoff Show.

We take a look back at Vickie Guerrero’s last night on Raw.

Match Number Two: Fandango (with Layla El) versus Bo Dallas

The bell rings and Summer makes her way to the ring and she kisses Fandango but Summer is attacked by Layla. Fandango tries to break it up and they knock Fandango down while Layla continues to pummel Summer.

They make their way to the floor and officials have to separate them. Fandango watches on the floor while the women are sent to the back. Summer and Layla fight up the ramp and to the back. Fandango gets back into the ring and Bo hits the BoDog for the three count.

Winner: Bo Dallas

After the match, Bo does his victory laps.

Bo says Women, they are mysterious creatures. They will figure it out because all they have to do is BOLIEVE.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: R Truth and Xavier Woods versus Curtis Axel and Ryback

Ryback and Truth start off and they lock up. Ryback backs Truth into the corner and he misses a punch. Truth dances around and he wants to know ‘What’s Up’. Truth with a side head lock and Woods tags in and hits a cross body off the top. Woods with chops to Ryback but Ryback pushes Woods off the ropes. Woods with a back heel kick and a kick to the chest. Woods is sent to the apron by Ryback and Woods goes for a slingshot move but Ryback catches him and hits a power slam for a near fall.

Ryback with a suplex and he knees Woods in the back. Axel tags in and he kicks Woods and walks across his chest. Woods with punches but Axel with a knee. Axel with a snap mare and a leap frog neck snap. Axel with a running knee to the head and he gets a near fall. Axel with a knee to the back and then he works on the neck.

Axel with a rear chin lock for a near fall. Woods with punches but Axel sends Woods to the mat and he tags Ryback back into the match. Ryback sends Woods into the turnbuckles and he chops Woods. Ryback with another chop and he Irish whips Woods into the turnbuckles and Woods goes down and Ryback covers Woods but the referee was busy dealing with Truth.

Ryback with a reverse chin lock. Ryback gets another near fall. Ryback returns to the reverse chin lock. Woods gets to his feet and Ryback blocks a kick and he pushes Woods to the mat. Woods kicks Ryback away and Axel tags in and he keeps Woods from making the tag momentarily but Truth is able to tag in.

Truth with punches to Axel followed by a kick and suplex into a stunner for a near fall. Truth with a splash into the corner and he hits a DDT for a near fall. Ryback breaks up the cover and Woods goes after Ryback but Ryback sends Woods to the floor. Truth misses a splash into the corner and Axel hits the Perfect Driver for the three count.

Winners: Curtis Axel and Ryback

After the match, Ryback gets on the mic and he tells Goldust and Stardust that they caught them off guard last week and got the biggest fluke of all flukes. He says that they are challenging the two painted hermaphrodites to a match at Money in the Bank.

Axel calls them cowards and he says that when they are done, they will be Dust . . . in the wind.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Renee Young is in the ring and she brings out Roman Reigns.

Renee points out that someone will grab a piece of history and become the new WWE Champion. Roman says that he is a wanted man in these parts. The Authority has a huge bullseye and it feels like it is a trap. He says that Renee should take off her heels so in case something happens, she can get out of the ring.

Roman says that he does not care who is in the match on Sunday. When he was with the Shield, they ran this yard. Nothing changes. He still runs this yard. When he wins the WWE Championship, he takes his rightful place at the head of the table.

Renee says that Roman overlooked Randy Orton. Roman says that Randy is the most pampered spoiled little brat this company has ever seen. Everyone has been watching his back for years. Evolution, the Shield, and now the Authority. He is not here to hold his hand or wipe his ass. He is here to kick his ass.

Renee asks Roman about Kane. Roman says that they say Kane is a demon and that everyone is afraid of him. Roman asks Renee if he looks like everyone. He assesses and he attacks. He is ready to attack. Roman repeats Assess and Attack.

Triple H appears on the TitanTron and he says that Roman assesses and he attacks. That is awesome. It sounds like he wants everyone to believe in Roman Reigns. Hunter says that he knows a man who believes in nothing. You will get a chance to know him real well. Roman will face that man on Friday. Roman will face Kane.

Hunter tells Roman to trust him. He believes in nothing and maybe, just maybe, you should get to know him right now.

Kane’s pyro goes off and Reigns is a psychic because Renee needs to get out of the ring as Kane makes his way to the ring.

Kane climbs into the ring and he stands on the apron before entering the ring. Kane punches Reigns and Reigns punches back. Kane grabs Reigns by the throat but Reigns escapes and he punches Kane and clotheslines him over the top rope.

Kane goes to the floor and then he drops his arms to signal the pyro.

We go to credits.