View Full Version : WWE teasing former champion to return to RAW tonight

06-30-2014, 10:42 PM
WWE began teasing that a "former WWE champion" would be returning tonight on Raw.

Based on the tease that the "cross-platform entertainer who has found numerous successes outside of the squared circle", that could be written for anyone who has held the belt.

It should be noted that Steve Austin, Mick Foley and Chris Jericho are all in the Northeast right now, plus Miz is waiting to make his official return to WWE TV, so we will see.

Big Evil
06-30-2014, 10:50 PM
I would LOVE to see Austin return to a WWE ring, although I'm not sure for what purpose. Seems like Jericho could be more likely, as he has made a tendency of doing short runs with the WWE for a number of years now.

06-30-2014, 10:57 PM
I wonder if Austin has one more match in him, a question for the ages and imagine the hype that would bring. It would have to be a major vent like Summerslam or more likely Wrestlemania.

I do not think Foley will be turning up since the announcers are not even allowed to mention his name on TV anymore. They did not even mention that his kids were at the PPV.

Big Evil
06-30-2014, 11:07 PM
Yeah but honestly, what would be the point of saying some guys' kids were at the show? No offense to the Hardcore Legend, just don't see the point. Quite honestly, Austin has said that his neck is fused, there isn't a huge risk there anymore. He has stayed in shape somewhat to film movies and he has stayed physical doing most of his own stunts. It is a possibility, maybe it would mean more if Punk were around for them to capitalize on the animosity there. I don't know, but Brock Lesnar is still on my mind. Perhaps he will show up and Lesnar vs Cena for the title will happen.

06-30-2014, 11:31 PM
I do not care who Austin takes on but I would have liked to see Punk and him in the ring. If he does return it would have to be on his terms and I wonder what Vince would say about that.

Austin has his new TV show doesn't he now, maybe he might come back to promote it like Rock did for his movie. (Don't say he didn't :shifty: lol)