View Full Version : Off air notes from RAW - No fark maych and special olympics; Superstars Results

07-01-2014, 03:59 PM
Mike sent this report.

Before Raw, they taped Superstars.

Alberto Del Rio beat R-Truth.

Big E beat Titus O'Neil.

After Raw ended, Kane went after John Cena and tried to chokeslam him but Cena reversed into an Attitude Adjustment and laid Kane out to end the show. That was it.

Brian sent this report.

I was able to attend Raw as well as a special event before Raw started and thought I would pass along some information.

The WWE and a few businesses that sponsor the Special Olympics had a special meet and great at a luxury suite. The company my brother works for was one of the sponsors and I was fortunate enough to attend. They had some Divas and Superstars visit. They were Emma, Eva Marie and I believe Cameron as well as Kofi Kingston and Santino Marella. They took pictures and signed autographs for anyone that wanted them. After they left, Stephanie McMahon showed up. She was an absolute class act, extremely nice and was eager to take pictures with anyone. If that wasn't enough, she was asking the parents and volunteers about how each of the Special Olympians were doing by name. Even the Special Olympians that weren't there. No words can describe how gracious she was.

Whether you agree or disagree with the product they put out, the WWE should be commended for the great work that they do outside the ring.
