View Full Version : Triple H discuuses why Reigns offered title shot and more

07-02-2014, 10:15 PM
Triple H was interviewed by Michael Cole today in his normal Wednesday interview on the WWE website to further storylines.

Regarding the logic-stretching announcement to grant Roman Reigns, who HHH has feuded with and is at odds with, a WWE World Heavyweight championship match at the 7/20 Battleground PPV, Triple H pointed out the reactions Reigns gets from the WWE audience and noted that putting him there was "best for business."

HHH then noted that John Cena knows how hard it would be to beat Reigns and also how popular Reigns is, so the implication was that Reigns was put there to make it even harder for Cena to retain the title. So, Reigns is basically the lesser of two evils in the eyes of Triple H's character.

In other storyline-related notes, Triple H commented on Bray Wyatt attacking Chris Jericho and noted, "Who knows why Bray does what he does?"

On helping Seth Rollins try to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase, Triple H asked, "What is the point of having" MITB if someone doesn't try to cash in. He pointed to the reaction of the audience when Rollins tried to cash in and said WWE is all about emotion and moments like that.

On Dean Ambrose promising to haunt Rollins, Triple H commented that if Ambrose continues to stick his nose in something that has nothing to do with him, Rollins will be the TNT that blows up on Ambrose.

Triple H also noted that he always has a "Plan B" and that he could strike with it at any time, even on WWE Main Event.