View Full Version : ROH TV Report - 5th Jul, 2014

07-06-2014, 07:03 PM
In the aftermath of Best in the World, Ring of Honor wants to show highlights from War of the Worlds from New York City.

Your announcers are Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino.

Jay says that he is liking the partnership with New Japan. The belt says Ring of Honor Television Champion and he is giving KUSHIDA a favor by giving him a title match. Jay says that he is expecting a bigger favor when they go to Japan.

Truth says that he has made some bad choices in his life, like working with Michael Elgin and Matt Taven. He didn’t find Jay and Jay didn’t find him. They found each other. If war is what you want, you are going against one of the greatest stars in Ring of Honor history.

Ring of Honor Television Title
Jay Lethal (with Truth Martini) vs KUSHIDA

They lock up and Kushida with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Lethal with a hip toss and cartwheel but Kushida moves before Lethal can hit the drop kick. Kushida with a knee and snap mare followed by a cartwheel and Lethal moves. Kushida goes for a handspring move off the ropes but Lethal moves. Lethal does the same and Kushida moves. Kushida with a round kick attempt but Lethal moves and Lethal goes to the floor to regroup.

Lethal returns to the ring and they lock up. Lethal with a knee and kicks to Kushida. Lethal with a springboard drop kick that knocks Kushida off the apron. Kushida with a drop kick and Lethal goes to the floor. Kushida teases a plancha but Lethal moves out of the way and Kushida stays in the ring.

Kushida goes to the floor and he chases Truth around the ring. Lethal hits a suicide dive and then he hits a second one. Lethal sets for the third one and he remembers that he is a heel so he flips off the crowd and gives Kushida a baseball slide.

Lethal slams Kushida’s head into the apron and then he returns to the ring to break the count. Lethal sends Kushida back into the ring and Kushida with a forearm. Kushida with a knee and Irish whip. Kushida is crotched on the top rope and then his leg is caught in the ropes and Lethal poses for a photo for Truth Martini.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kushida with a backbreaker and then he goes up top and tries for a moonsault but Lethal gets his knees up and Lethal with an inside cradle for a near fall. Lethal sets for the Lethal Combination but Kushda with elbows and arm drag. Lethal with a back heel kick and then he tries for the Lethal Injection but Kushida with a drop kick and Lethal goes to the floor.

Kushida goes up to the turnbuckles and he hits a senton onto Lethal. Lethal gets back onto the apron and Kushida with a drop kick and tornado DDT but Martini pulls the referee out of the ring and the referee sends Truth to the back. Kushida with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Kushida goes up top and hits a double sledge to the head. Lethal with a waist lock and Kushida with an elbow and standing switch. Lethal with a standing switch of his own and he hits the Lethal Combination but can only get a two count.

Lethal goes up top for the elbow drop but Kushida recovers and he punches Lethal and then Kushida climbs the turnbuckles. Lethal pushes Kushida off but Kushida with a handspring into the corner that stops Lethal. Kushida climbs the turnbuckles again and hits a super rana but Lethal kicks out.

Lethal and Kushida exchange forearms and Kushida with the advantage. Lethal with a kick but Kushida with a roaring elbow. Lethal with an enzuigiri. Lethal with chops. Kushida sets for a handspring move but Lethal moves out of the way. Lethal with a super kick and then he hits the Lethal Injection for the three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal

We go to commercial.

Alex Koslov, Rocky Romero, and Takaaki Watanabe vs ACH, Tommaso Ciampa, and Matt Taven

The match is joined in progress and Taven is tagged in and Koslov retreats to his corner. Romero tags in and they lock up. Taven with a wrist lock and Romero with a drop kick. Romero kicks Taven and Taven with an Irish whip. Taven with a kick and drop kick for a near fall. Romero with a chop to Taven followed by an Irish whip and enzuigiri for a near fall. Taven with a wrist lock and ACH tags in.

ACH with an elbow from the turnbuckles and he continues to work on the wrist. Watanabe tags in and connects with a shoulder tackle. ACH with a drop kick and Watanabe goes to the floor. ACH with a drop kick to Romero and then to Koslov. Watanabe trips ACH to prevent him from hitting a dive onto Koslov and Romero. Romero attacks Ciampa on the apron and he pulls him to the floor. Romero and Koslov work over Taven while Watanabe covers ACH.

Romero tags in and he kicks ACH and slams him. Koslov tags in and hits a slingshot splash for a near fall. Koslov with a suplex and then he puts on his hat to hit a series of Kossack kicks and then he hits a double stomp. Watanabe tags in and he slams ACH and gets a near fall. Romero tags in and he punches ACH. Romero sends ACH into the turnbuckles followed by an Irish whip and then he sets for a clothesline in the corner and he hits a series of running clotheslines into the corner, but ACH stops Romero and hits a flatline into the turnbuckles.

Ciampa tags in and he connects with clotheslines. Ciampa kicks Koslov and then he knocks Watanabe to the floor. Ciampa with a German suplex to Koslov and then he runs into a boot from Romero. Ciampa pulls Romero off the turnbuckles and Ciampa with the running knee to the head. Ciampa hits a second knee. Koslov with an elbow to stop Ciampa. Ciampa catches Koslov and hits an Air Raid Crash for a near fall.

Taven tags in and he misses a spinning heel kick. Koslov with a jumping spin kick to the head and Romero knocks Ciampa and ACH off the apron. Watanabe with an Irish whip to Taven and Watanabe with a back elbow and then Romero with one and then Koslov runs Romero knee first into Taven. Watanabe with an uppercut followed by a roaring elbow and Saito suplex for a near fall.

All six men are in the ring and Romero with slaps to ACH followed by an enzuigiri. Ciampa with a knee to Romero. Ciampa with a clothesline to Koslov. Watanabe with a bicycle kick to Ciampa. ACH goes to the apron when Watanabe charges into the corner. ACH with a double stomp to Watanabe’s back.

ACH with a springboard flip dive onto everyone else, including one of his partners. Taven with a kick to Watanabe but Watanabe with a knee. Taven with Climax for the three count.

Winners: Tommaso Ciampa, ACH, and Matt Taven

We go to commercial.

We are back with comments from Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly about Ring of Honor bringing in foreign teams to do what no one else can do. Bobby wants to know if anyone checked the Young Bucks’ work visa. Kyle does not believe that Matt’s hand was ever broken. Matt crossed the line when he cracked him in the skull. Kyle says that when they exact their revenge, reDRagon proves to everyone that they always reign supreme. Bobby says that the Young Bucks will be where they don’t want to be, across the ring from the best team in the world.

ROH Tag Team Title Match
Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly (with Tom Lawlor) vs Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson

Nick and Matt kick the ropes as Lawlor leaves the ring and Tom may have hurt his ding ding. They send Fish flying over the top rope. Matt and Nick with a double back elbow to Kyle and then Matt holds Kyle for a back heel kick from Nick. Nick with a gutbuster followed by a swinging neck breaker from Matt.

Nick with a kick to Fish and they send Fish into the corner with Kyle. Nick with a handspring into the corner and then he gives Fish a back rake. Matt joins in for a double back rake to Kyle. Bobby and Kyle go to the floor. They are knocked off the apron and then Matt with a baseball slide followed by a corkscrew plancha from Nick. Matt goes up top and Lawlor get son the apron to shake the ropes and crotch Matt. Kyle gets a near fall on Matt. Bobby tags in and he punches Matt as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kyle runs into a boot and elbow from Matt in the corner. Fish tries to interfere but he is sent over the top rope to the floor. Nick kicks Fish from the apron and Lawlor pulls Nick off the apron and Matt cannot make the tag. Kyle with a running forearm followed by a Regalplex for a near fall. Fish and O’Reilly double team Matt and Matt sends Fish over the top rope to the floor and then Matt with a modified Diamond Dust to Kyle.

Nick makes the tag and so does Fish. Nick with clotheslines and then he hits a springboard drop kick to Kyle. Fish with a kick but Nick with a back elbow. Fish sends Nick to the apron and Nick with an enzuigiri from the apron and then he hits a DDT from the apron on Kyle. Nick with a shoulder and then he hits a slingshot X Factor for a near fall.

Nick with a punch and then he ducks and Fish goes over the top rope to the floor when he charges at Nick. Nick misses a moonsault from the apron but he lands on his feet. Fish runs Nick into the guardrails. Matt with a spear to Fish. Kyle tries for the running drop kick off the apron but he is met with a super kick.

Fish is rolled into the ring and Nick hits a springboard splash while Matt hits a standing moonsault but he can only get a near fall. Matt tags in and he sets for a running buckle bomb and Nick with a kick to the back of the head. The Buck set for the springboard assisted spike tombstone but Kyle pulls Nick off the apron. Fish with an ankle lock but Matt counters with a rollup for a near fall.

Matt with a back heel kick to Fish but Kyle comes in and he kicks Matt and slaps him. Kyle with a leaping knee and he connects with a kick to the chest. Kyle misses a leg sweep and Nick gives Kyle a super kick while the referee does nothing to restore order to the match. Matt and Nick pick up Fish and give him to O’Reilly in a tombstone position. Matt and Nick with kicks to the knee and Kyle hits a tombstone on his partner.

Matt and Nick with a double super kick and Matt gets a near fall. Matt and Nick set up for a super kick to Fish but O’Reilly pushes Fish out of the way. Kyle grabs Matt’s leg and then he gives it to Nick. Kyle with a dragon screw leg whip to Nick and that forces Nick to give one to his brother. Kyle goes to the apron and he hits the running hestitation drop kick off the apron to Nick.

Back in the ring, Matt takes care of Fish and he goes up top and Kyle holds Matt’s leg. Fish sets for a super Falcon Arrow and he hits it. Fish gets a near fall. Fish with a forearm and they signal for Chasing the Dragon but Matt escapes. Nick with a jumping spin kick on Fish. Kyle with a back heel kick to Nick followed by an axe kick to the head. Matt with a super kick to Kyle.

They set for another bucklebomb and round kick combination but Fish with a leg sweep to stop Nick and Kyle with a guillotine on Matt. Matt makes his way to the ropes but Nick hits a 450 splash to get Kyle to release the hold. Matt gets a near fall on a rollup. Nick with a plancha onto Fish. Matt gets Kyle up for More Bang for Your Buck but Kyle gets his knees up for the splash from Nick and then he moves and applies a triangle choke on Matt. Matt floats over to get a near fall. Kyle with a back heel kick and then he hits a forearm and brainbuster for a near fall. Fish comes into the ring and they hit Chasing the Dragon but Matt kicks out at two. Kyle with a cross arm breaker and Fish stops Nick from interfering and Matt taps out.

Winners: Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly

We go to credits.