View Full Version : Update On Possible Injuries To Seth Rollins And Dean Ambrose From Last Nights WWE RAW

07-15-2014, 08:03 PM
- Word from backstage at last night's RAW is that Seth Rollins is fine and is not injured. A source told PWInsider that Rollins was just selling the knee injury from the main event and doing a good job of it. It was noted that it was suspicious how WWE kept the cameras off Rollins when he went down.
- Since fans have asked, Dean Ambrose is fine after the beatdown angle with Kane, Seth Rollins and Randy Orton on last night's RAW. Apparently he was busted open in the mouth but did not suffer any significant injury.

Damn I KNEW his knee was messe up ! Kid could sell sand at the beach . - Slayer_x

the madscotsman
07-15-2014, 09:58 PM
I know, him and Ambrose are both great at selling.

Big Evil
07-16-2014, 03:57 AM
Always needed more guys that are willing to put others over and sell to make them look good over guys that put ego into the equation and make another look like a fool in front of the fans. Once guys like Triple H can get out of the ring and stop trying to make it about them, then we will see the most deserving take over.

Rollins seriously looked hurt there, and perhaps that was just the plan all along to take him out of the ending. That way, he doesn't look weakened and maybe that takes the focus off of him some in case he does show up at Battleground. If the WWE is thinking that way, it would surprise me to be honest.

07-16-2014, 04:21 AM
I wasnt much of a Rollins fan until last night . The kid sold it to me .Ive been watching wrestling 35 years !

Big Evil
07-16-2014, 04:30 AM
Let's face facts... Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns are the next big thing for the WWE. They guys look great, they are developing well, and easily have the most promise of any of the new wrestlers to come along in years. I don't doubt that at some point in the future they will all by contending for the World title.

The WWE needs to take notes on these guys and look out for other potential like them. Instead of hiring models, ex-athletes from other sports, and guys that are too old to do much in the WWE, they should be looking for young guys like them. Look for the wrestlers who love this industry, grind their way up, and aren't looking at anything other than making it big in WRESTLING. You need guys who love this, and like Orton, Taker, Cena, Trips, Michaels will do nothing but live in this business their whole career. You have to have an eye for talent, and choose wisely. The number of fallouts and failures that tried is too much to garner success. These guys want this, and will work for it. Anyone else need not apply.

07-17-2014, 01:56 AM
Titty and I were talking about the Rollins injury in chat and we both ended up agreeing it was a sell. I believe it was to promote the 4 way Title match at the PPV as they were the only guys in the ring at the end and with no Ambrose showing up, there was no point for Rollins to be involved.