View Full Version : WWE House Show Results - 9th Aug, 2014 (Abbotsford, BC)

08-10-2014, 09:42 PM
Here are the results of the WWE house show on Saturday, August 9 at the Abbotsford Sports & Entertainment Centre which is about an hour east of Vancouver, British Columbia. The finish of tonight's main event shocked the crowd.

Damien Sandow came out to open the show in a fur hat, sweater & jean shorts and said he was dressed as a Canadian in summer. I actually thought that was pretty funny. He made an open challenge to anyone in the back and that brought out...The Big Show, who won it quickly with a choke slam.

After Show left, Sandow got to his feet and said he wouldn't leave the country until his hand was raised in victory. That brought out Adam Rose, who's match with Sandow was a little longer and more competitive than Big Show's, but not much. Rose pins Sandow, who then gives up and says he's never coming back to Canada.

Heath Slater, Titus O'Neil & Hornswoggle vs Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd & El Torito
There was some good stuff from Tyson and Titus, but this was essentially the third comedy match in a row and the crowd was getting tired of it and broke into a random "Mike Chioda" chant part way through.
Tyson gets the pin on Slater

Rusev w/ Lana vs Big E w/ a Canadian flag
Strong reactions for both guys. Another really good "big man" match between these two. Big E tried to power out of the camel clutch, but Rusev got the better of him and forced him to tap.

They then aired the amazing video package honouring the memory of Connor Michalek - the young Make a Wish boy who attended WM30 but has since lost his battle with cancer. They encouraged the crowd to donate to the Connor Cure Fund. Very emotional & moving video. WWE does a lot of first class work with kids.

After some hype for the WWE Network's August 12th Canadian debut (funny in that it won't be available in our area then) it was back to the matches.

RyBaxel vs Gold/Stardust in the latest of their best of 1,753 match series. Goldust got the pin, but I can't remember on who.

Natalya vs Paige vs AJ for the Divas Championship
Lots of crowd support for Nattie, but AJ wins this triple threat match.

Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose
Seth comes out first to loud "you sold out" chants. He takes the mic and says that this match is a main event calibre match anywhere in the world...but won't be here in Abbotsford. Instead, he's going to go home and rest up for Summer Slam. Out comes Ambrose who runs to the ring and starts pounding on Rollins. Excellent match. Lots of near falls and "this is awesome" chants. The dude sitting in front of me was even holding up his iPhone throughout the match so his mom could watch it via FaceTime. Never seen that before! I expect their Summer Slam match to be even better. In the end, Rollins gets disqualified for hitting Ambrose over the head with the briefcase.

And now for the main event...and the shocker of the evening.

Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler
Good, long, competitive match. The story is that Randy is trying to get the RKO on Ziggler, but Dolph manages to counter. Finally, out of nowhere, Randy hits the RKO...and Dolph...KICKS OUT AT 2! Yes. Dolph Ziggler kicked out of an RKO. The crowd goes wild. Dolph hits the Zig Zag and pins Orton clean, 1-2-3. Now the crowd REALLY goes wild because it was so not the finish that was expected. Now, if only Ziggler could get those kinds of matches on TV... Really cool surprise finish though to wrap up the show.

That's it from Abbotsford!

Hope you're having a great weekend.