View Full Version : Main Event Results / Report - 29th Sep, 2014

09-12-2014, 03:05 AM
Main Event Results / Report - 29th Sep, 2014
Location: Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Announcers: Michael Cole and Byron Saxton

Michael Cole says that there is Breaking News that Roman Reigns versus Seth Rollins will be happening at Night of Champions. Byron tells us that Randy Orton will face Chris Jericho at Night of Champions.

Seth Rollins comes to the ring and he has something to say.

The crowd tells Seth that he sold out and he waits for it to die down before speaking. Seth welcomes everyone to ‘Where Are They Now’, starring the most powerful group in the history of the WWE . . . The Shield.

We see a photo of The Shield on the TitanTron. Seth says they were three of the most dominant superstars in the history of the WWE. They put the entire industry on notice. Where are we now?

Let’s start with the ‘Lunatic Fringe’ himself, Dean Ambrose. He is unstable, unrelenting, and one of the most talented ever to step foot in this company. He made one fatal error when Dean went head to head with him. We see the footage of the Falls Count Anywhere Match from the Raw after SummerSlam.

He asks where is Dean Ambrose because he does not know. Does Dean know where he is? Does anyone care? The bottom line is that Dean was a feral animal and he had to be put down.

This brings him to the ‘Brawn’ of the Shield, the Powerhouse Roman Reigns. When they were in the Shield together, all he heard was Roman Reigns is going to be the future of this company. He is going to put this whole thing on his back. Roman is the future of professional wrestling. What don’t you people understand when he reminds everyone that he created Roman Reigns. He is responsible for every success that Roman ever had.

While it may have been true that Roman would have been an integral part of this company when he put a target on Seth’s back. At Night of Champions, he will destroy what he created.

We see footage from the end of Raw when the cage came down (almost onto Seth Rollins) for Reigns to be stopped after a cross body from the top of the cage.

Rollins says that brings us to himself. Seth Rollins, the architect, tactician, and greatest strategist of his generation. The only man left standing from the remnants of the Shield. He is the future and he is the future WWE World Champion. He is the future of this company and . . .

Jack Swagger interrupts Seth and he is joined by his giant flag and Zeb Colter. Zeb tells Rollins that he cannot help but overhear what he is saying. Is Seth claiming credit for being the strategist and architect of the Shield? Zeb mentions generals who were known for their strategy and it does not include Seth’s name. Seth is on the list of people who is too scared to go head to head with his enemies and talk about them from a distance.

Zeb calls Seth an opportunist and a sell out and he is doing this for one person. Zeb says they should dispense of the small talk. Seth has a match against Jack tonight and he wants to see how tough Seth is.

Seth Rollins vs Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

Rollins punches and kicks Swagger but Swagger with an Irish whip. Rollins floats over. Swagger with a shoulder tackle and Rollins goes to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins with a front face lock but Swagger picks up Rollins and gets out of the hold. Rollins goes to the floor again and Swagger goes to the floor but Rollins returns to the ring. Swagger pulls Rollins to the floor and he runs Rollins into the ringside barrier. Rollins drops Swagger on the top rope and then he clips Swagger. Rollins with a drop kick for a near fall.

Rollins with punches and kicks in the corner. Rollins chokes Swagger in the corner and then he hits a short arm clothesline. Rollins with a choke using Swagger’s own arm. Swagger gets Rollins on his back and he runs Swagger into the corner but Rollins sends Swagger into the corner and Rollins with a running forearm. Rollins goes to the turnbuckles and Swagger catches him and hits a belly-to-belly suplex.

Swagger with a clothesline and then he hits a running knee into the corner and Irish whip followed by a boot to the head. Swagger sets for the running double jump Swagger Bomb and he hits it. Swagger with a power slam for a near fall. Swagger with a waist lock but Rollins with an elbow followed by an enzuigiri for a near fall.

Rollins with forearms to the back of the head. Rollins with punches and Swagger has to lean against the ropes. Rollins with kicks to the chest. Swagger goes for the ankle and he gets Rollins’ ankle but Seth gets to the ropes. Rollins is pulled off the ropes but Rollins lands on his feet. Swagger with the ankle lock and Rollins tries to fight out of it and he gets to the ropes to force Swagger to break the hold.

Rollins with a shoulder and then he goes for a slingshot move but Swagger catches Rollins and runs him into the turnbuckles. Swagger puts Rollins on the turnbuckles for a superplex but Rollins pushes Swagger off the turnbuckles. Swagger tries to climb the turnbuckles again but Rollins pushes him back to the mat. Rollins with a knee to the head from the turnbuckles but Rollins cannot get back to his feet to make a cover.

Rollins hits Black Out for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Heath Slater asks why Titus has huge muscles but he doesn’t. Titus says that he lost twice to Adam Rose because a bunny beat up Heath. Titus says that they are going Wabbit Huntin’. Titus tells Heath to hop to it so Heath hops out of the locker room and Titus tells him not to literally hop.

We take a look back at John Cena confronting Paul Heyman on Raw.

Cesaro walks in the back as we go to commercial.

Zack Ryder vs Cesaro

Cesaro with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Cesaro with another side head lock and Ryder with a flapjack and drop kick that sends Ceasro to the floor. Ryder goes to the apron and Cesaro trips Ryder. Cesaro drives Ryder’s knee into the floor and then he returns Ryder to the ring. Cesaro with a double stomp to the chest and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a step over toe hold.

Ryder kicks Cesaro to get out of the hold. Cesaro goes for a running drop kick into the corner but Ryder moves and Cesaro lands hard. Ryder with a Broski Boot and then he hits a pescado onto Cesaro on the floor. Ryder rolls Cesaro into the ring and Ryder with a kick and knee to Cesaro.

Ryder comes off the turnbuckles and Ryder is caught and put into the Giant Swing. Cesaro with a Kondo Clutch to get Ryder to tap out.

Winner: Cesaro

after the match, Renee Young interviews Cesaro and Cesaro wants to know how Renee could doubt Zack Ryder since he is a former United States Champion. Cesaro says that he is better than Sheamus. He is more educated. He is more entertaining. He is better looking. He is better in this ring. He knows it, Renee knows it, Sheamus knows it, and the people in the crowd know it. Cesaro will prove that he is the King of Wrestling and the next United States Champion.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Jerry Springer segment from Raw.

We see the Adam Rose and the Exotic Express walking through the back and the bunny is in the back. He sees a carrot hanging from a hook and Titus throws a net at the bunny but misses. We see Slater with the net over him.

We go to commercial.

Adam Rose vs Titus O’Neil (with Heath Slater)

They lock up and Titus with a punch to Rose in the corner. Rose with a cross body but Titus catches him. Rose gets to his feet and he punches Titus. Titus with a boot to the head and Rose backs himself into the corner. Titus with kicks to Rose and Slater taunts him. Titus tosses Rose by the head to the mat and Titus barks.

Titus gets Rose on his back for a back breaker and he drops down to get a near fall. The bunny comes to the ring and gets on the apron. Titus tells Slater to get him so Slater goes under the ring. Slater gets on the apron and the bunny with an enzuigiri and Rose sends Titus into Slater and after they collide, Rose gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: Adam Rose

Fernando and Diego vs Konor and Viktor

Viktor and Diego start things off and he goes for Diego’s leg. They lock up and Viktor with a waist lock take down. Viktor with a waist lock but Diego with a standing switch. Konor tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle for a near fall. Diego with a drop toe hold to Konor to send him into the ropes and Diego with a splash to the back and Diego with a near fall. Konor runs Diego into the corner.

Konor with shoulders in the corner and Viktor tags in and he connects with a Canadian Lifter and chops. Konor tags back in and they hit a cross arm clothesline for a near fall. Konor with a rear chin lock with his knee in the back. Konor with a front face lock and knees. Konor with an uppercut. Knoor with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Konor with a clothesline to prevent the tag from being made.

Konor gets a near fall. Viktor tags in and he gets a near fall. Viktor with a rear chin lock and Irish whip but he rusn into an elbow. Fernando tags in and he clotheslines Viktor followed by a back body drop and drop kick. Fernando sends Viktor into the turnbuckles but Viktor with an Irish whip. Fernando with a clothesline and he goes to the turnbuckles. Viktor moves when Fernando comes off the turnbuckles. Konor tags in and they hit the Fall of Man for the three count.

Winners: Konor and Viktor

We go to credits