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Dangerous Incorporated
09-26-2006, 05:53 AM
McMahon Owns TNA

The reactions have ranged from HOLY SHIT KURT ANGLE IN TNA to HOLY SHIT KURT ANGLE IS GONNA DIE IN TNA. But somewhere in the middle of all this nonsense is a very important question that needs to be asked.

How did Kurt Angle manage to sign with TNA to begin with?

Even if the WWE fires someone they don’t let them simply walk away. Brock Lesnar was given a release from the company but they put it into his contract that he could not work for another wrestling company for ten years. Now I would think the WWE spent the same amount if note more on Kurt Angle, so how did Angle manage to sign with the competition if the WWE has safeguards against this kind of stuff?

Did Angle pull a fast one on Vince and company?

Lex Luger did that to them in 1995 and he’s the reason they now have those 90 day no compete clauses in all contracts.

Did Angle opt for a buyout on his contract to avoid the 90 day deal?

Logic would dictate that yes he did, but when Raven did that a couple years ago it was known rather quickly that he did. All that came out from this was Angle refused to go to rehab and he was fired. Angle then went on to post statements on his website saying he would never work against the WWE. His agent went on to say Angle was retired from wrestling and would be training for a Mixed Martial Arts career next year.

With all the leaks in the WWE corporate offices how could Kurt Angle taking a buyout on his contract not make it onto the pages of all the sheets?

I’ll tell you how that little tid bit didn’t make it onto The Observer.


Take a minute to let that set in. Vince McMahon owns TNA. Now granted his name probably isn’t on the deed to the company but he very much owns the company. At this point your probably think I’m crazy…well despite the medication I am very much serious while I am writing this. You see about a month or so ago, on the Declaration of Independents (DOI) website former ECW referee John ‘Pee Wee’ Moore posted a column which I dubbed the mother of all shoots on the Lethal message board. Pee Wee threw down the hammer and talked about how Vince controls 90% of the entire wrestling industry.

Most people said Pee Wee was a f***ing loon for some of the stuff he posted in the column. But the one thing that he said that stuck out was the following.

Here is a spoiler people. This is what is going to happen in wrestling for the next year. Vince will "Fire" Johnny Ace and then place him as Booker of TNA. At that time TNA will "Fire" Jarrett giving in to the people. Then TNA will then build the show around Kurt Angle instead of Jarrett. Jarrett will then get a job as a agent with smackdown or something like that.

From the DOI column “Legal threats, Vince’s character, & more”

Pee Wee Moore is a f***ing prophet because guess what happened tonight at the PPV. They built up the big announcement like it was the second coming of Christ and when it was announced we see the poster which was posted above in the column. Impact and TNA are going to be built around Kurt Angle.

Before any of this Angle stuff happened, I was watching the ppv with Phantom Classic and I mentioned how we gotta get tickets for the ROH show in December where Homicide gets his world title show. I was explaining how Cornette is trying to kick him out of ROH and Classic was like what does he have to do with Ring of Honor. I explained how Cornette is the commissioner of ROH and his response was “Just like he’s the commish in TNA…and you don’t think it’s all connected”.

That got me to thinking for a minute and I was like damn he has a point.

Now I don’t want to say Mr. Cornette is on all of this (then again he would actually have to read this provided he figured out this god f***ing damn internet bullshit), but for a conspiracy theorist like me there is actually a connection between TNA and the WWE.

Jim Cornette is the co-owner of Ohio Valley Wrestling. Cornette said on the TNA media conference last month that he agreed to step aside from OVW with the understanding that the WWE not run the company into the ground. Well considering how half the OVW roster is now on Smackdown as those other guys I can’t see how it hasn’t been run into the ground…but then again the only other wrestling I get here in New York is a ghetto fed on channel 67 at 3:30 in the morning on Friday nights so I can’t comment on OVW’s shows.

But the fact remains there is a link (all be crooked and forked) that connects TNA to the WWE.

The other side of this whole Kurt Angle thing is his personal health. We’ve heard everything in the last couple years about how he’s wrestling with nerve damage, he’s a pill addict of epic proportions, and his neck is FUBAR beyond belief. When the WWE started doing their drug testing…Angle pretty much became a giant red flag. He failed one test and then another. Then he injured himself three times in a match and he still wanted to wrestle. They say he was told go to rehab since it was clear he’s downing massive amount of pain killers just to function but he basically said f*** that and was promptly fired.

A lot of people are raising the morals flag on TNA for signing Kurt Angle. By all accounts from what we have been told in the sheets, Kurt Angle is a walking cripple and it’s only a matter of time before he’s either found dead or drops dead in the ring. Well if Vince owns TNA then would it be above him and the others to make this the mother of all works.

If Kurt Angle is as messed up as some claim he is, no one in their right mind would sign him. It doesn’t matter how much money he is worth. Kurt Angle would be an insurance liability of epic proportions. Add to that the legal nightmare it would be for them if God forbid Kurt Angle died while on the clock. People say that this is going to be worse on his body because oh now he has to face guys who are stiff as hell. Well that’s a given but wrestling twice a month in a stiff fest is probably better on the body then wrestling 20 times a month.

But lets say the stories are true and Angle really is this f***ed up physically and mentally. Sending him to TNA is the smartest decision anyone can make. For those of you who doubt Vince has some sort of working relationship with TNA, A few months ago Jerry Jarrett went to Titan Tower with a huge prospect Russian wrestler for them to sign. Why would Jarrett who founded TNA with his son Jeff bring a guy to the competition if there wasn’t some sort of working relationship between the two.

I see this like how things were between the WWE and ECW. ECW was kept afloat by Vince cutting them a check every other month or so. In exchange for that ECW and the WWE had a talent exchange. ECW would take the guys the WWE had no use for and retool them and in turn the WWE would take ECW’s most promising stars and give them a spot on the roster.

We turn to now and see TNA in dire straights as the ratings are bottoming out as people are sick and tired of Jarrett O’ Mania. At the same time Vince realizes people are sick of the product as it is. He sees an opportunity to re-create the peak years of the WWE and says Kurt go to TNA. TNA now becomes to alternative to the WWE. TNA gets a better time slot and with Kurt Angle as their new star things are set to improve. The fans can have their “alternative” and in the end Vince wins because he controls it all.

When it comes down to it, this is the only thing that makes sense. It benefits everyone in every shape and form. We the fans get to see some competition again on the national level, Vince proves that he controls the industry and can make or break a company when ever he feels like it, and as an added bonus maybe Kurt Angle will actually make it to the age of 40 with out being in a wheel chair or being dead.

So if McMahon owns TNA, what’s next for TNA? Well since TNA is finally getting out of the swamps of Orlando your going to notice them promoting more and more shows. The PPV’s will start coming to you from real arena’s like Bound for Glory next month in Detroit. With the better time slot, TNA will start drawing better ratings. Some say TNA is f***ed for being on Thursday at 9PM. Well it can’t be any worse then ECW on at 10PM on Tuesday nights. So TNA is on opposite The Office, Grey’s Anatomy, and CSI. ECW is on against Law and Order, Rescue Me, and eventually The Shield. They’ve done pretty well for themselves despite the horrible booking. If it’s a better time slot then 11pm people will watch it.

Plus there are these things called DVR’s and Tivo where you can record one thing and watch another. If you’re still in the dark ages like me you still use a VCR. Point is people can tape things and watch them later. No one expects TNA to go up against Grey’s Anatomy or CSI…but considering the crap on basic cable at 9 PM on Thursday nights it will do decently enough. And since it’s the “alternative” to the WWE there will be enough disenfranchised WWE fans who hate John Cena and DX and McMahon in general who will watch TNA simply because Kurt Angle is on the show.

It’s win win for everyone involved. I mean things could be worse. TNA could be desperate and decide to bring Vince Russ…

Oh wait he is back.

I just hope down the road we find out on McMahon’s death bed that he admits sending Hogan to WCW and then eventually Hall and Nash and then Bret Hart and ultimately Vince Russo to be the death nail in the company.

But in closing if you don’t believe McMahon owns TNA then ask yourself this question. Who else but Vince McMahon would keep the belt on Jeff Jarrett while everyone wants it on Samoa Joe?

Remember Triple H in 2002?

I rest my case.

Till then remember someone has to give you this information and it DAMN well has got to be me.

Written by Phantom Lord
http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/1119/rantblackmx8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Makes for an interesting read.

The Hammer
09-26-2006, 06:19 AM
Angle was not only released form the WWE buthis contract. Please post some of your own thoughts once.

Dangerous Incorporated
09-26-2006, 06:23 AM
Makes for an interesting read.

I did!! :tongue:

Superkick Kid
09-26-2006, 01:28 PM
But in closing if you don’t believe McMahon owns TNA then ask yourself this question. Who else but Vince McMahon would keep the belt on Jeff Jarrett while everyone wants it on Samoa Joe?

Jeff Jarrett himself

The Hammer
09-26-2006, 01:43 PM
indeed since he is part owner.

the phenomenal sid
09-26-2006, 02:21 PM
wtf is this all about???good read and somewhere i think he has a point.i actually agreed with all the sending hogan,nash,hall & hart to WCW and all that.how else will u explain vince having a good relationwith hogan nash & hall especially hogan??

09-26-2006, 03:58 PM
Well don't know what u are going on about Vince doesn't own TNA come on now and Kurt mostlikely signed with them so that he could keep wrestling but have a easier work load plain in simple.

09-26-2006, 04:39 PM
I think the whole point of that was to get across that Vince let Angle go to create competition again in the industry because he knows Angle woukld sign for tNA. I dont think he meant Vince actually owns TNA because that is very very hard to believe Vince doesnt need to even think about TNA right now, they may have signed Angle but they arent posing a huge threat to any WWE show ratings wise and cant compete money wise either

09-27-2006, 07:54 AM
interesting theory with some good points

The Hammer
09-27-2006, 03:26 PM
wtf is this all about???good read and somewhere i think he has a point.i actually agreed with all the sending hogan,nash,hall & hart to WCW and all that.how else will u explain vince having a good relationwith hogan nash & hall especially hogan??
One because its business regardless so why would you not maintain good relationships with people who have been huge starts in the business. Never know when you might need them. Especially Hogan, since he is, as Arn Anderson put it, bigger than the business. Plus Vince is really just not that bad of a guy.

09-27-2006, 09:39 PM
I think that hammer is exactly right about why Vince has always seemed willing to put the past in the past and resign guys like Hogan and Nash. He gets a bad rep sometimes, but the guy will do whatever it takes to make the company grow and succeed.

That Rob
09-29-2006, 07:41 PM
I read this, and I agree with it, but here is a point that was not in the column:

TNA is moving to Thursday nights, Smackdown is on Friday's, if TNA really did want to compete with WWE why didn't they get a Friday night time slot? Think about it, now we have wrestling on Monday's (RAW) Tuesday's (ECW), Thursday's (TNA) and Friday's (Smackdown). I truely do believe Vince owns TNA, and with them having this timeslot only creates more wrestling for the fan's to watch without Vince having to fear TNA doing better then the other three.

09-30-2006, 03:22 AM
Vince does not "own" TNA.

09-30-2006, 03:39 AM
This was a great article, quite indepth and some very good points, and it could actually make you believe McMahon does own TNA. I have seriously thought about this as a possibility, that Vince does have some part in TNA. Also Intercourse with all the Vince owning TNA stuff aside, the reason TNA wouldn't move to Friday nights is because they can't compete with SmackDown, honestly and truly, there's just more WWE fans and there probably always will be, it would be a stupid decision on there part to move to Fridays.

That Rob
09-30-2006, 10:28 AM
Good point but you cannot ignore the fact that if McMahon does in fact own TNA, this was a very good moveto put it on Thursdays. Hmmm maybe we'll see the rebirth of Nitro on Wednsday's now?

09-30-2006, 05:25 PM
I did!! :tongue:

thats not your own thoughts lol thats just a sentence.

Vince doesnt own tna. if he did, tna wouldnt exist. so get over it, angle is in tna and there's nothing we can do about it.

09-30-2006, 06:07 PM
Angle in TNA is great for all fans, look at buzz its already creating and if its a fit Angle then matches he could have at ppvs could be great. i dont see Impact style matches suitng him but Angle is class no matter where he wrestles

10-02-2006, 10:21 PM
Angle in TNA is great for all fans, look at buzz its already creating and if its a fit Angle then matches he could have at ppvs could be great. i dont see Impact style matches suitng him but Angle is class no matter where he wrestles

Very nicely said Joe. I think its ok Angle is in TNA I just hope they don't put him ahead of everybody else that was there before him. But I think TNA will because he has created alot of buzz in the last 2 weeks but ether way it will be good for TNA.

11-01-2006, 08:34 PM
actually panda energy owns tna they bought out the jarett family in 2003

11-06-2006, 12:17 PM
interesting theory with some good points

11-06-2006, 12:28 PM
actually panda energy owns tna they bought out the jarett family in 2003

That right Jerry Jarret sold his 70% in TNA to Panda energy that is owned by The Carter Family

11-18-2006, 07:58 AM
Good point never thought of it that way