View Full Version : Chikara "King of the Trios 2014" Night 3 Results

Shootkick Man
09-22-2014, 01:21 AM
1. Flood Elite vs Golden Trio
-Despite almost escaping last night, Snow Troll is still captive in The Flood
-Icars makes Volgar tap to the CHIKARA Special! Golden Trio advance to the Finals! Snow Troll is Free!
-Snow Troll Low Blows Icarus!! The Flood lays out Golden Trio!!
-Snow Troll rechains himself willingly, Flood leave

2. 3Peck0 vs The Devastation Corporation
-3Peck0 are painted up baby!!
-Shane gets Boston Crabs on all three Dev Corp Members, but Bakabella pulls Bryce out, and a Deathblow on Jagged gets Dev Corp to the Finals!

3. Oliver Grimsley vs Mark Andrews in a Bonus Match!
-Andrews gets the win with a Shooting Star Press. He has really impressed all weekend.

-Los Ice Creams and Old Fashioned Open it up!
-Fontaine finds a broom to sweep away the Sprinkles!
-Hijo rolls up Fontaine as he gets rid of the Sprinkles, Ice Creams take the first fall!
-NRG is team 3!
-Hype with a wind up backbreaker on Hijo gets NRG the fall!
-Team 4 is Arctic Rescue Ant and Missile Assault Ant of CXF!
-Missile with a Rolling Northern Lights on Hype gets the fall!
-Team 5 is Batiri!
-Leaping DDT by Obariyon on Missile gets The Batiri the Fall!
-Team 6 is the Osirian Portal!
-Osirian Sacrament on Obariyon gets Portal the Fall!
-Team #7 is Prakash Sabar The Boar of Moldova!
-Boar Gore to Sabar on miscue! Sabar taps to the Death Grip by Ophidian!
-Team #8 is Silver & Worker Ant!
-Bridging backslide on Silver by Ophidian! The Portal have Three Points!
-Team #9 is The Dunne Brothers of Team UK!
-450 by Amasis nets them a Fourth Point and the end of Team UK!
-The Wrecking Crew of Jaka and Oleg are the last team!
-Barber taken out. Bakabella with coins to the face of Ophidian. Wrecking Crew wins the Gauntlet!!


5. Submission Squad vs ???? In Mysterious Atomicos Action!!
-Taylor, Cassidy, Gulak, and Swamp Monster!
-No surprise to anyone, this match is reportedly AWESOME
-A Flurry of Finishers on The Swamp Monster nets Submission Squad the win!

6. Shynron vs Sanada in the RDV Finals!
-Sanada is decked out as The Great Sanada for this
-Sanada sprays RED MIST in Shyron's face with a Superkick but he kicks out at 2!
-Shynron pins Sanada with a Backflip Cutter and then a Middle Rope 630 and overcomes to win the match and RDV!!
-A "You Deserve it!" chant breaks out, and he sure does!

7. King of Trios Final: Golden Trio vs Devastation Corporation!
-This match is an absolute WAR.
-TKO and Death Blow on Dasher, DEV CORP ARE KOT CHAMPS!!

-Here comes the Flood...
-Flood celebrate with Dev Corp, and CHIKARA ATTACKS!!
-Flood Stand Tall. Jacobs says to hand the Grand Championship over or they'll end CHIKARA!!
-Kingston is screaming at Icarus to give him the belt!!
-ICARUS GIVES KING THE BELT! But he says it's useless if CHIKARA dies...
-Icarus asks King "Are you gonna be worthy... or the King of Ashes?"
-The CHIKARA Wrestlers take control as King attacks Jacobs!
-Kingston and the Tecnicos share a group hug as the Flood is knocked back!
-No sign of Deucalion, or Kid Cyclone.
-CHIKARA stands tall, and that's a wrap for KOT!!

09-22-2014, 06:25 PM
Disasterous tournament. And I who thought this might bee the greatest KOT ever :(