View Full Version : Undertaker's Health

Glorious Maxxwell
09-22-2014, 02:57 AM
- Several readers sent word that at last night's Limp Bizkit concert in San Antonio, Fred Durst mentioned to the live audience that The Undertaker isn't doing real well.

"This next song goes out to our friend Mark Calaway, The Undertaker. He’s not doing real well right now and we want all our fans to keep him in their thoughts and prayers."

The band then went on to play "Rollin” which was The Undertaker’s theme music several years back.

- Michelle McCool wrote the following today in response to the reports that Limp Bizkit's Fred Durst told fans at a concert last night in Texas that The Undertaker isn't doing well.

"Sadly, there's always rumors about my hubby! Apparently he's now super sick and not doing well! While we always appreciate thoughts & prayers, we are ALL GOOD IN THE HOOD! Headed to a #cc4c dinner! Don't forget we will both be at the hill country galleria (Austin, tx) this Sunday for the CC4C micro marathon! Come join the fun, register early online & come run for our champions! #teamcaroline #teamdrew #HUBBYWIFEcrossfitworkoutinmorning #AsGoodAsGold"

Michelle McCool went on to post a picture on Instagram...


Source - LOP

the madscotsman
09-22-2014, 07:46 PM
She looks anorexic.

09-22-2014, 10:08 PM
She looks anorexic.


09-23-2014, 12:59 AM
About Michelle, If I saw someone looking like that, I would either say they were on drugs or had cancer.

That is not the greatest picture also but they look like they are meth dealers.

09-23-2014, 07:06 PM
Hate to say it, but she reallly doesn't look healthy..Taker looks at least ok but old