View Full Version : Bad News Barrett interview on Nexus, Cena, 2K15, Attitude Era and more

09-23-2014, 11:50 PM
Exclusive Interview: WWE superstar 'Bad News' Barrett speaks about The Nexus, John Cena, WWE 2K15, Attitude Era and more


WWE superstar and former Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett, who is currently nursing a shoulder injury, was in India between September 16 and 19, in Mumbai and Bangalore. dna did an exclusive interview with Wade Barrett, better known as ' Bad News Barrett'.

Q: How did the name Bad News Barrett come about? Why this specific name?

A: One day Cody Rhodes (now known as Stardust) made a joke in the locker room. He told everyone that when he was a kid he used to watch me on TV as Bad News Barrett. That is ridiculous because he's only about four years younger to me! But he tried to make out like I was really old. So one day the guys at WWE.com asked me to do something different for the JBL and Cole Show. I told them I wanted to be Bad News Barrett. I would start coming out and giving bad news to the crowd. (WWE Chairman) Vince McMahon thought it was really funny and so we decided to go ahead.

Q: You are currently out with an injury. When can we expect you back in the ring?

A: It will probably happen in two months. I had surgery on my shoulder two months ago, and I should be back in December.

Q: A lot of people think WWE is fake. They think it's a kid's sport. What do you think of this?

A: What we do is entertainment, but there's a lot of risk involved. I have got so many injuries, surgeries, and scars on my back from the surgeries. But ultimately the biggest strength of WWE is that it is entertainment. We are trying to tell people a story. I have watched stuff like Mixed Martial Arts and boxing, and sometimes it's disappointing because the big fight is over like in 30 seconds or so. But in WWE if there's a big fight, like John Cena v/s Brock Lesnar or Bad News Barrett v/s Sheamus, you know the match is gonna be good and we are going to take you for a ride.

Q: You have interest in Marine Biology. You play the guitar too. What else besides these things are you interested in?

A: I don't have much time to do anything else, but you hit the nail on the head. I like music, I like boxing, I like watching football. I love wrestling too. I studied Marine Biology from the University of Liverpool, but I am here now.

Q: How did wrestling happen then?

A: I was always a fan of wrestling, right from the time I was nine or so. But eventually I decided I wanted to do professional wrestling myself, not just watch.

Q: You introduced knuckle boxing, you did it in England.

A: Yes, I started off as a bare-knuckle boxer. But I have moved on and now I am a WWE superstar, which is much more fun.

Q: Who are your favourite superstars or idols of all time?

British Bulldog, Bret Hart, Ultimate Warrior, Undertaker - he's one of the greatest ever. Oh I have had some matches with Undertaker..those were just very bizarre!

Q: Who are your current favourite superstars, who do you think are really good?

A: I am a huge fan of Ryback, he's a big dude and a good friend. I think Bray Wyatt is one of the most exciting guys I have seen in a long time, he's very different and very innovative, great character. When he is on the mike people really listen, they can't get enough of him. Another guy who's gonna be huge over the next few years is Roman Reigns. He is a big guy, he has amazing ability, he's a great athlete. He's smart, very well spoken and has the look. All the girls like him too. So I think he will be a big superstar, a top star one day.

Q: You are on the road for 250 days a year or so. How tough is it?

A: It's really tough you know, especially with relationships and all that, with girlfriends. It's very tough on the body too. You are regularly in pain. Even if you don't have any major injury or surgery there is always something that's hurting - your back, your knee, your neck. So it's tough but it's part of the trade, part of living a dream, going around the world entertaining the fans. So it's fine.

Q: WWE has changed a lot over the years from the Attitude Era. It was much more violent, much more hardcore, compared to now. What do you think of WWE today in relation to that?

A: When I started watching WWE back in the late 1980s and early 90s, it was much more family oriented. It's a good thing because during the Attitude Era we lost a lot of fans because parents wouldn't let their kids watch those things. It wasn't good for eight or nine year olds. The product now is much better in that way because everyone from the kids to the adults to their grandfathers and grandmothers can watch the show. It's a lot more wholesome. I don't think we will ever be going back to the Attitude Era.

Q: But then the biggest face of your company, John Cena, gets booed out of arenas regularly, and he's been on top for ten years now.

A: He has been the face for ten years, and he's really good at what he does. But everyone knows that I don't like John Cena, and he doesn't like me either. You're right, he does get booed by a lot of fans, lot of people don't like him. But he sells a lot more t-shirts and other merchandise than anyone else. So there are a lot of people out there who like him too. Either way everyone has an opinion about him, I respect that. Personally I don't like him and he doesn't like me, we are not friends.

Q: What was the best feud, the best rivalry you have ever had?

A: My favourite feud was when I was with the Nexus, when I feuded with John Cena. It was a top-level feud, we main evented Pay Per Views, it was the main focus of all the shows for about six months. The response you get from crowds to such a feud is much bigger, so it was my favourite. I wish it could have ended a bit differently though, we could have gone on for a bit longer. But maybe we could go back to that one day.

Q: Coming back to your injury, how badly do you want to come back?

A: I really want to get back, it's fun doing things like this, coming to India to connect with fans and all, but I really want to be back in the ring. Dolph Ziggler is running around with my Intercontinental Title right now. He didn't beat me for it, so I soon as I come back I want my title back.

Q: What do you think about WWE 2K15?

A: 2K15 (sic) is amazing. The realism is incredible, I actually played it a few days ago. It gets released on October 31 worldwide. I can guarantee anyone who played 2K14 and the older versions that 2K15 is brilliant, especially in terms of the graphics. The graphics are so good that it's like watching a TV show. They have also added a career mode, where you start off as a brand new wrestler in NXT, which is kind of the developmental school. You have to slowly work your way to the top and then to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. I loved it, I am sure Indian fans will love it too.

Q: How has the Indian experience been for you?

A: India's been awesome. When I first came here a few days ago, I really didn't know what to expect. But I am from the UK where there's a lot of Indian people and culture. I like Indian food too. I wasn't sure however how much WWE is popular in India. But everywhere I go I have seen big crowds, I have had people chanting my name. Everyone's treated like a king here. I can't wait to come back on tour in 2015.

Q: Can you give us some Bad News?

A: I am afraid I have got some Bad News! This interview's over coz' you guys are out of time! Now clear off!

Original article can be found by clicking here (http://www.dnaindia.com/sport/interview-exclusive-interview-wwe-superstar-bad-news-barrett-speaks-about-the-nexus-john-cena-wwe-2k15-attitude-era-and-more-2019904).