View Full Version : Main Event Results / Report - 23rd Sep, 2014

09-24-2014, 11:48 AM
Main Event Results / Report - 23rd Sep, 2014
Locations: Little Rock, Arkansas
Announcers: Michael Cole and Byron Saxton

Adam Rose and the Bunny make their way to the ring with the Exotic Express. They join Byron and Michael at the announce table.

Titus O’Neil and Heath Slater vs Fernando and Diego (with El Torito)

Slater and Diego start things off but Slater is distracted by the goings on at the announce table. Rose has them turn down the volume and Slater appreciates it, but that was momentary because Rose gets on the announce table and makes more noise than before.

Diego with a drop kick that sends Slater into Titus and he falls off the apron. Fernando tags in and he hits a cross body for the three count.

Winners: Fernando and Diego

After the match, the Exotic Express join Los Matadores and El Torito in the ring while Michael and Byron argue about having fun.

Michael Cole mentions WWE 2K15 and we see a video package.

Mark Henry makes his way to the ring and he is not dressed to wrestle.

We see what happened to Mark Henry at Night of Champions as well as last night’s Raw.

Mark says that he has been thinking about this for a while. This is very emotional for him. Mark says that he wrote out a statement.

Mark says that he apologized to America once and he is damned if he is going to do it again. You knew he was hurt and Rusev knew that he was hurt, but you forced him into another match. You encouraged him to enter into the ring with a man who decimated him the night before.

Now he is hurt even worse. Don’t blame him for that, you can blame it all on your heads. Mark says that he did the best that he could do. He stood for his country at the Olympics and he stood up against Rusev. It seems like y’all don’t appreciate it. As much as he loves his country, there is one thing that he doesn’t get.

We love us some winners. What about people who try their hardest and do everything that they can do through blood, sweat, and tears. America is obsessed with winning at the expense of people who work harder than you ever thought about working. If he doesn’t win, then he is no longer your ‘boy’.

Mark throws out his prepared statement and he is about to leave the ring, but Big Show makes his way to the ring.

Show tells Mark he knows that he is upset. He has known Mark for a long time and he is his brother from another mother. Show reminds Mark when he ate all of his cookies and drank all of his milk, and he let Mark do it because he loves him. Show says that he knows that Mark tried his hardest and he knows how important it was. Show says that it is partially his fault because he put 316,000,000 people on his back.

Show tells Mark that he feels his pain. Show tells Mark that if people are going to boo him, then they will have to boo him because Show says that he will stand by Mark. Show tells Mark that on Smackdown, he is going to knock Rusev the Smooth Hell Out.

Mark and Show hug and they leave the ring together.

We take a look back at the announcement this weekend of Roman Reigns’ hernia surgery.

We take a look back at the World Title Match from Night of Champions.

AJ Lee makes her way to the announce table to join Michael and Byron.

Naomi vs Paige

They lock up and Paige with a wrist lock but Naomi kicks Paige to get out of the hold and she hits a drop kick for a near fall. Paige with an Irish whip and Naomi goes to the apron and she connects with a round kick and a head scissors before getting a near fall with a jackknife cover.

Paige with an Irish whip and Naomi uses her rear end to send Paige to the mat and Naomi with a double knee drop for a near fall. Paige drops Naomi on the top rope and Paige with a super kick and Paige gets a near fall. Paige hangs Naomi over the middle rope and Paige with knees to the midsection.

Paige chokes and kicks Naomi in the corner. Paige tells AJ that she is a terrible friend and Naomi shows that she is a terrible opponent because she gets a near fall with a rollup. Naomi with a forearm and drop kicks. Naomi with a head scissors and kick to the midsection followed by a head scissors driver for a near fall.

Naomi with forearms in the corner and she sends Paige across the ring. Naomi with punches but Paige with a hot shot onto the turnbuckles and Paige gets the cover and uses the ropes for extra leverage.

Winner: Paige

After the match, AJ attacks Paige in the ring and she skips around.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Dean Ambrose making up for his time away from the WWE on Raw.

Michael Cole brings up that Smackdown has been Number One for 16 weeks and he tells us that The Usos will get their rematch against Goldust and Stardust this week.

Renee Young is in the interview area with the Usos. She asks them about their chance to win the titles back on Smackdown. Johnny says that sounds good that they are getting their rematch. They won fair and square on Sunday night and they even congratulated them. Friday is a different night.

We go to commercial with Bo Dallas walking in the back in an inspirational manner.

Before our next match, Bo gets on the mic and he says that last night on Raw he finally understood what it feels like to be a loser. He felt a lot like you, Kofi. It is good to see you Kofi. Bo says that he did not realize that Kofi still works here. Instead of saying ‘Boom . . . Boom . . . Boom! Say Bo . . . Bo . . . Bo!

Kofi Kingston vs Bo Dallas

Kofi with a kick but Bo blocks it and he sends Kofi to the mat but misses an elbow drop. Kofi with a kick for a near fall. Kofi punches Bo in the corner but Bo sends Kofi to the mat and crotches him. Bo with knees to the back while Kofi’s head is against the turnbuckles. Bo with a clothesline for a near fall. Bo with a reverse chin lock but Kofi with a jawbreaker.

Kofi with an arm drag and chops to Bo followed by a drop kick. Kofi tries for a monkey flip but Bo blocks it and he lands on the turnbuckles on a catapult. Kofi with a cross body for a near fall. Kofi with a series of kicks but Bo with an Irish whip. Kofi misses a cross body off the turnbuckles and Bo with a La Magistral for a near fall.

Kofi with a pendulum kick followed by Trouble in Paradise for the three count.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

We go to commercial.