View Full Version : Superstars Results / Report - 25th Sep, 2014

09-29-2014, 03:17 PM
Superstars Results / Report - 25th Sep, 2014
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Announcers: Tom Phillips and Renee Young

Naomi vs Alicia Fox

They lock up and Naomi with a wrist lock. Fox with a reversal and she takes Naomi to the mat by the hair. Naomi with a kick to get out of the hold. Fox crawls away and snarls. Fox tries to go after Naomi but Naomi moves. Fox takes Naomi down and she tries for a suplex but Naomi counters with an inside cradle for a near fall.

Fox with an Irsihw hip and Naomi floats over and she uses her rear end on Alicia’s head. Fox pulls Naomi to the mat and gets a near fall. Fox with a rear chin lock. Naomi with forearms but Alicia with a forearm. Naomi with a kick but Alicia with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Alicia with a seated abdominal stretch and key lock.

Naomi runs Alicia into the corner and connects with shoulders. Alicia with a back elbow and she goes to the turnbuckles but Naomi with an enzuigiri to knock Alicia off the turnbuckles. Naomi with drop kicks and a head scissors. Alicia with a back elbow. Naomi with a sunset flip into the Slammission and Alicia taps out.

Winner: Naomi

We take a look at highlights from the WWE World Title Match from Night of Champions and Seth Rollins attempted cash in.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Dean Ambrose’s return to Raw.

We go to commercial.

We back with a recap of the title matches at Night of Champions.

We take a look at Dolph Ziggler doing to Miz what Wade Barrett did to Miz after Wrestlemania 29 by winning back his title the night after losing it.

We see Dolph Ziggler interviewed in the back by Eden Stiles. He says that the title means that every night he is representing the WWE. He found a way to win the title back. The love of the business drove him to not give up. The love of the WWE Universe drove him to not give up. If you give everything in the ring every night to represent this company and this business, it does not matter if you get kicked down every day. It matters that you get yourself back up. It was not his day, it was our day.

We go take a look back at highlights from Rusev’s match against Mark Henry at Night of Champions.

We take a look back at Rusev and Mark Henry from Raw.

We go to commercial.

Justin Gabriel vs Kofi Kingston

They shake hands before locking up. Gabriel with a waist lock but Kofi with a standing switch. Kofi with head scissors and Gabriel escapes. Gabriel with a wrist lock take down. Kofi with a leg sweep and he gets a near fall. Gabriel with a leg sweep and full nelson. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall.

Kofi with a waist lock but Gabriel with a drop toe hold. Kofi with a hammer lock and Gabriel gets to the ropes. Gabriel with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Gabriel holds on to the ropes. Kofi with a hip toss and Gabriel lands on his feet. Gabriel goes to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi with a kick but Gabriel kicks back. Kofi goes for a cross body but Gabriel gets his knees up and gets a near fall. The referee checks on Kofi and Gabriel pulls Kofi back into the ring. Gabriel with kicks to the back. Gabriel with a belly-to-back suplex and a rear chin lock.

Kofi with elbows but Gabriel with a forearm to the back. Gabriel with a Dragon Sleeper and forearms to the chest. Kofi lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Kofi with a rana that sends Gabriel into the turnbuckles. Kofi with chops to Gabriel followed by a drop kick and then he hits a leaping clothesline. Kofi with the Boom Drop and then he sets for Trouble in Paradise.

Kofi leaps into the corner but Gabriel moves. Kofi with a cross body for a near fall. Gabriel with chops. Kofi with a springboard drop kick and Gabriel rolls to the floor. Kofi with a flip dive onto Gabriel and then Kofi rolls Gabriel into the ring. Kofi with a springboard cross body for a near fall. Kofi with a kick but Gabriel with an STO for a near fall.

Gabriel goes for a quebrada but Kofi moves and Gabriel lands on his feet. Gabriel with a springboard side kick and then he goes up top but Kofi crotches Gabriel. Kofi with a punch and he sets for a superplex but Gabriel pushes him off. Gabriel pushes Kofi off the turnbuckles and he goes for a dive but Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise and gets the three count.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the news surrounding Roman Reigns’ hernia surgery.

We take a look at Dean Ambrose versus Kane from Raw and Dean being put in a janitor’s room for safekeeping.

We end things with a look at the main event from Monday night between John Cena and Randy Orton.