View Full Version : Original Plans for Ambrose at Night of Champions?

Glorious Maxxwell
09-30-2014, 04:36 AM
It’s been noted how there was a plan to do Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins at WWE Night of Champions at one point but Vince McMahon nixed it. After that was nixed, they wanted to have Rollins interfere in the John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar main event, like he ended up doing. This was the planned finish before Roman Reigns went down with his injury.

Original plans had Dean Ambrose costing Rollins his match against Roman Reigns. Rollins would then come back and try to cash in at the end of the show with Cena stopping him before he could, which he did. This would have led to Cena vs. Lesnar at Hell In a Cell, if Vince McMahon made his mind up about that match, a blowoff for Rollins vs. Ambrose and Reigns moving on to Randy Orton.

With there being no solid word on how long Reigns would be out, they went with the decision to stick with the planned finish.

We’ve noted how WWE feels they have a lot more leeway with disqualification and screwy finishes with major matches now that pay-per-views cost $9.99 instead of $54.95.