View Full Version : ROH TV Results / Report - 12th Oct, 2014

10-16-2014, 02:34 PM
This week’s show begins with a look at footage from the Ring of Honor World Title match at All Star Extravaganza when Jay Briscoe became the second multiple time Ring of Honor World Champion.

We are in Wheeling, West Virginia and your announcers are Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness.

Kevin Kelly is in the ring and he introduces the new Ring of Honor World Champion, Jay Briscoe.

Kevin congratulates Jay on his victory in Toronto. Jay says the game plan going in was to break the ‘unbreakable’ and we can say that Michael Elgin’s ass done been broken. Kevin asks Jay will be different the second time around.

Jay says that he realizes that everyone will be gunning for him and there is a target on his ass. He tells everyone to take their best shot, but he shoots back and he has some heavy artillery.

Kevin asks Jay about his camouflage belt and his thoughts on the current look of that belt. Jay says he has seen the ‘Title of Love’ and how it is pink and s***. That title means something special to him. It grew legs and walked to him. Now that it is all pinked out, he will get that sumbitch back. He guarantees that the Kingdom will crumble like eight week old chicken s***.

Adam Cole’s music plays and he makes his way to the ramp. He congratulates Jay on winning and he says that if you thought his first title reign wasn’t embarrassing enough, he had to go win the title a second time. The hatred and jealousy will never stop because Adam says he hates Jay’s chicken farming guts.

Jay tells Adam he hates his pretty boy bitch ass.

Adam says they wouldn’t have it any other way. He will make sure that as long as Jay is still in the company, he will make Jay’s life a living hell. Adam says that he will win the Honor Rumble and then in two weeks, he will win the title back and it will be in the Kingdom where it belongs.

Jay tells Adam that we don’t have to wait two weeks because we can do this s*** now.

Cole comes to the ring and Jay is ready for a fight. Nigel McGuinness refuses to let Cole get in the ring so Cole backs off and he says ‘his time Jay’.

Jay says that he hopes Adam Cole wins the Honor Rumble so he can beat his bitch ass in two weeks.

We see a graphic of the twenty people who will be in the Honor Rumble as we go to commercial.

We are back with the Decade. Jimmy Jacobs mentions that the winner of the Honor Rumble gets a title match. There are twenty people in this match, including ‘five of us’. BJ says there are four of them here and where is TD? Jimmy says that he will be here. Roderick says that he gets what the Decade is about and the bond that they have. Tonight is an opportunity for him. BJ asks Roddy how many opportunities has he had.

Jimmy tries to stop the argument and he tells the cameraman to stop rolling, but since this is wrestling, the camera continues to record what is going on. Jacobs says that this is about them. They will show these kids what they are all about . . . Whitmer and Page leave as the segment ends.

Match Number One: Moose and RD Evans (with Veda Scott and Ramone) versus Red Scorpion and Grey Wolf (with Prince Nana)

Wolf and Evans start things off and Evans is not too happy about this decision. Evans appears to have injured his leg so he tags Moose into the match. They lock up and go to a stalemate. They lock up again and Wolf with a side head lock and shoulder tackle but Moose does not move. Moose with a shoulder tackle and Wolf does not move. Wolf with a knee and forearm to the back. Scorpion tags in and he goes to the turnbuckles and connects with a double sledge.

Scorpion with a knee but Moose with a drop kick and he pounds his chest and Evans wants to be tagged in and he hits a double sledge to the back but Scorpion is fine. Evans tries to get away but Scorpion grabs Evans and Scorpion with an atomic drop and Wolf punches Evans from the apron. Scorpion hits the Final Cut for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Scorpion with a forearm and he tags in Wolf. Scorpion with a European uppercut followed by an Irish whip. Evans gets his boot up for Wolf and then Scorpion goes over the top rope to the floor. Evans with an enzuigiri to Wolf and Moose tags in and head butts both men and he pounds his chest and gets people to start a Moose chant. Moose with splashes into the corner followed by a flying head butt to Scorpion and he covers Moose but the referee would not make the count for the man who is not in legally.

Wolf with a kick and then they hit a double flapjack on Moose. They Irish whip Moose and he climbs the opposite turnbuckles for a cross body on both men. Evans tags in and he sets for a double choke slam but he cannot get either man up. He tries again to the same result so they give him a double choke slam.

Moose is thrown over the top rope to the floor and Scorpion with an Irish whip followed by a clothesline by Wolf in the corner. Scorpion with a cannonball into the turnbuckles. He pulls Evans into the center of the ring for a jackknife cover and Veda pulls the referee out of the ring.

Veda backs up to avoid Wolf but she backs into Nana. Veda slaps Wolf and Wolf thinks about it, but he thinks too long and Veda moves so Wolf hits Nana. Moose hits Wolf and he sends Wolf into the ring. Wolf and Scorpion work over Moose but Moose with a double spear and Evans with the pin on Scorpion for the three count.

Winners: Moose and RD Evans

After the match Evans celebrates with everyone as the streak moves to 154-0.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Mark Briscoe points out that he has won the Honor Rumble twice and he is in the mood to Honor Rumble. When he wins, he will set up himself for a title match. Mark says that he doesn’t care if Jay is the champ, it is his time. Mark turns around and he stops talking when he sees it is Jay standing behind him.

Bobby Cruise explains the rules for the Honor Rumble.

Match Number Two: Honor Rumble for a Future Ring of Honor World Title Match (featuring Jay Lethal, ACH, Caprice Coleman, Tadarius Thomas, Adam Page, BJ Whitmer, Adam Cole, Jimmy Jacobs, Roderick Strong, Michael Bennett, Cedric Alexander, Romantic Touch, J Diesel, Will Ferrara, Mark Briscoe, Bob Evans, Hanson, Cheeseburger, Bobby Fish, and Kyle O’Reilly)

The first two entrants are Jay Lethal and ACH and they will wrestle for two minutes until the next person enters. ACH with a chop and punches. Lethal punches back but ACH with a kick and chop. ACH punches Jay but Jay with a kick to the leg and a chop in the corner. Lethal with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. ACH tries to send Lethal over the top rope but Lethal holds on to the ropes. Lethal picks up ACH and tries to eliminate him but ACH holds on to the ropes. ACH with a chop and he sends Lethal into the turnbuckles. ACH tries to put Lethal over the top rope but Lethal stops him and he punches ACH. Lethal with a kick and he tries for a suplex but ACH lands on his feet and he chops Lethal. ACH with a hip toss and it is time for the next entrant.

Tadarius Thomas is number three in the match and he makes his way to the ring and he squares off with his former tag team partner while Jay relaxes for a moment. Lethal punches ACH and then he wants to forge an alliance with Thomas, but it was a trap and Lethal with a forearm to the back followed by an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner.

The fourth entrant is J Diesel and he stops ACH from eliminating Lethal and Diesel eliminates ACH. Diesel and Lethal attack Thomas in the corner. Diesel elevates Thomas and Lethal with a Lethal Injection and Diesel eliminates Thomas. Lethal sits on the apron for number five to enter.

The next entrant is Romantic Touch. Touch struts around the ring and Lethal and Diesel attack him as he enters the ring. Diesel holds Touch for another assisted Lethal Injection. Diesel throws Touch out of the ring while Lethal sits on the apron to see who number six is going to be.

Entrant number six is Mark Briscoe. Truth takes a photo of Mark and because Truth took away part of Mark’s soul, he chases him around the ring with Truth bumping into the referee to allow Mark to catch up to him. Lethal goes to the floor and Mark sends Jay into the guardrail. Briscoe with a shoulder to Diesel followed by chops and he tries to eliminate Diesel but Lethal stops him.

Number seven is Adam Page and he flips into the ring after getting Diesel’s attention for a clothesline as he lands on the mat. Page tries to eliminate Diesel and he gets J on the apron. Diesel drops Page on the top rope but Diesel stays on the apron. Page avoids being sent into the turnbuckles. Mark works over Diesel with chops and head butts. Diesel with a clothesline to Briscoe and then he grabs Page in a waist lock.

Entrant number eight is Will Ferrara and he goes after Diesel but Diesel with an elbow. Will with punches to Diesel. We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that Caprice Coleman and Bob Evans have entered the match during the commercial break.

Adam Cole enters the match as number eleven. Briscoe with a belly-to-belly suplex to Ferrara. Cole takes his time entering the ring and he says that everyone is doing great so he stays on the floor. Briscoe sees Cole on the floor while Page tries to eliminate Briscoe. Briscoe with a drop kick to Page.

Entrant number twelve is Hanson and he throws Cole into the ring when Cole’s back is turned. Hanson with punches to everyone and then he eliminates Bob Evans. Hanson grabs Cole and brings him back into the ring. Briscoe exchanges punches with Hanson. Coleman is sent to the apron and Hanson with a spin kick to eliminate Coleman. Hanson sends Cole and Lethal to the mat.

Entrant number thirteen is BJ Whitmer and he kicks Hanson. Page kicks and punches Hanson Lethal and a few others try to eliminate Mark Briscoe but Mark stays in the ring. Hanson with a head butt and punches to Whitmer.

Entrant number fourteen is Kyle O’Reilly. O’Reilly chops Diesel and punches Ferrara. He punches Lethal and connects with an elbow. Whitmer and Page eliminate Hanson. Briscoe kicks Whitmer and Page and Page is able to stay on the apron when Mark gets Page on his shoulders.

Entrant number fifteen is Jimmy Jacobs and he is grabbed by Lethal and Jacobs lands on the apron. Ferrara comes up behind Lethal and eliminates him. Diesel charges at Ferrara and Ferrara drops down and Diesel is eliminated. Lethal follows the time honored battle royal tradition of attacking the person who eliminated you in a jealous rage as he pulls Ferrara out of the ring and sends him into the guardrails. Diesel, Lethal, and Martini attack Ferrara. Truth kicks Ferrara and then Diesel does the same.

Entrant number sixteen is Roderick Strong. Page throws Ferrara out of the ring and eliminates him. Strong eliminates Page and Jacobs goes after O’Reilly, who tries to eliminate Strong. Briscoe fights out of the corner as he takes down Strong, Whitmer, and Jacobs. Cole punches and kicks Strong. Briscoe is sent to the apron by Jacobs and Whitmer but Mark lands on the apron and gets back into the ring. Jacobs is sent over the top rope but he holds on and is able to roll back into the ring.

Entrant number seventeen is supposed to be Cedric Alexander but Tommaso Ciampa makes his way to the ring. Ciampa walks around the ring despite being suspended. We have some indignation of Ciampa as he stands at ringside. A member of ringside security comes over to Ciampa and Ciampa sends that poor soul into the guardrails. Ciampa sends another person into the guardrails and then Nigel grabs Ciampa’s leg to stop him from getting into the ring. Ciampa yells at Nigel while the match continues.

Entrant number eighteen is Bobby Fish and Ciampa leaves through the crowd. Strong with a knee to eliminate O’Reilly as Fish enters the ring. Fish punches Strong and Jacobs while Briscoe and Cole battle. Cedric Alexander finally gets into the ring and he connects with punches. Jacobs tries to eliminate Fish but he stays on the apron.

Entrant number nineteen is Cheeseburger. Jacobs with a thumb to the eye and Strong, Whitmer, and Jacobs kick him. Alexander with forearms to Strong while Cheeseburger gets Jacobs over the top rope but only to the apron. Briscoe has Cole on his shoulders but Cole gets to the mat.

The final entrant in the Honor Rumble is Michael Bennett, who is accompanied by Maria Kanellis. Whitmer kicks Cheeseburger and we go to commercial.

We are back and Cheeseburger is being choked by Bennett and Fish. Strong has Cole down but Bennett punches Strong. Whitmer and Jacobs try to eliminate Cheeseburger but Alexander comes low and eliminates Jacobs and Whitmer, while Cheeseburger goes to the apron. Strong is able to stop Alexander from trying to eliminate him and Cedric is eliminated.

Jacobs punches Cheeseburger while Strong hits a Yakuza kick on Cheeseburger. Cole and Bennett choke Briscoe in the corner. Strong sends Cheeseburger to the apron and he tries to eliminate him. Fish sends Strong into the turnbuckles. Strong kicks Fish while Bennett chokes Cheeseburger. Briscoe punches Cole. Fish goes to the apron and he tries to eliminate Strong with a suplex, but Strong lands on the apron.

Strong and Fish exchange forearms on the apron. Fish with a kick to the chest and Strong with an enzuigiri. Cole and Briscoe battle in the ring. Fish and Strong with forearms and they both fall to the floor and are eliminated.

We are down to the final four and it is Michael Bennett, Adam Cole, Mark Briscoe, and Cheeseburger. They pair up and exchange punches and forearms. Mark fights with Bennett while Cole sends Cheeseburger to the apron. Cole sees that he is on the apron and Cheeseburger with a shoulder and he tries to suplex Cole to the floor but Cole pushes Cheeseburger to the floor. Briscoe eliminates Cole and Bennett eliminates Briscoe to win the match.

Winner: Michael Bennett

We go to credits with Bennett and Maria celebrating in the ring and Cole trying to figure out what happened.