View Full Version : Impact Results / Report - 15th Oct, 2014

10-16-2014, 04:59 PM
TNA Impact Wrestling opened with Kurt Angle coming to the ring. He said that the competition since he’s taken over his authority role is better than it’s ever been anywhere. He said that he can’t have people manipulating the title picture. He called out TNA champion Bobby Lashley, who came out alone.

Angle said that he’s given MVP and Kenny King the night off and said he can’t have them manipulating the title. He asked Lashley why turned down Bobby Roode’s challenge. Roode said he beat Roode already and asked Angle if he wanted a shot. They stared at each other. Angle said that one day they will fight and Lashley will regret it, but his job tonight is to create a new number one contender.

Angle announced there would be a Four Way for the top contendership and introduced the competitors – Eric Young, Jeff Hardy, Austin Aries and Bobby Roode, all men who Lashley has defeated in recent months. Lashley was annoyed when Roode was announced.

Highlights of the Team 3D induction into the TNA Hall of Fame over the weekend in Japan were shown.

Backstage, Matt Hardy was being interviewed about his brother getting his chance at a TNA title shot when Magnus interrupted and introduced himself. He reminded Matt that he once beat Jeff for the TNA championship. He said that he was surprised Matt was still around after how they lost their chance at the TNA Tag titles. He called Hardy a cheerleader for his brother. Matt challenged him to face him tonight. Magnus agreed.

TNA Knockouts championship Havok vs. Madison Rayne

There’s something really likable about Rayne’s entrance. They showed a pre-record interview with Rayne where she said she was tired about everyone attacking her for beating Taryn Terrell and then not saving her from Havok. She said it’s professional wrestling and it’s everyone for themselves and said Taryn will “get over it.”

They showed stills of Havok beating Velvet in Tokyo at Bound for Glory.

Havok tossed around Madison early. She missed a charge and was dropkicked by Rayne several times, sending the champ to the floor. Rayne went for a bodypress off the apron to the floor but was caught and slammed into the apron. Havok worked over Rayne, who made a comeback with a series of forearms before being knocked down to the mat as she rebounded off the ropes.

Havok drilled Rayne in the corner with a series of shoulderblocks. Rayne made a comeback but was caught going for a sunset flip. Havok grabbed her by the throat and tossed her into the corner. She charged but was kicked off several times. Rayne nailed a missile dropkick for a two count.

Rayne went for a kick but was caught with a stiff clothesline. Havok missed a legdrop. Rayne went for a side-roll but was caught and chokeslammed for the pin.

Your winner and still Knockouts champion, Havok!

Backstage, Kurt Angle spoke with Devon. Devon thanked him for congratulations on the TNA Hall of Fame. Devon said he might be in the Hall but he’s still committed to the TNA roster.

Backstage, Eric Young discussed the main event. He said when he won the TNA championship, he had a 5% chance of winning but tonight he’s got a 25% chance. He said he’s never heard of someone being struck by lightning twice but he’s hoping to be the guy.

Magnus vs. Matt Hardy

Magnus backed Hardy into the corner but was nailed with a series of rights. Magnus shoulderblocked him down but was caught with a neckbreaker and a legdrop for a two count. Hardy went for the Twist of Fate but Magnus powdered to the outside. Hardy was nailed as he left the ring to go after him but Magnus drilled him into the ringpost then powerbombed him on the apron.

Magnus worked over Hardy. Hardy went for an enziguiri but missed. Magnus pummeled Hardy with clotheslines. Hardy made a comeback and nailed a bulldog for a two count. Hardy nailed a moonsault for a two count. Hardy went for a forward roll but Magnus held on and grabbed the ropes. The referee caught him and broke the pinfall. He and Magnus had words.

Magnus came off the ropes but Hardy caught him with a Twist of Fate in mid-air. Nice finish! Hardy scored the pin.

Your winner, Matt Hardy!

They aired the EC3 promo from Bound for Glory promising he would unveil his new bodyguard tonight.

The Menagerie vs. Jesse Godderz & DJ Zema & Angelina Love (with Velvet Sky)

Love attacked Rebel after Zema distracted her. Knux tagged in and worked over Zema, then put him over his knee and spanked him. Knux slammed Zema. Crazzy Steve tagged in and Knux slammed him atop of Steve.

Lots of back and forth action. Rebel! nailed a series of clotheslines. They nailed each other with a double clothesline and made tags out to Godderz and Steve. Steve cleaned house and nailed a running shoulderblock into the corner. Love got iun Steve’s face so he went to kiss her. Godderz grabbed him and pressed him above his head. Steve landed on his feet and nailed a leaping DDT off the ropes for the pin.

Your winners, The Menagerie!

Backstage, Bobby Roode said tonight was the night. Austin Aries came up to him and said that before he fought Lashley, Roode wished him luck. He said tonight’s not going to be about luck, but skill. He said when they are in the ring, it’s magic. Roode said that’s true but tonight is his shot. Aries said it’s all their shot and that they need to leave it all out there and no apologies tonight.

EC3 came to the ring to reveal his new bodyguard. Out came the former Brodus Clay. Mike Tenay was going to say his name but Taz warned him he got a text from EC3’s personal assistant telling him not to do so. They showed stills of the EC3 vs. Ryoto Hama bout in Tokyo.

EC3 said Clay was his new acquisition, Tyrus. EC3 cut a promo putting over that he beat Bully Ray, Sting and Kurt Angle. He said that he’s been undefeated in TNA for a year. The crowd got on him for that. Devon came out to confront him. Devon said that he keeps talking about who he’s beaten, but there’s someone he hasn’t beaten, and that’s him. Devon turned to Tyrus and said he’s going to put EC3 through a table and if he tries to interfere, he will make Tyrus his “b***.”

Devon came to the ring but was attacked from behind by Bram with a trash can lid. Bram beat the hell out of his knee with the trash can lid. Devon was left laying as the officials came out.

When they returned from commercial, EC3 took the mic and proclaimed that he had beaten Devon. EC3 asked Tyrus if he wanted to leave and Tyrus said no. EC3 said that he brought a treat to Tyrus because he expected Tyrus wants to be undefeated to. He said he scoured the Earth and couldn’t find someone worthy of him, so he went to the deepest depths of the Ocean. He introduced “TNA Legends” Shark Boy.

Backstage, Pat Kenney was looking for Shark Boy. Bob Ryder told him he was in room number two. Shark was lounging around eating doughnuts. Kenney told him he had to go and Sharky told him he could “turn it on” anytime he wanted. He left but grabbed a snack for the way out.

Tyrus vs. Shark Boy

Shark Boy got a nice reaction. Tyrus cut him off and nailed him with an exploder and a splash in the corner. Tyrus nailed a big chokeslam for the pin.

Your winner, Tyrus!

As a way to introduce Tyrus as a monster, I liked it.

They aired a nice highlight reel from BFG.

Jeff Hardy was warming up. He said he had three great opponents tonight and told his creatures it was time to get the World title back.

They aired a nice video piece on The Wolves. They announced a 8 team tournament to crown their new top contenders.

To Determine Top Contender for TNA title: Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries vs. Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode

All four started. Hardy and Aries battled on the outside. Roode and Young traded holds on the inside. Aries went for a dive on Young but was nailed. Hardy nailed a leaping dive off Aries’ back onto Roode and Young on the floor. Aries hit the heat seeking dive on all three.

Everyone battled in the ring. Hardy missed a mule kick on Roode as Young and Aries battled. They went to commercial and when they returned, Roode nailed a spinebuster on Young for a two count. He went for a TKO but he was shoved off by Young. Aries nailed a slingshot splash on Roode and drilled Young, only to be cut off by Hardy with the Cruncher legdrop.

Young grabbed Hardy and nailed a DDT for a two count. Young went for a flying elbow but Roode charged and cut him off on the top. Roode went for a superplex but was nailed by Aries. They all battled as Young was out on the top. This set the stage for a nice Tower of Doom spot that the crowd loved, elicting a “TNA” chant.

They went into a nice sequence. Hardy went for a swanton but Aries cut him off on the top as Roode and Aries battled in the opposite corner. Young missed a moonsault while Hardy missed a swanton. Aries nailed a brainbuster on Hardy as Roode nailed the Roode Bomb on Young and the referee counted three on both men at the same time. That was pretty damn unique!

Jeff Hardy and Eric Young have been eliminated.

Aries and Roode went face to face, then began shoving and striking each other. The crowd had back and forth chants. Aries went for the discus forearm but Roode cut him off. Aries went for the brainbuster but it was reversed. Aries went for a rollup but was shoved off. Roode went Aries over the top to the apron but was struck down to the mat. Aries went to the top but Roode caught him and took him down for a pinfall. Aries kicked out but Roode cinched in a crossface.

Aries broke free and locked on the Last Chancery. Roode teased tapping out but made it to the ropes. Aries nailed a neckbreaker across the ropes. He nailed a missile dropkick. Aries went for the brainbuster but was shoved off. Aries nailed the discus forearm and went for the brainbuster but was kneed in the face.

Aries went for a splash in the corner but was caught and nailed with the Roode Bomb for the pin. Really good main event.

Your winner and top contender to the TNA title, Bobby Roode!

After the match, the other three competitors all returned to the ring to shake Roode’s hand and show him respect. That was nice. All four raised each other’s arms.

Role Model
10-16-2014, 06:19 PM
Austin Aries ftw....

It's good for Roode getting the win, and of course glad to see both back in the main event, though.