View Full Version : Is TNA's Demise Nearing?

10-24-2014, 02:39 AM
So I haven't watched TNA in probably 3yrs. However, I keep up with certain news posts here and there on WZ from time to time.

Can somebody fill me in on what the hell is going on because to me it sounds like TNA is in a real downward spiral!
Styles is gone, Sting is gone, Kurt's situation is up in the air and last I heard so is Bully Ray's. I know TNA has lost some serious star power as of late and also their TV deal.

Bound For Glory was fucking taped in Japan and not even live, what the hell is up with that? That's their "WrestleMania" and it was held in some little gym looking building that looked like it held 5 people.

So what is going on exactly, what the hell happened to cause all this aside from the obvious Dixie Carter not knowing what she's doing? Money? Creative?

Big Evil
10-24-2014, 03:25 AM
TNA has had bad management in the form of Dixie Carter and before her in the hands of Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett treated the company as his personal pedestal elevating himself to the main player in the game. He didn't deserve that but ran the place that way. Dixie is doing the same thing, albeit not in a wrestling capacity. She had been feuding with Bully Ray for quite some time now, constantly putting herself in the spotlight. The issue, in my mind, is that TNA cannot get anyone in creative control or the business side that truly has the companies' interests in mind. Dixie is selfish, Jarrett was selfish, Hulk Hogan is selfish, Eric Bischoff is selfish, Vince Russo is a moron that has built a reputation of driving wrestling companies into the ground.
TNA has long suffered from the ideology that if they pull the guys that were big in wrestling from the 80's and 90's, then they will see success. Dixie has no business trying to run a company of any kind. The guys they have brought on to help run things have really only hurt the company. Hulk Hogan is so full of himself he demanded a large salary out of a mediocre company, despite the legendary Sting taking a much smaller pay to be a part of the company. TNA will never get ahead as long as they hang onto this idea that the old school that were big once is the solution for now. They need to look for young talent out there, creative minds and good business people to take the reigns. There have to be fans of wrestling out there with creative talent that can help elevate the brand. There has to be sound business people out there that can bring some profit back to the company.
TNA will continue to suffer if they don't break away from what isn't working, and focus on a different direction. If they don't, they are doomed to die.

10-25-2014, 02:03 AM
Hulk Hogan is so full of himself he demanded a large salary out of a mediocre company, despite the legendary Sting taking a much smaller pay to be a part of the company.

I'm a huge sting fan, but seriously? They paid him a million dollars a year, half paid by tna and half paid by Spike. He didn't bring anything more to the company than Hogan did.

Big Evil
10-25-2014, 02:21 AM
Okay perhaps I was wrong about his pay, but that is still less than Hogan took.

10-29-2014, 01:34 AM
Sounds to me like they're in an inevitable demise.

Big Evil
10-29-2014, 01:17 PM
I believe the same. TNA is failing creatively when they need to be outstanding and innovative. That isn't easy when pretty much everything has been done already. We see so much copied and they try to reinvent the same old ideas. It just cannot happen, especially with older talent taking the focus away from what made TNA so interesting to begin with.

Then there are the business issues. Overspending money on older talent, pushing for traveling when they had a good, inexpensive home in Orlando Studios. They are trying to be like the WWE, except without the money to do so. Failure is the only thing in their future if they don't change their ways, and with the likes of Eric Bischoff and Dixie Carter at the forefront, that doesn't look likely.

10-29-2014, 05:13 PM
I believe the same. TNA is failing creatively when they need to be outstanding and innovative. That isn't easy when pretty much everything has been done already. We see so much copied and they try to reinvent the same old ideas. It just cannot happen, especially with older talent taking the focus away from what made TNA so interesting to begin with.

Then there are the business issues. Overspending money on older talent, pushing for traveling when they had a good, inexpensive home in Orlando Studios. They are trying to be like the WWE, except without the money to do so. Failure is the only thing in their future if they don't change their ways, and with the likes of Eric Bischoff and Dixie Carter at the forefront, that doesn't look likely.

I actually live in Orlando and always wanted to go to a show but never did. Are they not at Universal anymore?

10-29-2014, 08:32 PM
Okay perhaps I was wrong about his pay, but that is still less than Hogan took.

Actually, whereas sting took a flat rate of 1 million a year and sat at home 6 months a year, Hogan took a per appearance fee of 35K. TNA taped all of their shows two weeks at a time, so at most Hogan would have only worked 26 shows a year which would only be $910k.

I actually live in Orlando and always wanted to go to a show but never did. Are they not at Universal anymore?

Last I heard they have actually already taped everything that runs through the end of their contract and they arent doing any new tapings until they do a new deal. They actually dont even have any shows planned until a UK tour in January.

Big Evil
10-29-2014, 09:11 PM
I actually live in Orlando and always wanted to go to a show but never did. Are they not at Universal anymore?

I can't say for sure that they are completely out, but they are traveling around the country the same way WWE was. At least, they were. Now that they aren't doing shows until they get a new TV deal I'm guessing its vacation time lol

11-22-2014, 04:41 AM
I say we just call them "Cockroach Wrestling" from now on.