Shootkick Man
10-26-2014, 09:15 PM
?We are in Wheeling, West Virginia and your announcers are Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness.
All three Ring of Honor titles will be defended tonight.

Match Number One: Roderick Strong and Jimmy Jacobs (with Adam Page and BJ Whitmer) versus Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly for the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championships

Kyle and Jacobs start things off and they lock up. Kyle with a side head lock. Kyle with a kick to the chest but he misses a clothesline. Jacobs with a spinning head scissors and he punches Kyle. Kyle with a jawbreaker and Bobby tags in. Jacobs chokes Fish and he tags in Strong. Fish with a knee to the midsection and he sends Strong into the turnbuckles.

Kyle tags in and Strong with a chop and punch. Kyle with a knee and Fish with a kick. Kyle with a slap to Strong. Kyle works on Strong’s arm and shoulder. Jacobs trips Kyle and Strong with a leg lariat. Jacobs tags in and he sends Kyle into the turnbuckles. Jacobs with a slam and then Jacobs jumps onto Kyle’s chest.

Strong tags back in and he Irish whips Kyle into Jacobs’ boots and Strong with a backbreaker and Jacobs with a back senton off Strong’s shoulders for Strong to get a near fall. Jacobs tags in and Kyle kicks Strong and then he hits a dragon screw leg whip on Strong while Strong holds Jacobs’ leg and Jacobs goes down as well.

Fish tags in and he hits a running knee to Strong in the corner. Fish with kicks to Jacobs followed by a Samoan drop to Strong. Fish kicks Jacobs’ leg in the corenr and he gives him a dragon screw leg whip. Fish with a back elbow to Strong, but Jacobs with a near fall. Jacobs goes for the head scissors a second time and Kyle tries for a drop kick but he cannot time it right and Jacobs hits the head scissors on Fish.

Fish with a snap suplex and he tags in Kyle. Kyle with a snap mare and knee drop to the chest for a near fall. Kyle works on the shoulder and he tags Fish back in. Fish with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall. Fish knocks Strong off the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Fish tags back in and he knocks Strong off the apron again. Fish and O’Reilly with an Irish whip and Fish and Kyle hit splashes into the corner. Fish with a back breaker and Kyle hits a knee off the turnbuckles. Fish gets a near fall but Strong breaks it up. Fish with a forearm followed by a punch to the midsection. Fish with an Irish whip and forearm into the corner.

Jacobs with a cutter off the turnbuckles as Fish charges into the corner. Strong tags in and so does Kyle. Strong with a forearm to Fish followed by a chop to Kyle. Strong with a back breaker and then he hits a back drop to Fish onto Kyle. Strong with a running forearm. Strong and Kyle with a series of standing switches. Kyle backs Strong into the turnbuckles and Fish with a splash into the corner. Kyle with a kick into the corner and he goes to the turnbuckles. Strong sends Fish into the corner and he collides with his tag team partner. Strong with an Olympic Slam to Kyle. Strong pulls Kyle off the turnbuckles and hits a back breaker for a near fall.

Strong with forearms to Kyle followed by a back elbow and he gets Kyle on his shoulders but Kyle counters into a guillotine. Fish goes after Jacobs and Jacobs with a guillotine on Fish. Kyle and Jacobs exchange punches while applying the guillotine. Strong and Fish escape the holds by sending their opponent into each other and everyone is down.

Fish and Strong with forearms at the same time. Fish with a kick but Strong with a drop kick. Kyle with knees and a leg sweep to Strong. Jacobs tries to interfere but Kyle sees him coming and Kyle drops down as Jacobs goes over the top rope to the floor. Fish runs Jacobs into the guardrails.

Strong with the Sick Kick but Kyle kicks out. Strong goes for a back breaker but Kyle with a knee and then each man connects with forearms. Strong with a jumping knee and Kyle is down. BJ distracts the referee and Page gives Strong a chair. Strong picks up the chair and he throws it at Page. P> Kyle with a series of kicks and a forearm. Fish with a belly-to-back suplex to Strong and then they hit Chasing the Dragon for the three count.

Winners: Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish

We go to commercial.

We are back and before the next match, we go to the Cabana Cabana for comments from Jay Lethal and Truth Martini. Truth points out that Will eliminated Jay Lethal in the Honor Rumble and Lethal calls it a fluke. Truth rhetorically asks what does it mean to be a champion and Jay tells Truth what it means. He says that he thought the Decade was cleaning up the streets in Ring of Honor to the young filth. William, no one knows who you are and he will make sure it stays that way.

Match Number Two: Will Ferrara versus Jay Lethal (with Truth Martini) for the Ring of Honor Television Championship

Before the match starts, Lethal and Ferrara have some words during the handshake to confirm that the Code of Honor will be followed and the referee has to separate them before calling for the bell.

Lethal kicks Ferrara in the corner and then he punches Ferrara and the referee warns Lethal. Lethal sends Ferrara over the top rope and there is no one to wonder if that is a disqualification. Lethal says that now he is even before sending Ferrara into the guardrails. Lethal sends Ferrara back into the ring and he kicks Will in the head. Lethal throws Ferrara over the top rope to the floor and Will is still not the winner by disqualification.

Lethal chops Ferrara against the apron and he sends Will back into the ring. Lethal with a kick to the head and he gets a near fall. Lethal slaps Ferrara in the back of the head and he tries to send Will over the top rope to the floor again. Ferrara lands on the apron and Ferrara with punches but Lethal drop kicks Ferrara in the legs and Will goes to the floor. Lethal chops Ferrara against the apron again and then Lethal sits on the apron next to Ferrara for a match photo of Lethal.

They return to the ring and Lethal gets a near fall. Ferrara with punches to Lethal but Lethal stops Will with a punch. Ferrara with more punches but Lethal with another punch to stop him. They go back and forth with punches and Ferrara gains the advantage until Lethal connects with a knee. Ferrara with an Irish whip and running elbow into the corner. Ferrara with a second and third elbow into the corner. Ferrara with a running shoulder into the corner.

Ferrara tries to suplex Lethal into the turnbuckles but Lethal blocks it. Ferrara with forearms to the back followed by a suplex. Ferrara tries for a springboard tornado DDT but Lethal stops Will and hits a Lethal Combination and he kneels in front of Ferrara. Lethal goes up top for the elbow drop but Ferrara gets his boot up and Lethal avoids Will.

Ferrara with a punch from the apron and then he avoids interference from Truth. Ferrara with a springboard tornado DDT that sends Lethal to the floor. Ferrara with a suicide dive onto Lethal and then they return to the ring and Ferrara with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall.

Ferrara runs into a super kick and Lethal hits Lethal Injection for the three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal

Match Number Three: Michael Bennett (with Maria Kanellis) versus Jay Briscoe for the Ring of Honor World Championship

Jay pushes Bennett and Bennett slaps Jay and runs to the floor. Bennett with forearms to the back as Jay returns to the ring. Bennett chokes Jay in the corner and follows with uppercuts. Bennett with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Jay punches Bennett and connects with head butts and kicks. Jay chokes Bennett in the corner.

Jay with a European uppercut and then he sends Bennett into the turnbuckles and connects with jabs. Briscoe with an Irish whip but he misses a splash in the corner. Bennett with a punch and suplex for a near fall. Bennett goes to the turnbuckles and Jay catches him and Briscoe sends Bennett into the turnbuckles. Jay with head butts and a European uppercut followed by a choke in the corner and the referee warns Briscoe.

Jay with a slam and he hits a leg drop for a near fall. Briscoe kicks Bennett in the back and connects with European uppercuts. Jay with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner followed by a snap mare and running boot to the head. Jay clotheslines Bennett over the top rope to the floor.

Jay with a head butt to Bennett on the floor and he kicks him in the corner of the guardrails. Briscoe with a European uppercut but Bennett with a kick and he sends Briscoe into the guardrails. Bennett takes Briscoe up the ramp to the entrance and he tries to suplex Briscoe in front of the entrance but Jay blocks it and he suplexes Bennett on the stage as we go to commercial.

We are back and Briscoe with jabs to Bennett followed by European uppercuts. Bennett with a kick to the chest but Briscoe with a discus forearm. Bennett with a kick and he sets for a neck breaker but Briscoe blocks it and he sends Bennett into the turnbuckles. Briscoe with a neck breaker for a near fall. Briscoe with a kick to the head.

Briscoe gets Bennett on his shoulders but Bennett with elbows to get back to his feet. Bennett with a super kick but Bennett charges at Briscoe and Jay moves out of the way, causing Bennett to hit the turnbuckles. Jay goes for the Jay Driller but Bennett counters into Paydirt and he applies the Anaconda Vice but Briscoe gets to the ropes.

They go to the apron and Bennett sets for a piledriver on the apron and the referee stops him. The distraction allows Jay to hit a few head butts. Maria gets on the apron to distract Jay. Bennett’s spear attempt is blocked by a kick and Briscoe hits a Death Valley Driver on the apron and both men go to the floor.

Jay sends Bennett back into the ring and Jay goes up top but he takes too long and Bennett recovers and hits a drop kick. Bennett with a spear and he gets a near fall. Bennett bounces around to set up a Twist of Fate, but Briscoe counters and tries for a sleeper but Bennett gets to the ropes. Briscoe with kicks to the head.

Briscoe with head butts in the corner. Briscoe sets for the Jay Driller but Maria sends the furry pink belt into the ring and Jay gets distracted while the referee removes the belt. Bennett with a low blow and he hits a piledriver but Jay kicks out.

Bennett goes to the apron and he goes up top but he misses a swanton. Jay with the Jay Driller for the three count.

Winner: Jay Briscoe

After the match, Maria acts like she is going to hit Briscoe with the furry pink belt. Jay sets for a Jay Driller on Maria but Adam Cole comes from behind and hits a super kick. Mark Briscoe comes to the ring and he works over Adam Cole.

Matt Taven makes his way to the ring and he grabs Maria’s furry pink belt and he hits Mark Briscoe with it.

Matt removes his shirt and tie to reveal a Kingdom t-shirt.

Cole hits Jay with the World Title belt.

We go to credits.

10-26-2014, 11:07 PM
Thanx for posting!