View Full Version : Chris Jericho hasn't experienced 'part-timer resentment

11-05-2014, 09:03 PM
With a little more than a week to go before he re-joins the pro wrestling world for a quick stint to bolster WWE's Fall European tour, Chris Jericho is hard at work promoting his band Fozzy and his new book, The Best in the World: At What I Have No Idea.

Getting ready for a gig in continued support of Do You Want to Start a War, the latest Fozzy album, Y2J spoke to Scott Fishman of the Miami Herald. Their conversation covered all of Jericho's non-wrestling ventures, but of course eventually circled back to WWE.

He reiterates his stance on only coming back to the company when there is a concrete, major level story lined up, and how impressed he's been by not only his last feud-mate, Bray Wyatt, but also the rest of WWE's young core - especially the confidence showed in them by Vince McMahon and team when Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Wyatt were booked for the closing segment at Hell in a Cell.

That lead to a question about whether Jericho has ever run into any attitude or flack backstage from wrestlers who are with WWE 24/7:

There shouldn't be, because I can come back there and outwork any one of those guys on the roster.

When I come back though, I come back to work as many shows as I can. I don't just come back for TV and pay-per-view (PPV). I work with everybody and have great matches. So I don't think anybody has any issues with Jericho coming back. I think they are actually looking forward to it. If I was coming back and couldn't do my job, then I would absolutely see why they don't want me there.

Plus, I wouldn't come back anyways, but if you can still whoop ass and do great and steal the show on any given night. I'm not saying every night, but there are certain nights that I do. It's the same with Brock Lesnar. When he comes back, money is made. I think everybody realizes that, and if they don't, they don't understand what the business is all about.

Some might argue with his claim that he can "outwork" any current roster members, but other than that, what he says computes. Unlike Lesnar or The Rock, Jericho comes back for house shows, overseas trips...the whole nine yards.

And while Brock's impact might be less now that the business is transitioning away from PPV, he still draws attention to wrestling that it wouldn't get otherwise. It might not make sense for WWE's bottom line, but it does raise the profile of all the boys and girls in the back.