View Full Version : TNA Impact Results November 12, 2014

Shootkick Man
11-13-2014, 11:47 PM
Taped in Bethlehem, Pa.

[Q1] Impact opened with James Storm bringing Sanada and Manik down to the ring. Storm wanted an answer from Davey Richards on whether he's joining The Revolution. Davey and Eddie Edwards came to the ring, where Davey declared that Storm is out of his mind. "My answer is no!" In response, Storm led a beat down on The Wolves. Suddenly, James Storm pulled out his Feast or Fired briefcase from a year ago wanting a Tag Title shot. What happened to the Hardys winning a #1 contender tournament? ...

(1) The Revolution beat TNA tag champs The Wolves (Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards) to capture the TNA Tag Titles. Manik was on the apron presumably as Storm's tag partner to begin things. Storm gave Eddie the Eye of the Storm, but instead of going for a pin, he picked up a mic and told Eddie he should have stayed out of this. Suddenly, Abyss's music played. Abyss stood on the ring apron and Storm announced Abyss as the newest member of the team. Storm tagged Abyss, who was allowed to tag into the match. Poor Mike Tenay and Taz tried to explain this as Storm re-entered to pin Eddie and win the Tag Titles, anti-climatically ending The Wolves's title run.

[Q2] [CB] (2) Taryn Terrell beat Madison Rayne in a Knockouts match. Madison was total heel trying to escape early on, then taunting Taryn, who eventually won with sort of a cutter off the ropes. ... Bobby Lashley approached Kurt Angle backstage. Lashley said he wants Bobby Roode tonight, but Angle said he's off doing promotional work. Lashley was not pleased with the answer.

[Q3] [CB] Kenny King came to the ring alone. King called down Chris Melendez to settle their issues. Melendez was joined by Mr. Anderson, who spoke for Melendez when King called Chris a fraud. King re-directed to Melendez, saying he doesn't belong in the ring and he doesn't deserve to be called a pro wrestler. Melendez rebutted that he belongs here and he's better than King. [CB]

[Q4] Backstage, Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell expressed to Kurt Angle that they want to fight Havok. So, Angle booked a three-way match for the KO Title next week. ... (3) The Menagerie (Knux & Crazzy Steve & Rebel) beat The Bro-Mans & Beautiful People (Robbie E. & D.J. Zema & Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) in a handicap elimination match. After some rapid-fire eliminations, it came down to Jessie and Crazzy Steve, who got the pin for the win. [CB]

[Q5] Backstage, James Storm talked up his faction, then Manik brought in Indian wrestler Mahabali Shera. But, Storm didn't want just anyone in his group. Storm sent Shera packing, then reprimanded Manik. ... (4) Eric Young (w/Rockstar Spud) beat Tyrus (w/Ethan Carter III). Brodus Clay wanted a top-rope move, but EY shoved him down and hit a top-rope elbow for the win. Another loss for Tyrus, who isn't faring well as ECIII's new bodyguard. ... After the match, Bobby Lashley jumped EY and beat him down. This brought out Austin Aries, who challenged Lashley to a match tonight. [CB]

[Q6] Backstage, Brittany warmed up Sam Shaw for his No DQ match against Gunner - by claiming that Gunner came onto her. Shaw angrily walked away. ... Samoa Joe's music played to bring out the X Division champion. Joe said he's not medically cleared to compete tonight. In fact, he's not cleared to compete for quite a while. Joe gave an X Division ra-ra speech, then announced that he has to give up the X Title. Joe vowed to return stronger and go after the replacement champion. ... [CB] Bram sent a message to Tommy Dreamer for a hardcore match, vowing to put him out of his misery.

[Q7] (5) Gunner beat Sam Shaw (w/Brittany) with a Death Valley Driver into a pile of chairs. Brittany tried to get involved throughout by distracting Gunner, but Gunner eventually got the pin. Britt consoled Shaw after the match... [CB] Ring introductions took place for the main event.

[Q8] (6) Austin Aries unofficially beat Bobby Lashley via DQ. [CB] In the second-half of the match, Lashley took Aries to the floor, where he put him in the Crossface to taunt Bobby Roode. Lashley refused to release the hold, so the ref called for the bell. Refs eventually pulled Lashley off Aries, who sold as Lashley stood tall scaring people away to close the show.

Next Week: Roode and Lashley brawl, MVP "crosses the line," TNA scrounges up Low Ki vs. Tigre Uno vs. Manik vs. D.J. Zema for the vacant X Title, Havok vs. Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell for the Knockouts Title, and Bram vs. Tommy Dreamer in a hardcore match.