View Full Version : Samoa Joe Vacates Title, Match Announced, More

Shootkick Man
11-13-2014, 11:52 PM
- After last week's injury angle, Samoa Joe announced on this week's show that he's not cleared to compete and won't be for some time. Joe announced that he will vacate the X Division Title. Next week's show will feature Low Ki, Crazzy Steve, DJ Zema Ion and Manik going at it to crown a new champion.

- James Storm cashed in his Feast or Fired title shot and teamed with Abyss to capture the TNA Tag Team Titles from The Wolves on this week's Impact Wrestling. Eddie Edwards was left to fend for himself after Davey Richards was taken out before the match.

These episodes were taped back in September and Joe has since competed at Bound For Glory.

11-15-2014, 01:51 AM
Sad news about Joe. TNA doesn't need his absence

11-15-2014, 04:09 AM
He should leave.