View Full Version : House of Hardcore iPPV Results

Shootkick Man
11-17-2014, 12:55 AM
1) Stevie Richards beat Danny Doring. Feel-good opener of a match with Doring as a heel and Stevie playing face. Richards won with a Stevie Kick out of nowhere. The two hugged it out at the end. Stevie hasn't aged whatsoever.

(2) Christian York beat Brian Myers (Curt Hawkins). There were Zack Ryder chants for the heelish Hawkins, who now goes by a "Prince of Queens, N.Y." gimmick. This match took a few minutes to heat up and ended up being all right. York won with a "Roll of The Dice."

After the match, Myers took the mic and said it was a fluke win for York, and he's not leaving the ring until he gets a better opponent. Out came RICARDO RODRIGUEZ, who casually waled down to the ring and said he's "not alone." He then introduced ALBERTO DEL RIO, who came out to a huge reaction. "Si" chants galore for both. Del Rio grabbed the mic and says how happy he is to be in the ECW Arena. He said he and Ricardo are here because they're here to have fun and they love wrestling. A "F*** You Vince" chant started. Del Rio and Ricardo soaked it up as Alberto told Ricardo to "not be a p----" and a "Si" chant broke out. Del Rio went on to give props to Tommy Dreamer and said that they aren't "sports entertainers," but "f------ wrestlers!" He then hit Myers with a cross arm-breaker. Amazing segment. Del Rio and Ricardo both stuck around for pictures at intermission, which I took advantage of. They both seemed genuinely happy to be there.

(3) Team Tremendous & Little Guido beat Vik Dalishus & Anthony Green & Ben Ortiz in a six-man tag match. This, behind the main event, was the match of the night. Guido was a surprise appearance and got a great reaction, while Team Tremendous was an '80s buddy cop film tandem, which consisted of a bigger guy and a smaller guy (complete with Magnum P.I. 'stache and I.R.S. suspenders) Crazy spots throughout with Team Tremdous doing a modified Osaka Cutter Doomsday Device double team. Guido grabbed one of the heel team's two valets and kissed her, but ripped her weave out in the process. After the match, Guido & Team Tremendous gave Ric Flair elbow drops to the ripped weave. I am sold on Team Tremendous.

(4) Eddie Edwards beat Eddie Kingston via submission. Overall, really good old school match with both guys playing their proper roles. The match ended with Edwards submitting Kingston to an elevated single-leg crab. Edwards sure can wrestle.

(5) Tony Nese beat Alex Reynolds and Lance Anoaia in a three-way elimination match. I was in line for more beer for the first half of the match, but catching the second half made me wish I saw the whole thing. All three competitors seemed extremely athletic and got a "This is Awesome" chant. Tony won after I believe a 450 splash.

(6) The Dudleys (not Team 3D) beat Killer Elite Squad (D.H. Smith & Lance Archer). Before the match, Smith and Lance said they are the best tag team in the world and Lance also played up the fact that he was from Dallas, which the Philly crowd ate up. Both were good on the mic, especially D.H. (such a difference from when he was on Raw commentary once) Out came Surprise #3 with the Dudleys, who obviously get a massive reaction. Bully Ray said this crowd wants to see these "mother f------" go through tables and they proceeded to have the match, which ended when Archer was powerbombed through a table. The ring announcer announced Team 3D as the winners, which Bully corrected to say the Dudley Boys.


(7) Austin Aries beat Drew Galloway. In what I was banking on to be the match of night, was maybe the slowest paced. It was good, but they were put in a tough position to re-energize the crowd after such a hot first half (and the intermission). Drew played the heel and Aries won with a brainbuster. Drew is extremely tall.

Next, Tommy Dreamer entered the ring with Beulah (who was making her last appearance in a ring) ready for his opponent and out comes the TNA champion Bobby Roode. Roode said he and Dixie Carter don't see eye to eye, but he came to House of Hardcore because he has respect for Dreamer and is willing to put the TNA Title on the line.

(8) TNA World champion Bobby Roode beat Tommy Dreamer to retain the TNA Title. They brawled it out for a while, which included Dreamer hitting a Dreamer DDT for a false finish. C.W. Anderson showed up to foil Dreamer's opportunity, which cued "Enter Sandman" to play, and out came Sandman. The crowd went bonkers as Sandman entered with beer in hand, which CW smacked away. He then dodged a kendo stick swing and superkicked Sandman out of commission. Suddenly, AC/DC hit and out came Spike Dudley, who delivered an Acid Drop to CW. But, Velvet Sky low-blowed Dreamer, which led to a cat fight between her and Beulah. Dreamer then piledrove Velvet. Roode ended up winning with a Death Valley Driver onto a barbed-wire board. Really fun match that had the crowd rocking (personally, I could have done without the man-on-woman piledriver, but this is Philly).

After the match, Dreamer thanked the fans and then thanked Beulah for being at his side. He then brought his daughters out and an emotional Beulah got on the mic to thank everyone as well. Time for the main event.

(9) The Young Bucks beat The Hardys in the main event. Match of the Night. Young Bucks entered to Hanson's "Mmmbop," which I found to be hilarious. Despite being the heels, the crowd was strongly behind them the entire match, while the Hardys got a big, yet mixed reaction. Jeff and Matt both looked good and some dangerous spots were done, including what looked to be a botched "blocked Swanton bomb" move that appeared to hurt one of the Bucks. The match continued on fine, though, and the Bucks ended up winning after a 450 splash combo. Again, amazing match.

Afterwards, the Hardys wanted to shake the Young Bucks's hands, until Matt and Jeff tried taking advantage of, which the Bucks countered. The Dudleys then came out and delivered a 3D to each Buck. While everyone recovered, Bully Ray talked up the mix of young and old competitors that House of Hardcore has to offer, and talked about this promotion and the fans being the "revolution." He also mentioned that tonight's show sold out. Many thanks were given to Dreamer again, who then thanked everyone for coming. D-Von did his "Testify" bit before ending the show with "Enter Sandman" playing and a good deal of the wrestlers coming out to drink with Dreamer and the gang.

11-17-2014, 01:27 AM
This seemed like a decent show. Some good matches there. And TNA and HOH co-operating? Cool!