View Full Version : NXT Results / Report - 13th Nov, 2014

11-19-2014, 01:16 PM
NXT Results / Report
Date: 13th Nov, 2014
Location: Winter Park, Florida
Announcers: Rich Brennan, Alex Riley, and Jason Albert

We begin with a look at how The Ascension has dominated the situation with Hideo Itami since the last Takeover special . . . until Finn Balor joined Itami to dominate the Ascension.

Finn Balor makes his way to the ring and he has something to say.

He tells everyone who he is and he says that he is here in NXT because he is the future.

Tyson Kidd interrupts Balor before he can continue and he is joined by Natalya.

Tyson tells Finn that he is sure that he has riveting life story, but no one, especially him cares about it . . . FACT. Tyson says that he has been here for a cup of coffee and we are supposed to treat him as ‘The Guy’. He was taught by the Harts and they taught you to treat people with respect . . . FACT.

Justin Gabriel comes out and he says Tyson is absolutely right. It seems like every week a new international superstar comes out, gets cool music, and thinks that he is the top guy. You need to get through them first and prove who he is.

Kidd and Gabriel corner Balor but Hideo Itami’s music plays and Gabriel and Kidd do nothing while Itami walks at a deliberate pace to get to the ring.

Gabriel and Kidd leave the ring and a referee makes his way to the ring and we are told that there is going to be a match.

Finn Balor and Hideo Itami versus Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd (with Natalya)

Gabriel and Itami start off and Gabreil with a wrist lock and Kidd tags in and he works on the wrist. Itami with a reversal and he works on the wrist. Itami with an arm bar and Balor tags in but Kidd gets to the corner. Kidd tags in Gabriel and Balor with a running drop kick that sends Gabriel into the corner and Balor goes after Kidd. Balor goes up top but Kidd pulls Gabriel to the floor.

Balor with a corkscrew plancha onto Kidd and Gabriel as we go to commercial.

We are back and Itami tags in and he punches Gabriel and follows with an elbow. Itami with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Gabriel with forearms but Itami with a knee and snap mare followed by a kick to the back and he gets a near fall. Balor tags in and he kicks Gabriel and sends him into the turnbuckles. Balor with a chop.

Gabriel with an Irish whip and he leaps over the top rope when Gabriel charges into the corner. Kidd is knocked off the apron by Balor and Gabriel knocks Balor to the floor. Kidd tags in and he hits a neckbreaker on the floor and then he returns to the ring. Gabriel tags back in and he chops Balor against the apron. Gabriel gets a near fall. Gabriel with a full nelson and snap mare followed by a kick to the back. Kidd tags back in and they kick Balor in the chest and back. Kidd gets a near fall.

Kidd sends Balor into the turnbuckles and he connects with a series of forearms. Gabriel chokes Balor while the referee talks to Kidd. Kidd chokes Balor in the corner. Kidd with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Balor with elbows and Kidd tags in Gabriel and Justin with a forearm and suplex. Gabriel rolls through into a guillotine and then turns it into an arm submission. Gabriel with a knee and Kidd tags back in.

Balor with forearms but Kidd with a back heel kick. Balor with a pele kick and he tags in Itami. Itami with kicks to Kidd followed by a flying kick and he gets a near fall. Itami runs into a boot from Kidd and Gabriel tags in. Gabriel with a springboard move but Itami with a knee to the midsection and he gets a near fall.

Itami with a dragon screw leg whip to Kidd and Balor with an enzuigiri to Kidd in the corner. Itami and Balor with hesitation drop kicks into the corner and then Balor goes up top and hits a double stomp for the three count.

Winners: Hideo Itami and Finn Balor

The announcers talk about the main event of tonight’s show between Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn for the NXT Title. We see footage from last year when Neville faced Zayn in a Number One Contender’s match.

Sami Zayn is in the interview area and he is asked for his thoughts about his match. He says that Neville has been a great champion for the last year, but he feels that something is different about tonight’s opportunity. Zayn says his Road to Redemption is not a way to cleverly label a few matches. It is about destiny and things will unfold the way they are supposed to.

We go to commercial.

Sasha Banks (with Becky Lynch) versus Alexa Bliss

Banks with a kick and she sends Alexa into the turnbuckles. Sasha with a forearm and then she puts Alexa on the middle rope and she stomps on the midsection and gets a near fall. Sasha stomps on the hand and follows with a snap mare and a running slap to the face and she gets a near fall.

Sasha sends Alexa face first into the mat and she applies a bow and arrow but Alexa is able to escape and she gets a near fall with a lateral press. Alexa with forearms followed by a head scissors. Alexa with a sunset flip out of the corner when Sasha charges. Alexa with a clothesline but Sasha with a drop kick and a lungblower into the Bank Statement and Alexa taps out.

Winner: Sasha Banks

After the match, Banks gets on the mic and she asks Alexa if she is okay. She tells Charlotte that she hopes she was watching that because Charlotte has what she wants, the NXT Women’s Championship. Why not make it official, or why not just hand over the title because she will beat and embarrass her. Sasha says that she will show everyone why she is the baddest Diva in NXT.

Adrian Neville is in the interview area. He is asked about his match with Sami Zayn. He says that Sami is a friend of his and an incredible competitor. That is why everyone loves Sami. The difference between him and Sami is that Sami cannot win the big one. We will see that tonight when he leaves the ring with the NXT Title over his shoulder while Sami leaves disappointed.

We go to commercial.

Sin Cara and Kalisto versus Wesley Blake and Buddy Murphy in a Non Title Match

Blake and Kalisto start things off and Kalisto with a waist lock. Blake with a standing switch and Kalisto with a wrist lock and they go into a Greco Roman knuckle lock. Kalisto uses the ropes for an arm drag. Murphy tags in and he catches Kalisto off a springboard cross body and Murphy with a deadlift suplex for a near fall. Murphy with a forearm to Kalisto and Blake tags back in.

Murphy with a slam and Blake with a sliding clothesline for a near fall. Blake with another near fall on Kalisto. Murphy tags in and he punches Kalisto in the ribs. Murphy runs his boot laces across the mask. Murphy with a snap mare and a phenomenal knee drop for a near fall. Blake tags in and he goes up top and hits a double stomp to the arm and he gets a near fall.

Blake with an arm bar into a key lock. Blake locks up the legs and he stretches Kalisto into a modified surfboard. Murphy tags in and he hits a double knee drop as Blake releases the hold and Murphy gets a near fall. Blake tags back in and they Irish whip Kalisto into the corner and Kalisto with a boot and he hits a sunset flip after being catapulted.

Cara tags in and he hits a cross body onto both men. Cara with a springboard head butt to Blake. Cara with a handspring back elbow for a near fall. Cara knocks Murphy off the apron when they collide after a back drop. Kalisto with a springboard corkscrew plancha onto Murphy. Cara with a rollup and one arm power bomb. Cara goes up top for the Fallen Star and the three count.

Winners: Kalisto and Sin Cara

Aiden English and Simon Gotch are in the interview area and they are asked about the Lucha Dragons’ victory. Aiden reminds everyone that they are the number one contenders for the tag titles. They applaud the Vaudevillains on their victory. Simon tells them to keep the gold shined and the leather oiled because the titles will not be staying with two children, they will be going home with two men.

We go back to color and Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville walk in the back as we go to commercial.

Sami Zayn versus Adrian Neville for the NXT Championship

They lock up and Neville with a wrist lock but Zayn escapes and Neville backs into the corner. They lock up and Neville with a side head lock and Zayn with an arm drag. They lock up and Zayn with a wrist lock into an arm bar. Zayn leaps over Neville and Neville tries for a drop kick but Zayn holds on to the ropes. Zayn with a drop kick and Neville goes to the floor.

Zayn teases a dive to the floor but he lands on the top rope and gets back into the ring with an Arabian Press. Zayn holds the ropes open for Neville to return to the ring. Neville flips into the ring and they lock up. Zayn with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Neville with back heel kicks followed by a sliding kick to the head and Zayn goes to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Neville with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Neville with a rear chin lock and Zayn with an arm drag to escape. Neville with a running European uppercut into the corner and he gets a near fall. Neville chops Zayn in the corner followed by a back elbow for a near fall. Neville with a reverse chin lock.

Neville adds pressure to the chin lock to try to wear down Zayn. Neville pulls Zayn back to the mat while Zayn tries to get to his feet. Zayn punches Neville but Neville with a back heel kick and forearms. Zayn with a forearm to Neville but Neville with one of his own. Zayn with two clotheslines and then he clotheslines Neville over the top rope to the floor. Zayn with a flip dive onto Neville on the ramp.

Zayn rolls Neville back into the ring and Zayn goes up top and he hits a cross body but Neville is up first and he hits a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Zayn holds his wrist as he tries to get back to his feet. Neville tries for a power bomb but Zayn blocks it. Neville with a forearm to Zayn and he tries for a power bomb again. Zayn with an elbow and then Neville goes for the handspring rana but Zayn catches him and Zayn with a power bomb for a near fall.

Neville with a back heel kick and a kick to the chest. Neville misses a round kick and Zayn with a German suplex and he holds on for a second one. Zayn holds on for another but Neville blocks it so Zayn hits a half nelson German suplex for a near fall. Zayn sets for the Helluva Kick but he runs into a boot from Neville. Zayn grabs Neville for an Exploder into the turnbuckles but Neville counters into a rollup for a near fall. Neville with a kick and he goes up top for the Red Arrow but Zayn moves out of the way.

Neville holds on his knee and Zayn sets for the Helluva Kick but the referee stops Zayn from taking advantage of the situation. Zayn talks with the referee and then the referee puts up the “X” for an injury. Zayn checks on Neville and Neville with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winner: Adrian Neville

After the match, Zayn sits in the center of the ring while the referee continues to check on Neville’s knee. The medical staff checks on Neville’s knee and he explains what happened.

After seeing the highlight of the finish of the match, we see Zayn still sitting in the same place he has been since the match ended.

We go to credits.