View Full Version : Main Event Results / Report - 18th Nov, 2014

11-19-2014, 02:10 PM
Main Event Results / Report
Date: 18th Nov, 2014
Location: Knoxville, Tennessee
Announcers: Byron Saxton and Michael Cole

Goldust says that at the Survivor Series they will overcome astronomical odds to retain the Cosmic Key. Stardust talks about the end of the universe and then he hisses.

The Miz and Damien Sandow make their way to the ring to watch the opening match since they will be joining the two teams in the match at the Survivor Series.

Not to be outdone, Fernando and Diego come to the ring and they are joined by El Torito.

Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs Goldust and Stardust in a Non Title Match

Jimmy and Goldust start things off and they lock up while Cole takes a photo with Torito. Goldust and Jimmy push each other and Jimmy with an uppercut. Goldust sends Jimmy to the floor but Jimmy returns and gets a near fall with a rollup. Stardust tags in and he has a waist lock. Jimmy with a standing switch and uppercut before he runs Stardust into the corner.

Jey tags in and he hits a running forearm into the corner. Jey clotheslines Stardust over the top rope to the floor. Jey with a back drop to Goldust and then they tease a dive to the floor because Goldust and Stardust head up the ramps.

Jimmy and Jey go after Stardust and Goldust on the floor and bring the champions back into the ring. Jey with a near fall and an arm bar. Jimmy tags in and they hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop for a near fall. Jimmy with an arm bar but Stardust with a forearm. Jimmy slides into the corner and then he connects with an uppercut. Jimmy gets a near fall.

Jey goes up top and he hits a double sledge to Stardust’s arm. Jey with chops followed by an Irish whip but Stardust gets his knees up when Jey charges into the corner. Stardust is pulled way by the referee and Goldust hits Jey. Jey goes after Goldust on the floor but Stardust with a clothesline and he hisses.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Stardust punches Jey and he connects with a forearm to the kidneys. Stardust sends Jey into the ropes again but Jey with a punch. Stardust with a punch and drop down kick. Goldust tags in and he kicks Jey. Goldust chokes Jey. Goldust with a reverse chin lock. Jey with punches and he knocks Stardust off the apron. Jey sends Goldust to the floor with a back drop.

Jimmy tags in and he clotheslines Stardust and hits a thrust kick followed by a Samoan drop. Jimmy with a running butt splash to Stardust as he avoids Goldust. Jimmy with a dragon whip to Goldust and Jey with a plancha onto Goldust.

Stardust with Beautiful Disaster for a near fall. Stardust runs into an elbow and Jimmy hits a corkscrew splash for a near fall. Goldust with a spinebuster to Jey but Jimmy with a super kick. Stardust blocks a super kick and Jey with a super kick to Stardust. Jimmy goes up top for a Superfly splash and he connects and gets the three count.

Winners: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

After the match, Goldust shows everyone at the announce table that they are still the champions.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are reminded that we will see Dean Ambrose’s Survival Kit on Smackdown.

Paige vs Alicia Fox

They lock up and Alicia with a waist lock. Paige with an elbow and Alicia with a shoulder tackle and drop kick. Alicia with the tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Alicia with a wrist lock but Paige with an Irish whip. Paige with a thrust kick to Alicia and she reminds Paige this is her house before getting a near fall.

Paige with a head butt and she sends Alicia into the turnbuckles. Paige kicks Alicia in the corner and she pulls Alicia out of the corner. Paige with a body scissors. Alicia gets to the ropes and Paige releases the hold. Paige with a thrust kick and she gets a near fall. Paige goes to the apron and she pulls Alicia into the ropes for a series of knees.

Paige screams before returning to the ring and Paige crawls onto Alicia to make an Aksana-esque cover for a near fall. Alicia with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Alicia Fox

Renee Young is in the interview area with Adam Rose, the Bunny, and the rest of the Rosebuds.

Renee reminds Adam of his history with the Bunny and we see the Bunny attempt to mount Rose after the match.

Renee asks Adam about the Interspecies Tag Match and whether he can coexist with the Bunny. Adam says the Bunny has issues and he wants the bunny to stand in front. Adam tells the Bunny ‘No Humping’ because the bunny will hump anything if you don’t tell it. Before Adam found the Bunny, he was getting into fist fights with Elmo in Times Square. He saved him like every Rosebud. That makes him some kind of God. When one of God’s creatures steps out of place, it is for him to put them where they belong. He tells the bunny not to deal with Nattie because she is a lemon.

We go to commercial.

Natalya and Tyson Kidd vs Adam Rose and The Bunny

Natalya starts off with the Bunny. Kidd tags in before Natalya locks up and he asks for a kiss from Natalya and she obliges. The bunny waves to Natalya and Rose tags himself in and no one has made any contact other than the tags and kiss. They tease locking up but Rose pulls back. Tyson and Rose have to tell Natalya and the Bunny to get into the their corners. Kidd punches Rose and sends him into the corner.

Kidd chokes Rose and the referee warns Kidd. Kidd chokes Rose again and then he slingshots Rose into the bottom turnbuckle. Kidd with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Kidd with a reverse chin lock. Rose with elbows and punches to get out of the hold. Rose with a sleeper but Kidd with a jawbreaker. The Bunny tags in and Kidd with a knee to the back that sends Rose to the floor.

The Bunny with kicks to Kidd followed by a missile drop kick. The Bunny runs on Kidd in the corner and Tyson goes to the floor and Natalya checks on her husband. The Bunny holds the ropes open for Kidd and Kidd with an enzuigiri and he puts the Bunny in the Sharpshooter and the Bunny wants Rose to help but Rose decides not to help and the Bunny taps out.

Winners: Tyson Kidd and Natalya

After the match, Kidd kicks the Bunny after holding the rope for Natalya to leave the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video for the Main Event of Survivor Series.

We are told that Sheamus suffered a stinger and nerve issues in his neck.

Bray says five days. Five long days Dean Ambrose until you finally are able to understand the repercussions of rejecting the gift of a God. He says that Dean does not understand. He offered Dean everything that he had to give. An escape from a dismal past. He offered Dean redemption from a lifetime of sin.

Bray laughs and he says that he still turned his back on him. He made a mockery of him. He laughed at him. He made a parody of all of the things he said and did. Then when his back was turned, Dean attacked him. That was a mistake. They could have ruled the world together. They could have been brothers. He offered all of the gifts that she offered for his salvation. It appears the twilight is upon them. The games must come to an end. Tonight is special because he has a special gift for all of you, especially Dean Ambrose. Everyone will witness the sacrifice of Jack Swagger.

In five days time, you will suffer the same fate Dean. Bray tells us to Follow the Buzzards.

Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) vs Bray Wyatt

Bray leans back in the corner as the bell rings and they lock up. Swagger sends Bray into the corner. They lock up again and Bray with a forearm to the back. Bray with a boot to the head. Wyatt with a head butt but Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex. Swagger sends Wyatt into the turnbuckles and he connects with a knee. Swagger with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Swagger with a forearm to the kidneys.

The referee pulls Swagger away and Wyatt with a double thrust to the throat and he sends Swagger to the floor. Wyatt goes to the floor and he connects with a running clothesline on the floor. Wyatt sends Swagger back into the ring and he kicks Swagger in the ribs. Wyatt punches Swagger in the corner and he connects with head butts. Swagger with an uppercut and then he looks at Colter.

Wyatt with a cravate as the crowd chants USA. Swagger with punches but Wyatt with knees to the head. Wyatt with a suplex and a back senton. Wyatt gets a near fall. Wyatt with a reverse chin lock. Swagger with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold. Swagger with a clothesline and a splash into the corner. Swagger with an Irish whip and boot to the chest. Swagger goes for the double jump Swagger Bomb and he connects but Wyatt kicks out at two. Wyatt with an uppercut.

Swagger with the ankle lock but Wyatt rolls over and kicks Swagger in the head. Wyatt with a flying forearm and he tells Dean this is his fate. Wyatt with a kiss to the forehead followed by Sister Abigail for the three count.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

We go to credits.