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Shootkick Man
12-24-2014, 10:00 PM
[W-1 News] The first matches have been announced for 2015, as Keiji Mutoh will be assessing his next challenger for the W-1 singles belt as well as the W-1 Tag belts will be in defense.

First up, Keiji Mutoh came out to announce that he has still not decided if Manabu Soya is worthy to be the next challenger, but he will be giving Soya an chance to earn the shot come the show on January 11, 2015. Mutoh questioned Soya’s right to be a challenger, but he is also one of giving opportunities. So this upcoming tag match will determine where he stands with the WRESTLE-1 Championship defense potentially being held on January 30th at the Korakuen Hall.
Mutoh stated that his first defense against Seiya Sanada proved to be far better of a defense than originally anticipated and the bar has now been set as he made it known that his winning of the belt was not a fluke. As he may still have one last solid run left in him. As for his tag partner for the 1/11 show, it is current undecided, but Mutoh did hint that it could be one Shiro Koshinaka as they take on “new WILD order” Manabu Soya and AKIRA. Mutoh is looking to for a strong performance as the belt is in defense for the first in the new year.

Jiro “Ikemen” Kuroshio will be looking to exact some revenge in the new year as he will be taking on his former Novus teammate in Koji Doi in a singles match on 1/11. On the 12/22 show, Doi turned on Ikemen and joined the DESPERADO heel unit. This has left Ikemen in looking to exact some much needed revenge as he takes on his former friend. Ikemen stated that Novus is also in a weird position now as well as Yusuke Kodama has seemed to have formed an alliance with Yasufumi Nakanoue and are going for the W-1 Tag belts in 2015. Ikemen stated that he aims to continue working with Masakatsu Funaki and also declared that he aims to push his body to 95kg, as he currently sits at 80kg.

The W-1 Tag belts will be in defense early on in 2015, as Kaz & Kondo will be putting the belts on the line against the new generation team of Nakanoue and Kodama. The unexpected alliance of Nakanoue and Kodama came out of nowhere, given the W-1 vs Novus feuds over the last several months, but the reigning champions like their assertiveness of the new generation stepping forward. Nakanoue noted that them stepping forward was not met with a strong reaction from the fans, given what has transpired between the two in recent times, but the two have come to a strong mutual understanding. Kodama stated that his real goal is to change the landscape of W-1 in 2015. Kaz & Kondo both agreed that Nakanoue and Kodama are both paving their own paths, but as a team they are truly unproven and they hope they are ready for what is coming. This will be a big opportunity for the new generation to prove themselves against the veteran champion team.