Shootkick Man
12-26-2014, 02:35 AM
The Killer Elite Squad – Davey Boy Smith, Jr & Lance Archer MOThe villain tag team are two-time IWGP Tag Team Champions and the current NWA Tag Team Champions. We all know that Smith is one of the most naturally gifted athletes in pro wrestling, but Archer has excelled since the team formed in late 2012.
The team have had what has seemed like an endless rivalry with TenCozy over both the NWA & IWGP titles. KES had been NJPW’s top foreign heel team until the emergence of Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson, but they continue to perform and both men have shown that they were misused in other places.

They will be part of the Suzuki-Gun unit that takes on Toru Yano and his mystery partners at Wrestle kingdom.

What to Look out For?

Lance Archer in my opinion has the most beautiful chokeslam in all of wrestling. His finisher is an inverted crucifix powerbomb named Black Out.

With the Hart name behind him, Davey Boy Smith, Jr. is as smooth as it gets in the ring. His finisher is a spinning sitdown powerbomb as well as The Sharpshooter. Smith is one of those guys that is so good he makes everything he does look easy.

Their tag team finisher is the Killer Bomb which is a double team full nelson powerbomb.

Lance Archer vs AJ Styles – G1 Climax

Here, two former TNA guys go at it in a match where both guys were out to prove a point. This was Archer’s standout performance in the G1. It can be seen at this link.

Davey Boy Smith, Jr. vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi – G1 Climax

Smith pulls out one of the biggest performances and wins of his career as he pulls off a huge upset over NJPW’s top dog, Tanahashi. It can be seen here.

Killer Elite Squad vs. TenCozy

The latest battle between these teams, this time over the NWA Tag Team Championship. Watch it at this link.