View Full Version : Dixie Reacts to Vince's 'Lack Of Ambition' Comment

Shootkick Man
12-28-2014, 12:28 AM
The Mirror published an interview with TNA President Dixie Carter, who was asked about Vince McMahon's "lack of ambition" comment towards the WWE lock room.

Dixie responded, "can't even comprehend that statement. It doesn't sit with our group. My own roster's completely different than that. I don't have a complaint about anybody on my roster. The young guys are just as hungry … the young guys from 10 years ago are now the Bobby Roodes, Samoa Joes, James Storms. My main eventers, who were brand new young talent from 10 to 12 years ago, I'm proud of how far they've come.

Dixie continued, "This young group of talent we have right now, they're the hardest working, most positive team players around."

Straight Edge CM Punk
12-28-2014, 02:18 AM
Not for nothing, I'm sure any new blood from NXT, most talent in the back is seeing glass ceilings, both from what Mr. Brooks has shared.. and I'm not sure how I would feel taking backseat to The Boogeyman, Adam Rose, Bo Dallas, or Vince's dream men like Batista, Big E Langston, and Ryback. There's still more to WWF 80s and 90s success than just (insert weird gimmick) or (insert musclehead), while on paper its hard to argue that's what it was, it also was people who believed in themselves, so it was alot easier to believe in them. When you force Jimmy Yang to throw on a cowboy hat and play a double play on racism, it's a little too far fetched to try to enjoy. Right now it's Epico and Primo playing two matadors of Mexican origin. Puerto Rico and Mexico are just a bit different but besides that, it's hard gauging where the company even wants to go. Trying to slap old gimmicks and comparisons is unfair to new talent when Ryback will always be Goldberg, Rusev is typecast as the Russian (even though Bray Wyatt is a new man, most people don't realize he's Husky Harris or Tensai is Albert with tattoos), it's daunting to make an impact when "Creative Control" has a plan for you. When a group of people can work together toward the same vision, greatness is achieved. It's still hard watching current shows, with the state of the WWE, I'm catching up on old shows (NWA, ROH, TNA Asylum Years, WCW) and it's clear that the business has changed. Tickets and merchandise sales are regular but the crickets during shows is depressing. I can't believe how boring the crowd has gotten, maybe some just sick of the product but commentators used to have to talk over the roar of the fans. Now you can pretty much pick out one voice for the whole show. Chants come and go as soon as they're started. Signs get torn, people usually plant their face on the phones, maybe watching live telecast on the Network. i say this because it's a fifty-fifty. We won't cheer if they don't care, and either they won't care if we don't cheer or they just don't care, period. Hopefully we as a whole can turn it around and make wrestling what it is, was, and ever will be - Entertaining.
