View Full Version : CMLL (TUE) 01/06/2015 Arena México,CMLL (TUE) 01/06/2015 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [A

Shootkick Man
01-08-2015, 02:34 AM
CMLL (TUE) 01/06/2015 Arena México [KrisZ, Terra]
1) Bengala & Magnus b Apocalipsis & Inquisidor
Bengala replaced Starman. Tecnicos took 2/3.
2) Dark Angel, Estrellita, Princesa Sugehit b Dalys, La Comandante, La Seductora
Sugehit replaced Dark Angel on Saturday. Tecnicas took 2/3.
3) Shockercito b Astral, Eléctrico, Fantasy, Último Dragoncito, Demus 3:16, Pierrothito, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Nitro, Mercurio [Pequeno Reyes del Aire]
Tecnicos vs rudos. Elimination order: Fantasy (Demus), Pequeno Olimpico (Dragoncito), Pequeno Nitro, Ultimo Dragoncito, Demus & Electrico (Astral pinning both at the same time), Astral (could not continue after a Pierrothito tope), Mercurio (shockercito), Pierrothito (Shockercito). Leaving Shockercito as the winner.
4) Soberano Jr. & Star Jr. b Cholo & Ramstein [mask]
Cholo & Ramstien were DQed in the first, won the second with the CHOLO DRIVER and Ramstien top rope splash. Cholo lost first in the third fall, Ramstein beat Star Jr. with a top rope Michinoku Driver, and Soberano took out Ramstein to win. Cholo is Carlos Soriano Mendoza, 40 years old, 20 years a wrestler. Ramstein is Francisco Javier Costillo, 40 years old, 21 years experience. Both are from Mexico City.
5) Euforia, Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero b Dragón Rojo Jr., La Máscara, Marco Corleone
6) Volador Jr. b Rey Bucanero
Volador took 1/3 clean to win.

There are some clips of the mask match on instagram but haven’t heard much how the match went. No hair matches challenges after the main event, no word on how hurt Astral is now (though it reads like a planned elimination and not an injury.)

As of 11am, CMLL hadn’t actually posted text results.

CMLL (TUE) 01/06/2015 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Arena Coliseo Guadalajara (Facebook)]
1) Évola b Virgo
2) Esfinge & Metatrón b Exterminador & Maléfico
3) Hombre sin Nombre, Kráneo, Olímpico b Fuego, Stuka Jr., Super Porky
4) Mephisto b Titán, Máscara Dorada, Ephesto, Dragon Lee, Mr. Águila, Rey Cometa, Pierroth, Tritón, Demonio Maya [cibernetico