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Shootkick Man
01-11-2015, 10:39 PM

1.Host David Adams says this is PWS's 2nd episode to where you'll see some high flying action stars that you'll only see on the show, says later he'll mention info on how you can see PWS in your town & asks if either your school's looking for a fundraiser, or if you've got a corporate or private event, they are your guys. He plugs www.prowrestlingsyndicate.com for more info, says he's moments away from hard hitting action & says after what went down on last week's show, 2 lunatics involving Homicide & Fallah Bahh will face each other to tear each other apart this week on the show.

David says before catching his breath, later on you'll see a 4 way with Matt Macintosh vs Anthony Neese vs Shynron vs Amazing Red & asks if you're scratching your head & asking how can you have PWS in your town for either a private function, personal autograph session with your favorite stars or maybe they can bring the ring to your backyard & do a show that your neighborhood will remember for years to come. He says maybe they'll go to a pizza parlor & invite Fallah to where he'll eat pizza like nobody else, says PWS wants to be in your town because you want them there & calls it a match made in Heaven.

David again plugs the site for more info to where they'll come to your town & entertain you for a lifetime experience. Then a video with Fallah & "Shining Edward Jackson" are in a bathroom stall, Fallah's on the toilet to where Jackson asks as to what he ate, then David Adams comes in saying Fallah's trying to digest something due to the Homicide challenged him for a match last week & Jackson tells David to wash his hands before coming to him with bacteria infested fingers. He says David's hands is very close to his mouth.

David apologizes because he's there doing an interview & forgot to wash, Jackson asks Fallah if he wiped to where Fallah nods no & Jackson tells Fallah that's good. He says Fallah's vs Homicide is Fallah's biggest night in his career, calls Homicide 1 of the most respected, dangerous, unpredictable & scariest wrestlers today & tells him he'll face the most unpredictable, dangerous & scariest wrestler, Fallah. He says Homicide's been to the top of the mountain to where he has done it all & has nothing left to prove, but Fallah has everything to prove.

Jackson tells Homicide that he's the 1st stop on Fallah's victim road, tells Brian [David] Adams to wash his hands & leave & David says Fallah hasn't washed his behind for a while to where he'll face Homicide tonight.

2.Then we get to the match with commentators David Adams & Dave D-Struction, the match had Fallah beating Homicide & after the match, The Heavenly Bodies, Desirable Dustin & Gigolo Justin come in to say congrats to Fallah on his win.

3.After the match it's back to the studio with David saying that Fallah's the "30 man on the spot title shot rumble" winner to where he'll cash in his medallion anytime he chooses for a PWS title shot, which's held by Mario Bokara. Then a video promo of Mario saying when he laces up his shoes & goes in the ring, it don't stop because he don't stop. Then while training he says as he trains there's only 1 speed that he knows which's full speed, says he's undefeated which's why he's the champ & says that's why.

Mario says he ain't afraid to work, sweat or push himself harder then his opponents who want to push him, because he's fearless. He says he knows that he can push himself further then his opponents, says he knows that he's more ready then his opponents & says he knows that he's overprepared then his opponents. After this is video promos of matches with Hurricane Helms, Chris Payne, Bonesaw, Lifeguard, The Untouchables, Mario Bokara. After this is back in the studio with David saying after checking out the site, he says they've got DVD's & tshirts for sale: www.bedofnailz.com/store.html .

David says the shirts are only $5.00 to where they're usually $20 at live shows, says they're washable & won't come the 1st time you wash them to where he guarantees it & shows 1 of them having The Drunken Swashbuckler, Starman & Bonesaw who're 3 of the PWS talents that you'll see on the show & again says the shirts are $5.00 to where he again plugs the site. He says buy them now while supplies last & says coming up next you'll see the 4 way with Matt Macintosh vs Anthony Neese vs Shynron vs Amazing Red.

4.Then we get to the 4 way match with Matt Macintosh beat Anthony Neese, Shynron & Amazing Red. After this they show a video of what looked like it was out in the old west, 1 guy comes out of a bar to where 2 guys grab him & shoot him till he's dead, then 4 creepy looking guys come out to where the same 2 guys shoot & kill them & moments later, they rise from the dead to where a little keeps saying "it's only a dream". The video ends by saying "Coming Soon". David says he's creeped out by "Monsters Island" on PWS & says something creepy's occurring in the locker room now.

Then a video promo in the locker has Damian Gibbs doing an anti-Balls Mahoney & challenges him for a match tonight, says nobody gets the last laugh on him, then he hears a bang sound to where he runs away.

5.We now get to the match with Mahoney vs Gibbs, then "Beefcake" Charlie & Jay Enterprise interfere to beat him up, then Gibbs get a pair of scissors & cuts Mahoney's purple pony tail off & that was the end of the match. After this another video with the little saying "it's only a dream" appears with the "Monster Island" guys appearing. The "Monster Island" guys involving Sprinkles The Clown, "Hellbelly" Jones, Doomsday & Giant Leather appear in the Rahway ring at Jay Enterprise, then they beat up "Beefcake" Charlie & Gibbs & carry out Mahoney.

6.After this is David back in the studio saying coming up next you'll see Dan Maff vs Eddie Kingston, then they go to the match to where Maff beats Kingston & after this, it's back to the studio with David saying that even though it's early in the morning to where you're scratching your head, did you hear him say that you can bring PWS to your town. He says to make it happen is by again plugging the site for either private functions, special events or fundraisers, says they'll bring the ring that comes in a truck & says they bring everything including chairs.

David says bring yourselves to their shows while having a good time, again says PWS wants to come to your town to where they'll do private autograph sessions, meet & greet with Maff, Bokara, Kevin Matthews, Devin Moore, Craven Varro or Reality Creck & says go to the site for more info. He again says they want to be in your town because you want them there, again calls it a match made in Heaven & again says go to the site.

After this is a "Don't Forget Our Roots" video that shows the following: Edouard "Willow Bunch Giant" Beaupre was PT Barnum's circus giant to where he was the tallest wrestler at 8 foot 3 & says he died in 1904 but wasn't buried till 1990. Then they show Japan's Big Pro Wrestling being the 1st wrestling video game debuting in 1983, after this it was released here in the US as "Tag Team Wrestling". Then it mentions that the 1st wrestling toy doll was of Gorgeous George & says George had the dolls originally made for gifts for Toys For Tots. The last thing it says that the bear hug was innovated by George "Russian Lion" Hackenschmidt.

7.It's back in the studio with David says we saw on last weeks show, Bryan Meyers after beating Kevin Matthews beat up Kevin some more with the assistance of Gabe Tuft & says after Kevin's promo on what he'll do to Bryan & Gabe, we'll see later tonight Kevin & a mystery partner vs Bryan & Gabe.

8.We go to the beginning of the match with Bryan & Gabe in the ring, Kevin comes out saying it's a no DQ match, then says everyone wants to know who's the mystery partner & then a big guy wearing a Mike Myers mask comes in to where it's Lance Hoyt & beats them up. The results had Bryan Meyers & Gabe Tuft [announced as Tyler Reks] beating Kevin & Lance.

9.It's back in the studio with David saying if you think you've seen it all, you ain't seen nothing yet because on next weeks show, you'll see Zach Gowen & Gregory Iron in action. He says a gold rush is coming to PWS with a #1 contender match for the PWS title which's a ladder match with Starman vs Bonesaw, then says you'll also see suicidal 6 way title defended with Habib From The Car Wash vs Amazing Red, Macintosh, Brian XL, Lifeguard & Shynron. He says for the PWS title you'll see Bokara vs Colt Cabana. He says this'll all be shown next week to where PWS loves NY.

Then there's a promo for a PWS show 1/31: www.bedofnailz.com/pwstickets.html & that's how the show ends for this week.