View Full Version : Superstars Results / Report - 8th Jan, 2015

01-14-2015, 01:46 PM
Superstars Results / Report - 8th Jan, 2015
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
Announcers: Renee Young and Tom Phillips.

Jack Swagger vs Titus O’Neil

They lock up and they go around the ring until the referee separates them. Titus with a knee and then he pie faces Swagger. Swagger sends Titus into the corner and connects with knees. Swagger with a pie face followed by a short arm clothesline. Swagger goes for the ankle but Titus gets to the ropes. Titus sends Swagger into the turnbuckles and then he connects with a clothesline to the back of the head. Titus chokes Swagger in the corner and connects with forearms to the back. Titus with shoulders in the corner.

Titus with forearms across the chest. Titus with a short arm clothesline of his own and he gets a near fall. Titus with a reverse chin lock. Titus with a forearm to the back followed by more forearms in the corner. Titus throws Swagger aside but Jack lands on his feet and he punches Titus. Titus with a boot to the chest and he gets a near fall. Swagger retreats into the corner and Titus chokes Swagger.

Titus with a splash into the corner and he gets a near fall. Titus with forearms to Swagger. Titus gets a near fall. Titus punches Swagger in the corner and the referee warns Titus. Swagger gets his feet up and Titus goes down. Swagger punches Titus and then he wrings the leg into the ring post and Titus limps.

Swagger escapes Clash of the Titus and Swagger with a take down and he applies the ankle lock and Titus taps out.

Winner: Jack Swagger

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the return of the Authority at the beginning of Raw.

We take a look at the Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt feud that culminated with their Ambulance Match on Raw.

We go to commercial.

Goldust and Stardust vs Fernando and Diego (with El Torito)

Fernando and Goldust start off and Goldust with punches. Fernando with a clothesline and arm bar but Stardust tags in and he punches Fernando. Stardust with a rake of the back and then Fernando lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Fernando with a rana. Diego tags in and he hits a clothesline and gets a near fall. Diego with a side head lock but Stardust backs Diego into the ropes. Diego slides to the floor and Stardust follows but Diego gets back in the ring. Goldust is sent to the floor and then Fernando and Diego set for dives but it was a ruse and they get Goldust and Stardust to flinch.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Stardust punches Diego but Diego chops Stardust. Diego tries to float over but Stardust catches him. Diego with a drop toe hold and Goldust distracts Diego long enough for Stardust to hit him from behind. Stardust with kicks to Diego and then he stomps on the abdomen. Stardust with a gourdbuster and Goludst tags in.

Goldust with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Goldust with a kick to the midsection followed by a boot to the head. Goldust gets a near fall. Goldust with a reverse chin lock. Diego with elbows and a sunset flip for a near fall. Goldust with a clothesline. Goldust with a reverse chin lock. Diego with punches but Goldust with a kick and then he goes for the drop down uppercut but Diego blocks it.

Diego tries to make the tag but Goldust stops him and Goldust with a spinebuster. Stardust tags in and then he kicks Diego. Torito goes up top and he distracts Goldust and Stardust. Torito gets to the floor and Diego sends Stardust to the mat and both men are down.

Fernando tags in and he chops and punches Stardust. Fernando with a back elbow and a flying forearm. Stardust with an Irish whip but Fernando sends Stardust into the turnbuckles. Fernando with a senton onto Stardust for a near fall. Goldust with a Cactus Jack clothesline to Diego.

Goldust gets knocked off the apron when Stardust hits Beautiful Disaster on him when Fernando ducks. Fernando with a rollup for the three count.

Winners: Fernando and Diego

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the end of Raw when we saw the latest members of the Future Endeavors Club.

We go to credits.