View Full Version : JR Comments On Working With Savage

01-14-2015, 03:53 PM
Tons of mainstream media outlets, including Yahoo! Sports, NewsDay, The Tampa Tribune and others have picked up on the news of Randy Savage being inducted into the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame.

Fellow Hall of Famer Jim Ross published an article via FOX Sports remembering first working with Savage at WrestleMania 9.

JR noted that he and Savage never really got along, and that he regrets not taking the time to sit and talk with him.

“I’ve often wondered how things would have worked out between Randy and I and, more importantly, in the big picture, if Randy had not changed his mind to go to the WWE instead of coming to Mid South Wrestling,” JR wrote. “Cowboy Bill Watts, Mid South’s owner, and Savage had come to a verbal agreement for Randy to become a main eventer for Watts. We had Savage TV vignettes done and ready to air but it was not meant to be.

I am proud to have worked alongside ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage, though I never understood him. As a wrestling fan, I marveled at his madness inside the ropes and was uncomfortable of his madness outside the ring.

01-15-2015, 02:10 AM
Savage always seemed a bit off to me, so I can see where Ross is coming from.