View Full Version : Rumor Discussion

Shootkick Man
01-31-2015, 12:08 AM
Since a rumored report is spreading with a heavy-handed tagline. Something that needs to said right off the bat is that NJPW would not be the ones to acquire anything, Bushiroad the company that owns the 90%, or so, on NJPW stock are the ones with the money to acquire any stock which NOAH would have on the table. That is not to say any of this is true as nothing has been made known through Bushiroad or NOAH promoting Bushiroad, as of yet, as a sponsor of the promotion.

The tagline of "NJPW has bought NOAH" or whatever is being used is just no more than click-bait in a sense. News to me that buying any bit of stock actually meaning that one actually "bought" the thing in question. Which has lead to me having to make this post to try and show a different light on this subject before damage control needs to be made. Because this is still just a rumor that needs to be taken lightly.

Though what is getting people talking is how Suzuki-gun is competing in NOAH now and the recent appearance of NOAH in the Tokyo Dome. I have also come under the impression that people see NOAH working with NJPW as a new thing when if you go back in history they have worked together on many several instances. From more notably Marufuji being a former IWGP Jr. Champion and even Akiyama working with Nagata in 2002/2003. Of course we have the Bushiroad card game, but that also included wrestlers from All Japan and elsewhere, which Bushiroad does not have connections with elsewhere at this time.

I have been told by a couple Spanish speaking individuals that the original video has been falsely translated, but the original video has been removed from youtube. But it roughly translates that Super Crazy did mention that Jado has been on tour with NOAH as of late and the politics in NOAH have undergone a change in some form. Outside of that it is just leading to more and more rumors circulating.

Honestly I have not heard one way or another on what is the truth of the matter. As you guys know I do my best to be a translator news and results of NOAH, AJPW, and other promotions that are not as covered in English to the best of my ability. I am just one guy who enjoys these promotions and just relaying the information I get for you guys to try and follow along as well. At the end of the day the internet is what is and you guys will read anything for how it is promoted and released online. I truly do my best to limit the posting of rumors and filler posts on this page and blog, unless I have been given some more direct info, and that has no plans of changing anytime soon. Though this is just something I have seen being posted all-around and I felt I needed to provide my own bit of insight on the matter.