Shootkick Man
02-28-2015, 03:07 PM
We are in Atlanta, Georgia and your announcers are Rich BRennan and Byron Saxton.

Match Number One: Adam Rose (with Rosebuds) versus Erick Rowan

Rose avoids Rowan before they finally lock up. Rose with a chop in the corner but Rowan likes it. Rose with another chop and Rowan enjoys that one too. Rose with a slap but Rowan with a boot to the head and Rose goes to the floor to regroup. Rowan follows after Rose and then he scares the Rosebuds. Rowan rolls Rose back into the ring and then Rose has a kick blocked and Rose is sent face first into the mat.

Rowan with a side head lock and he runs Rose into the turnbuckle. Rowan with an Irish whip and Rose with a boot and a missile drop kick followed by elbow drops and then he drops a third one and he gets a near fall. Rose with a reverse chin lock and he punches Rowan in the head. Rose with a sleeper on Rowan but Rowan gets back to his feet and Rose gets on Rowan’s back. Rowan with a snap mare and a double sledge and splash into the corner.

Rowan with a biel followed by a splash into the corner and a running shoulder tackle and Full Nelson Slam for the three count.

Winner: Erick Rowan

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at photos from the main event of Fastlane and then we hear from Roman Reigns on Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at photos of Rusev and John Cena from Fastlane.

We go to the Raw Rebound with John Cena’s challenge from last Monday and Rusev’s refusal.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Luke Harper versus Kofi Kingston (with Big E and Xavier Woods)

They lock up and Harper sends Kofi into the corner showing his strength advantage. They lock up and he sends Kofi into the corner and he groans like he always does. Kofi with a waist lock into a side head lock and hammer lock followed by another side head lock, but he cannot take Harper down. Harper with a shoulder tackle. Kofi with kicks to Harper but Harper sends him back to the mat. Kofi with leap frogs and a back elbow and drop kick that forces Harper to the floor. Harper returns to the ring and Kofi with a rollup and a Sydal cover for a near fall. Kofi drops down when Harper charges at him and Harper goes over the top rope to the floor.

Harper walks away and Kofi does not go to the floor. Harper picks up a chair and throws it at the announcers and we go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi with kicks and punches but Harper with a European uppercut. Harper with palm thrusts to the chest followed by an Irish whip. Kofi floats over and tries a monkey flip but Harper blocks it and he turns it into a suplex and he gets a near fall. Harper kicks Kofi in the back. Harper with a kick to the midsection and then he chokes Kofi in the corner.

Kofi with punches but Harper with a European uppercut to send Kofi to the mat. Harper with a slingshot that sends Kofi into the middle rope and Harper gets a near fall. Harper stands on Kofi’s head and the referee warns Harper. Harper with a front face lock and he does the Gator Roll into a side head lock.

Kofi gets to his feet and he connects with elbows but Harper with a forearm and a punch to the temple. Harper misses an elbow drop when Kofi moves. Kofi with chops to Harper and then he hits a drop kick and Harper tries for a clothesline as he bounces off the ropes. Kofi with a leaping clothesline and then he hits the Boom Drop New Day Remix. Kofi with the double knees into the corner and Harper tries for another suplex but Kofi gets to his feet and he hits a pendulum kick when Harper charges.

Kofi goes up top for a cross body and he gets a near fall. Kofi with a flip dive onto Harper. Kofi sends Harper back into the ring and Kofi tries for Trouble in Paradise but Harper blocks it and he grabs Kofi for a Bossman Slam and he gets a near fall. Harper picks up Kofi and he tries for a gourdbuster but Kofi lands on his feet and he hits SOS for a near fall.

Kofi tries for a sunset flip but Harper does not go down. Kofi with a drop kick and then Harper with a forearm to the head and then a lariat for the three count.

Winner: Luke Harper

We take a look at the newest inductees into the WWE Hall of Fame, the Bushwhackers.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Randy Orton’s return to Raw . . . and to the Authority.

We go to credits.