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View Full Version : WWE MAIN EVENT REPORT-3/4/15

Shootkick Man
03-05-2015, 02:09 PM

We are in Washington, DC and your announcers are John Layfield and Tom Phillips.

Match Number One: Fandango (with Rosa Mendes) versus Curtis Axel

Fandango goes for the legs but Axel avoids him. They lock up and they go to a stalemate. They lock up again and Axel with a side head lock and Axel with a single leg take down into a front face lock but Fandango with a hammer lock. Axel with a hammer lock of his own followed by a shoulder tackle. Fandango with a hip toss but Axel kicks him away and Fandango with arm drags into an arm bar while Todd and John make jokes about Miz’ most recent commercial.

Fandango with a fireman’s carry holding on to the arm and then he kicks Axel. Fandango with a wrist lock but Axel with a running drop kick after a hurdle leap frog. Axel with a back breaker and he goes to the turnbuckles for an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Axel with a snap mare and goes for the leap frog neck snap but Fandango gets his foot up to kick Axel.

The referee checks on Axel and Axel was playing possum and he kicks Fandango and then connects with a forearm and then he punches Fandango. Fandango and Axel roll around the ring and the referee tries to separate them. Fandango with a forearm and then he goes up top but Axel with a hip lock but Fandango with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winner: Fandango

We take a look at John Cena’s announcement that he is going to do what EVERYONE ELSE has done and put himself in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal only to be Authority Blocked by Stephanie McMahon.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Zack Ryder versus Adam Rose (with Rosebuds)

They lock up and Rose with a clean break but it is a trap and he kicks Ryder in the corner. Rose with an Irish whip but Ryder with an elbow and he leaps over Rose and hits a flapjack followed by a running forearm that sends Rose to the floor. Ryder with a drop kick that knocks Rose off the apron. Ryder rolls Rose back into the ring but Rose goes to the floor. Ryder goes to the apron and Rose pulls Ryder to the floor.

Rose slams Ryder into the apron and then he puts the ring skirt over Ryder’s head and punches him. Rose gets a near fall. Rose with a back breaker and he gets a near fall. Rose with a rear chin lock. Ryder with a jawbreaker and punches. Rose with an elbow followed by a uranage back breaker and he gets a near fall.

Rose tries for a suplex but Ryder lands on his feet and he hits a neck breaker. Rose charges into the corner but Ryder gets his boots up. Ryder with a missile drop kick and that sends Rose into the corner. Ryder with a running forearm into the corner and he sets for the Broski Boot but Rose gets to the floor.

Ryder with a baseball slide to knock Rose down on the floor. Rose is rolled back in and Rose with Party Foul while Ryder comes back into the ring and Rose gets the three count.

Winner: Adam Rose

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Summer Rae versus Paige

They lock up and Paige with a hip lock take down for a near fall. Paige with another take down and near fall. Paige sends Summer against the ropes and she tells everyone this is her house. Paige with a head butt for a near fall. Paige pulls Summer over the middle rope and she connects with knees to the chest and then Paige screams.

Paige goes for the PTO but Summer gets to the ropes before Paige can fully apply the hold. Summer with a thumb to the eye and a boot to the head for a near fall. Summer sends Paige into the turnbuckles and then she chokes Paige in the corner with her boot. Summer chokes Paige in the ropes and then she pulls Paige away from the ropes and she gets another near fall.

Summer with a Lotus Lock but Paige leans back and gets a near fall. Summer pushes Paige forward to cut her breathing and then she gets a near fall with a rollup. Summer with a kick to the back and then Summer walks over Paige and then hits a leg drop for a near fall. Summer takes too much time and Paige with a rollup for a near fall followed by a super kick.

Paige with a series of short arm clotheslines followed by a running drop kick. Paige with a super kick and then she applies the PTO and Summer taps out.

Winner: Paige

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Jon Stewart’s appearance on Raw.

Match Number Four: Konnor and Viktor versus Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso (with Naomi)

Jimmy and Viktor start things off. They lock up and Viktor backs Jimmy into the corner and he punches Jimmy. Jimmy with chops and then he slides into the corner on an Irish whip and he connects with a chop. Jey tags in and he hits a flying forearm into the corner. Jey with a near fall. Jey with a wrist lock and Jimmy tags in and he goes up top and hits a double sledge to the arm. Jey tags back in and he does the same thing. Jey runs into a back elbow from Viktor and Konnor tags in and he kicks Jey.

Konnor with a running elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Konnor punches Jey and he falls into the corner. Viktor tags in and he kicks Jey. Konnor tags back in and he stomps on Jey’s chest and gets a near fall. Viktor tags back in and he stomps on the back. Viktor with a chop and he chokes Jey in the ropes. Viktor with a Canadian Lifter for a near fall. Viktor with an arm bar.

Jey with an arm drag but Viktor blocks a kick and he avoids an enzuigiri. Konnor tags in and he trips Jey from the floor and pulls him to the floor and Konnor with a clothesline as we go to commercial.

We are back and Konnor punches Jey and he gets a near fall. Viktor tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle and Viktor gets a near fall. Viktor with a rear chin lock. Jey with punches but Viktor with a knee to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Konnor tags in and he kicks Jey and Viktor gets in a shot before going to the apron. Konnor with a punch and then he punches Jimmy off the apron.

Konnor with a forearm to Jey and he gets a near fall. Konnor with a knee in the back as he applies a rear chin lock. Konnor with an elbow to the top of the head and then Viktor tags in. Viktor with a fist drop and then he chokes Jey in the ropes. Viktor sends Jey into the turnbuckles and he tries to fight out of the corner but Viktor stops him and the referee warns Viktor.

Viktor gets a near fall. Viktor with a reverse chin lock. Jey gets back to his feet and he tries to get to the corner but Viktor pulls Jey to his corner and Konnor tags in and he punches Jey but Jey with a punch and kick to Konnor. Konnor blocks a kick and he misses a dragon whip but he does not miss with the enzuigiri and both men are down.

Jimmy and Viktor tag in and Jimmy with clotheslines followed by a thrust kick and a corkscrew senton for a near fall. Jimmy sets for the running butt splash into the corner and he is sent to the apron. Jimmy with a punch and he goes up top and leaps over Jimmy but Viktor with an STO for a near fall. Viktor with another near fall.

Viktor with one more cover but he can only get a near fall. Jimmy with a Samoan drop and then he sets for the running butt splash into the corner and he connects. Konnor breaks up the cover and he tries for a power bomb but Jey pulls Konnor out and hits a super kick on Konnor. Viktor comes back into the ring and he gets a near fall on Jimmy with a rollup but Jimmy with a super kick. Jey is tagged in and Jimmy with a plancha onto Konnor while Jey hits the Superfly Splash on Viktor for the three count.

Winners: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

We go to credits.