View Full Version : WWE Smackdown Results *SPOILERS* March 5, 2015

03-05-2015, 07:25 PM
WWE Smackdown Results *SPOILERS*
March 5, 2015

-Dolph Ziggler comes out and announces himself as a part of the Intercontinental championship ladder match at WrestleMania. He says Daniel Bryan is missing from the match, but Bad News Barrett cuts him off. Luke Harper attacks Ziggler from behind, and Dean Ambrose rushes out for a brawl. R-Truth steals the title while they’re all fighting and runs away with it.

(1) Tyson Kidd & Cesaro def. Los Matadores.

(2) Big Show def. Ryback with the KO Punch.

-The Bella Twins come out and talk trash about AJ Lee. Nikki says while AJ was at home resting, it was her “giving Divas a chance” as the champion. Paige and AJ came out together.

(3) AJ Lee def. Brie Bella.

Daniel Bryan does a backstage promo wishing everyone luck in the ladder match at WrestleMania. He says he’s looking forward to see who wins the title. Bryan never says he’ll be competing; seems like they’re courting him for the match, not the other way around.

(4) The New Day def. The Miz & Damien Mizdow. Drama between the two again, leading to Mizdow leaving the ring.

-Roman Reigns does a pre-recorded promo about Brock Lesnar and WrestleMania.

(5) Rusev def. Jack Swagger. Curtis Axel cut an “Axelmania” promo and said he was coming for Rusev and the U.S. title.

(6) Dolph Ziggler & Dean Ambrose def. Luke Harper and Bad News Barrett. R-Truth is on commentary and Barrett goes after him. Another brawl breaks out between everyone and Truth lays out Harper. He tries to leave with the title, but Daniel Bryan walks out and takes the belt from him. He starts a “YES” chant but is attacked by Stardust, who takes the title and climbs the ladder and ends the show