View Full Version : *UPDATED* EX WWE Diva Victorias husband stops gunman

03-12-2015, 08:04 AM
TMZ featured a piece on the husband of former WWE star Lisa Marie Varon tackling a man who brought a gun into the Squared Circle Restaurant in Chicago and was acting suspicious at this link (http://www.tmz.com/2015/03/11/wwe-victoria-husband-intruder-fight-video-restaurant-chicago/).


Former WWE Diva Victoria/Lisa Marie Varon posted the following tweets regarding the video on TMZ featuring her husband and restaurant.

"To answer all your questions from the video. DIZZYMsLizz does NOT work for TheSQDcircle . Not as long as I own it. Thx for your concern"

An hour later.. "My favorite part of the footage on @TMZ is finding out that the girl that was all on my husband still works TheSQDcircle . Wow! The nerve!"

An hour after that.. "I will take a backseat frm TheSQDcircle for awhile. Didn’t know that the bartender that was having a fling w my husband still works for me"

03-12-2015, 09:58 AM

Former WWE Diva Victoria/Lisa Marie Varon posted the following tweets regarding the video on TMZ featuring her husband and restaurant.

"To answer all your questions from the video. DIZZYMsLizz does NOT work for TheSQDcircle . Not as long as I own it. Thx for your concern"

An hour later.. "My favorite part of the footage on @TMZ is finding out that the girl that was all on my husband still works TheSQDcircle . Wow! The nerve!"

An hour after that.. "I will take a backseat frm TheSQDcircle for awhile. Didn’t know that the bartender that was having a fling w my husband still works for me"