View Full Version : NXT Report / Results - 11th Mar, 2015

03-12-2015, 09:53 AM
NXT Report / Results - 11th Mar, 2015
Location: Winter Park, Florida
Announcers: Jason Albert, Tom Phillips, and Corey Graves

Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady have a message for the Lucha Dragons. Enzo calls them the Geico Lizards. Colin tells them if they cannot save 15 percent on their auto insurance, get out of the way. He says that they are in the way on their road to the NXT Tag Team Titles.

Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady vs Kalisto and Sin Cara

Enzo and Kalisto start things off and they lock up. Kalisto with a waist lock but Enzo with a rollup for a near fall. Enzo with a waist lock but Kalisto with a standing switch and rollup for a near fall. Enzo with a jab but Kalisto with an arm drag into an arm bar. Cara tags in.

Kalisto and Cara with a double snap mare followed by a kick and Cara sends Kalisto onto Enzo with a senton from a wheelbarrow position for a near fall. Cara with a chop and he tries for a slam but Enzo gets to his feet and he tags in Colin. Colin sends Enzo into Cara in the corner and Colin with a side slam for a near fall.

Enzo tags in and Colin slams Enzo onto Cara and Enzo gets a near fall. Enzo with a reverse chin lock. Cara with elbows and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Enzo gets to his feet. Cara with an enzuigiri and Kalisto tags in and he hits a springboard cross body and then he rolls Enzo up and kicks him in the head. Kalisto with a head scissors driver for a near fall.

Kalisto with an arm bar and Cara tags in and he chops Enzo. Cara kicks Enzo and the referee warns Cara. Cara with a snap mare and he applies a reverse chin lock. Enzo with elbows but Cara with a knee and a springboard head butt. Cara with a drop kick and Enzo goes to the floor. Colin checks on Enzo on the floor but Cara and Kalisto with stereo suicide dives but Colin pushes Enzo out of the while he takes the move.

Cara with a rollup and one arm power bomb. Kalisto is tagged in and Colin with a boot to Cara and it crotches Kalisto. Colin tags in and he hits the East River Crossing followed by a Rocket Launcher after Enzo tags in and he gets the three count.

Winners: Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady

We go to commercial.

We are back with an Alex Riley video package.

We take a look at Kevin Owens and what he has done since he debuted in NXT back in December.

Carmella vs Alexa Bliss

Carmella mocks Alexa before they lock up. Alexa with a side head lock and take down. Carmella with a head scissors and Alexa escapes. They lock up again and Carmella with a side head lock but Alexa with a reversal. Alexa blocks a hip toss and Alexa with a side head lock take down into an arm bar. Alexa with a La Magistral for a near fall.

Carmella with a knee. Carmella with an Irish whip but Alexa with an elbow and she gets a near fall with a rollup after coming off the turnbuckles. Alexa with a head scissors but she charges into the corner and Carmella sends her into the turnbuckles and she kicks Alexa. Carmella chokes Alexa in the ropes.

Carmella kicks the ropes while Alexa still hangs on them. Carmella sends Alexa to the mat and she gets a near fall. Alexa with a forearm but Carmella with a forearm to the back and she punches Alexa. Carmella with a drop kick and she gets a near fall. Carmella gets another near fall. Carmella with a third near fall in a row. Carmella with a body scissors. Alexa tries to get out of the hold but Alexa leans back to get a near fall.

Carmella with a knee to the head and she gets a near fall. Carmella with a forearm to the back and she sends Alexa face first to the mat and she gets a near fall. Carmella runs Alexa into the turnbuckles and she connects with a series of shoulders. Carmella with kicks to the midsection. Alexa blocks a kick and she connects with a series of forearms.

Alexa with a leg sweep and a handspring knee drop for a near fall. Alexa goes to the apron and up top. Alexa with a twisting splash for the three count.

Winner: Alexa Bliss

We go to an interview with Alex Riley from earlier today. He asks how would you feel if you were locked in a cage for two years starving while other people are eating. People told him they may have time for him next week. You are hoping and praying for the opportunity to fight for your life, but you don’t get that chance because you are in the cage. Kevin Owens gave him a reason. He talks about a wife and kids that he fights for. Alex says that he doesn’t have a family to fight for. It is time for him to fight for his life.

We go to commercial.

Tyler Breeze has comments for Hideo Itami. He says it didn’t have to get to be like this and get ugly, well because you are involved, it was ugly. Now it is time for Hideo to find out that the King of Cuteville is not just a pretty face.

CJ Parker gets on the mic and he wants to talk about his world and how it isn’t fair. He is interrupted by Alex Riley’s music.

Alex Riley vs CJ Parker

They lock up and Parker with a side head lock and take down. Parker with a shoulder tackle but Riley with a drop kick and he gets Parker on his shoulders but Parker gets to his feet and he connects with a forearm to the back of the head. Parker with punches to Riley and then he stomps on Riley’s face. Parker chokes Riley in the ropes and he hits a splash to the back and he gets a near fall.

Parker picks up Riley and he says he is going to break Riley’s nose, but Riley with a back body drop and clotheslines. Riley with a splash into the corner and then he kicks Parker and hits a flip neck breaker. Riley goes up top and hits a Blockbuster for the three count.

Winner: Alex Riley

After the match, Kevin Owens comes out and he says that it helps that he looks like he does because he is the dumbest guy in NXT. The tattoo on his back might not be enough, but the decision to end his announcing career is close. He will end Riley’s career in the ring and then he will end the Rise of Finn Balor. He tells everyone to trust him.

We go to commercial.

Tyler Breeze vs Hideo Itami

Breeze goes to the floor before locking up and he has something to say to Itami about how this will not be like last time. Breeze returns to the ring. Breeze goes back to the floor to think his strategy. Breeze gets back into the ring and Breeze finally runs Itami into the turnbuckles and connects with shoulders.

Breeze with punches to Itami and he avoids a few kicks but he cannot avoid the knee to the midsection. Breeze goes to the floor and Itami follows and hits a clothesline. Itami sends Breeze back into the ring and Itami with a running knee into the corner followed by a tornado DDT set up but Itami is sent to the apron by Breeze. Breeze hits the ropes while Itami is on top and it crotches Itami.

Breeze sends Itami into the turnbucles and kicks him. The referee warns Itami while the camera shakes. Breeze chokes Itami in the corner and the referee warns him. Breeze with a snap mare and leg drop for a near fall. Breeze with a reverse chin lock.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Breeze puts Itami on the turnbuckles and Breeze climbs but Itami punches Breeze away. Itami goes up top and he hits a clothesline. Both men are down. Itami with clotheslines and a leg sweep after blocking a kick. Breeze rolls to the apron and he tries for a shoulder but Itami moves. Itami misses a kick and Breeze sends Itami off the top rope. Itami with a clothesline for a near fall.

Itami with a knee to the midsection but Breeze holds on to the ropes and he kicks Itami. Itami with a waist lock but Breeze with a standing switch. Itami with a kick to the head but Breeze with a super kick for a near fall. Breeze pulls Itami to the ring post for a figure four on the post, but Itami pulls Breeze into the ring post.

Itami rolls Breeze back into the ring. Itami puts Breeze on the top rope and he kicks Breeze in the chest and then he goes up top and hits a knee to the back of the neck and he gets a near fall. Itami picks up Breeze and he punches and slaps Breeze followed by kicks. Itami misses a running hesitation drop kick when Breeze moves and Breeze with the Beauty Shot for the three count.

Winner: Tyler Breeze

After the match, we are reminded that next week’s NXT will take place at the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio.

We go to credits.