View Full Version : Main Event Report / Results - 11th Mar, 2015

03-12-2015, 10:21 AM
Main Event Report / Results - 11th Mar, 2015
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Announcers: JBL and Tom Phillips

Erick Rowan vs Curtis Axel

Axel with a waist lock and side head lock. Rowan with a shoulder tackle and Axel backs into the corner. Axel says he was the Royal Rumble winner and then he kicks Rowan and grabs him by the beard. Rowan with a biel and then he runs Axel into the turnbuckles with a head lock. Rowan with a pump handle back breaker but Axel rolls out of the way and goes into the corner. Axel goes to the turnbuckles and applies a front face lock. Rowan puts Axel on the apron and Axel drops Rowan on the top rope.

Axel with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Axel with a running knee to the head and he gets a near fall. Axel gets another near fall. Axel with a front face lock. Axel with a series of forearms to the back. Axel returns to the front face lock. Rowan gets out of the hold and he grabs Axel and sends him to the mat. Rowan with a pounce like maneuver and then he hits a splash into the corner and then Irish whips Axel and hits a splash followed by a full nelson slam for the three count.

Winner: Erick Rowan

We take a look at how John Cena was able to force his way into a United States Title Match at Wrestlemania.

Fandango (with Rosa Mendes) vs Adam Rose (with Rosebuds)

They lock up and Rose with an arm drag. Rose struts while Fandango gyrates his hips. They go for a test of strength but Fandango with a waist lock. Rose with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Fandango with a drop kick followed by an arm drag into a key lock. Fandango with a fireman’s carry followed by short arm clotheslines. Rose with a knee to the midsection.

Rose kicks Fandango in the corner. Rose sends Fandango over the top rope but he lands on the apron. Rose with a running shoulder tackle that knocks Fandango off the apron and into the ringside barrier. Fandango gets back into the ring in time and Rose with a double sledge to the midsection and Rose gets a near fall.

Rose kicks Fandango in the corner. Rose with a back breaker and he gets a near fall. Rose with a knee to the back followed by a rear chin lock. Fandango with elbows but Rose with a full nelson back breaker and he gets a near fall. Rose goes to the floor and he gets a lollipop from the Curious George looking member of the Rosebuds.

Rose sucks on his lollipop and then he mocks Fandango with it. Fandango with a double leg take down and he punches Rose. Fandango with chops. Fandango sends Rose into the turnbuckles and then Fandango with a back elbow and clotheslines. Fandango with a Falcon Arrow Slam and then he goes up top for the FandangoTangoBama Jam but Rose rolls away.

Rose with a rollup and he uses the ropes but the referee sees it. Fandango with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Fandango

We go to commercial.

Konnor and Viktor vs Titus O’Neil and Darren Young

Young and Viktor start things off and they lock up. They lock up again and Viktor with a wrist lock but Young with a reversal. Young with a hip lock take down and he goes for a wrist lock. Viktor with a punch and Konnor tags in. Viktor and Konnor kick Young in the corner. Konnor with kicks to Young and he tags Viktor back in. Viktor chokes Young and connects with a Canadian Lifter and gets a near fall. Viktor with more Canadian Lifters and he kicks Young.

Konnor tags back in and Viktor Irish whips Konnor into Young in the corner and he gets a near fall. Konnor rakes at the face of Young and Viktor is tagged back in. Viktor with a forearm to the back and he gets a near fall. Viktor with a side head lock into a reverse chin lock. Viktor with an Irish whip but he misses a splash when Young moves.

Konnor tags in but Titus also tags in and he knocks Viktor off the apron and he clotheslines Konnor. Titus sends Viktor into Konnor in the corner and he hits a double splash. Young with a Foley clothesline to Viktor and they both go over the top rope to the floor. Titus with Clash of the Titus to Konnor for the three count.

Winners: Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened with The Authority, especially Seth Rollins on Raw.

Non Title Match
Nikki Bella (with Brie Bella) vs Naomi

They lock up and Nikki backs Naomi into the ropes and she gives a clean break. Naomi with a waist lock but Nikki with an elbow and clothesline. Nikki runs Naomi into the turnbuckles and connects with a series of shoulders. Nikki with a clothesline into the corner and she Irish whips Naomi but Naomi floats over and uses her rear end to send Nikki across the ring. Naomi with a drop kick.

Naomi with a head scissors and Nikki goes to the floor. Nikki returns to the ring and Naomi with a snap mare and drop kick to the back of the head and Naomi gets a near fall. Naomi with a side head lock. Nikki with an arm drag and she goes into the ropes to keep Naomi away from her.

Naomi with a slam and leaping leg drop for a near fall. Nikki kicks Naomi and rolls to the floor again. We go to commercial.

We are back and they lock up again and Naomi with a waist lock. Nikki with an elbow and arm drag. Nikki with a clothesline and she gets a near fall. Naomi with a drop kick and Naomi kips up. Naomi goes for a baseball slide but Nikki moves. Nikki misses a clothesline and then Naomi hits Brie and she sends Nikki into Brie.

Naomi sends Nikki back into the ring and Nikki knocks Naomi off the apron. While the referee deals with Nikki, Brie kicks Naomi in the hamstring. While Naomi is down, Nikki does push ups in the ring. Naomi struggles but gets back into the ring and Nikki with kicks followed by a kneeDT for a near fall.

Nikki drives the knee into the mat a few times. Nikki gets a near fall. Nikki with a snap mare that sends in the injured leg into the ropes. Nikki with another snap mare that sends the leg into the ropes again. Nikki wraps the leg in the ropes and Nikki is forced to release the hold before she is disqualified.

Nikki with a modified Calf Killer but Naomi with elbows and she gets out of the hold. Nikki sends Naomi into the ropes and then she continues to work on the injured knee. Naomi with punches and a round kick but she collapses to the mat. Naomi tries to kick Nikki but Nikki blocks it and she puts Naomi on the top rope. Naomi with a round kick and she goes up top but misses a frog splash.

Nikki picks up Naomi and Naomi with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winner: Naomi