View Full Version : Superstars Report / Results - 20th Mar, 2015

03-21-2015, 04:59 AM
Superstars Report / Results - 20th Mar, 2015
Location: Des Moines, Iowa
Announcers: Rich Brennan and Byron Saxton

We are in and your announcers are .

Before our opening match, we see a video package for Andre the Giant since the participants in the next match will be in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal at Wrestlemania.

Adam Rose (with Rosebuds) vs Jack Swagger

Swagger with a waist lock take down and he holds on for a second one. Rose gets to the ropes and the referee pulls Swagger away. Rose drops Swagger on the top rope and Rose with chops and then he sends Swagger into the turnbuckles. Swagger with a shoulder tackle and he punches Rose in the corner and he follows with knees to the midsection. Swagger misses a short arm clothesline and then Swagger is back dropped over the top rope and Swagger holds his knee.

Rose with a baseball slide to the back and Swagger goes down and holds his knee. Rose rolls Swagger back in and he kicks Jack in the ribs and follows with punches and knees to the abdomen. Rose with an abdominal stretch.

Swagger escapes with a hip toss and he runs into a knee from Rose. Rose with a missile drop kick and he gets a near fall. Rose slaps Swagger and he hits a thrust kick but misses a clothesline and Swagger dives at the knees. Swagger with a knee in the corner followed by a belly-to-belly slam. Swagger sets for the Swagger bomb but Rose goes to the floor. Swagger with a clothesline on the floor and he sends Rose back in.

Swagger with a Swagger Bomb and then he elevates Rose into the air and he applies the ankle lock. Rose taps out.

Winner: Jack Swagger

We take a look at highlights from the Lucha Dragon’s victory over the Ascension. They will meet again later tonight.

We take a look at what happened two weeks ago on Raw when John Cena was given his match against Rusev by Lana.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at the contract signing for the match between John Cena and Rusev.

We take a look back at Mark Henry’s return to Smackdown last week when Mark was sent through the ringside barrier by Reigns.

We go to comments from Brock Lesnar about his match with Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania.

We take a look at Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman from Raw.

We go to commercial.

Kalisto and Sin Cara vs Konnor and Viktor

Viktor and Kalisto start things off and they lock up. Viktor backs Kalisto into the corner and he sends Kalisto across the ring by the mask but Kalisto with a cartwheel. Kalisto with a knee to the head and then he walks on his hands and he sends Viktor to the mat with a head scissors. Viktor runs Kalisto into the corner and he tags in Konnor.

Konnor with a forearm to the back. Kalisto tries for a sunset flip but Konnor picks him up. Kalisto with a drop kick to the knee and Cara tags in and he hits a springboard drop kick to Konnor and one to Viktor. Konnor and Viktor move out of the way so Kalisto and Cara hold back on their dives to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cara with a waist lock on Konnor followed by kicks and chops. Konnor with punches in the corner followed by an Irish whip. Cara with a kick and then he flips out of the corner and he avoids Konnor but Konnor takes Cara down to the mat. Viktor tags in and he kicks and chokes Cara. Cara falls to the floor. Viktor goes to the floor and he chops Cara.

Cara is sent into the ringside barrier by Viktor. Viktor sends Cara back in and he gets a near fall. Viktor with a rear chin lock. Cara with punches but Viktor with a knee and he sends Cara into the turnbuckles. Konnor tags in and he hits an elbow drop for a near fall. Konnor with a rear chin lock.

Viktor tags back in and he connects with a double sledge to the back and then he chokes Cara in the ropes. Cara tries to make the tag but Viktor stops him. Viktor with a rear chin lock. Viktor with a slam and he tags in Konnor. Viktor with a single leg crab while Konnor hits a leg drop to the back of the head and Konnor gets a near fall. Konnor with a reverse chin lock.

Cara with punches but Konnor with a forearm to the back and he tags in Viktor and they hit a double elevated hip toss but Kalisto breaks up the cover. Viktor focuses on Kalisto on the floor and Cara with an inside cradle for a near fall. Viktor with forearms and kicks to Cara. Viktor sends Cara into the corner and he punches Cara.

Cara kicks Viktor and elbows Konnor. Kalisto tags in and he hits a springboard cross body followed by a springboard corkscrew cross body. Kalisto with a rollup into a round kick and a head scissors driver for a near fall when Konnor breaks it up. Konnor is sent to the floor and then Cara dives through the ropes while Kalisto holds them apart with his feet.

Viktor hits Kalisto from behind but Kalisto rolls through on an O’Connor Roll into Salida Del Sol. Cara tags in and he hits Fallen Star for the three count.

Winners: Kalisto and Sin Cara

We take a look at Michael Cole’s interview with Randy Orton. We go to commercial.

We are back with the video profile on the latest inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame, Tatsumi Fujinami.

We are told that one more inductee will be announced on Raw.

We take a look at the main event from Raw.

We go to credits.