View Full Version : RAW Report / Results - 23rd Mar, 2015

03-24-2015, 06:52 AM
RAW LIVE Coverage - 23rd Mar, 2015
Location: Los Angeles, California
Announcers: Booker T, Michael Cole, JBL

We start things off with Sting making his way to the ring.

Sting says this is what it feels like to kick off Raw. Sting lets out a scream. He says that he has been known as the WCW soldier and he has seen Triple H rise the ladder by backstabbing and undermining to get to the very top over the last 14 years. HHH thinks that he is unstoppable. Does he think there is no consequence.

Sting says that he is not fighting for WCW. He is here for one specific reason. That is to take Triple H down.

Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring.

She says this is what it feels like to be in the ring with the Stinger, the last hold out of WCW. Now you know how it feels to make it to the big time. You are standing in the middle of a WWE ring opening Raw with yours truly. She tells Sting to soak it all in.

Sting says that Stephanie is the spoiled brat who has everything handed to her and think that she has earned it. Sting says she is honored to meet Stephanie.

Stephanie says that Sting is lashing out because he is intimidated. You were a big fish in a teeny tiny pond in WCW. Now you are a minnow in the ocean. Stephanie says that she is the daughter of the man who eviscerated his career in the Monday Night War. You never called about signing with WWE.

You are like a dog. You are loyal, but in the end you are stupid. Stephanie says that she does not want to compare him to a dog because she does not want to insult dogs. She tells Sting that he lost and he will lose any respect that he has left when her husband pins Sting in the middle of the ring. You are nothing more than a face painted freak.

Stephanie tries to slap Sting, but Sting blocks it. Triple H’s music plays and Stephanie has a smirk on her face.

Hunter comes to the ring to clean up his wife’s fights as he removes his tie on the stage.

Hunter enters the ring after taking off his jacket. Stephanie tells Hunter to wait and she gives him the GAMEHAMMER. Sting pulls the bat out of his jacket and the odds are evened up.

Sting invites Hunter into the ring and he starts to get into the ring, but he decides to let everyone wait until Sunday.

Sting takes off his jacket and he puts down the bat. Hunter gets back to the side of the ring and the crowd wants something to happen. Stephanie holds Hunter back and she tells him to save it for Wrestlemania.

Tonight, you will get the chance to choose Randy Orton’s opponent tonight. Will it be Big Show, Kane, or Seth Rollins and J&J Security?

Paige and AJ Lee are in the back and they are discussing who will get the chance to face Nikki later tonight for the title.

We go to commercial.

Wade Barrett joins the commentary team for this match.

Dean Ambrose and R Truth vs Luke Harper and Stardust

Stardust and Truth start things off and the crowd chants for ‘Cody’. Stardust with a kick and punches. Truth holds on to the ropes and he dances. Truth with a split and punch to Stardust and Stardust falls into the corner. Stardust goes to the floor and he argues with Barrett. Stardust comes back into the ring and he tags in Harper.

His similarly attired opponent Ambrose tags in as well and Ambrose with a side head lock take down. Ambrose with a wrist lock but Harper with a punch. Harper misses an elbow but Ambrose with a flying clothesline and punches. Ambrose kicks Harper in the corner. Harper with a boot and Ambrose with a knee to the midsection followed by a drop kick and La Magistral for a near fall.

Ambrose with a clothesline into the corner followed by a bulldog. Ambrose with a punch to Stardust and then Truth with a punch and they clothesline Stardust over the top rope. Harper is back dropped over the top rope to the floor.
We go to commercial.

We are back and Stardust with a cross arm choke. We see footage from the commercial when Ambrose punched Stardust but received a boot from Harper. Stardust runs Ambrose into the corner and he fights out of the corner but Stardust with an Alabama Slam and he gets a series of near falls.

Stardust punches Ambrose and he tags in Harper. Harper walks across Ambrose’s chest and then he rakes the eyes. Harper with a European uppercut and he slingshots Ambrose into the middle rope and he gets a near fall. Harper with a reverse chin lock and Ambrose punches Harper. Harper with a Boss Man Slam for a near fall. Harper puts Ambrose on the turnbuckles and he punches him. Stardust tags in and he climbs the turnbuckles for a superplex but Ambrose sends Stardust to the mat. Harper tags in and he knocks Ambrose off the turnbuckles to the floor. Harper stares down Barrett before he tries to send Ambrose back into the ring but he slides along the apron and clotheslines Harper.

They return to the ring and Ambrose with an elbow and he hits a Tornado DDT and both men are down. Stardust and Truth tag in and Truth with clotheslines followed by a drop kick and then he does a split before hitting a Stinger Splash. Truth with a kick and sit out gourdbuster but Harper breaks up the cover. Harper with a punch to Ambrose followed by a super kick to Truth. Ambrose bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Ambrose with a suicide dive onto Harper and Truth with What’s Up on Stardust for the three count.

Winners: R Truth and Dean Ambrose

After the match:
Barrett goes to the back while Truth dances in the ring. Ambrose shows that he can dance like Elaine Benes.

We go to commercial.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Renee Young is on the stage with representatives of the Special Olympics. Renee announces the WWE’s partnership with the 2015 Special Olympics World Games.

It is time to take a look at the man who will be facing Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Championship, Roman Reigns. Roman is asked about the pressure he faces going against Brock Lesnar. Roman says this is the biggest moment of his life. Sometimes you can build a mystique, especially with someone like Paul Heyman behind him. He can back it up. Can he be beaten? Yes and he will be the one to do it.

Roman says he has been told that he can’t and that he can’t win. He says that he can . . . and he will.

Michael mentions the Twitter comments between Bill Simmons and John Layfield.

We see footage of Miz and Sandow with Kevin Hart and Will Ferrell about Get Hard. Miz asks them if they used stunt doubles. Miz says that stunt doubles try to outshine you while Kevin and Will say they are there to help you. Will asks Miz how long he has had his assistant and then they say that Sandow has that look. Miz tells Sandow to leave to get him some water.

We go to commercial.

Miz, Damien Sandow, Konnor, Viktor, and Adam Rose vs Titus O’Neil, Erick Rowan, Ryback, Zack Ryder, and Darren Young

Titus and Miz start things off but Miz has to take off his sunglasses, but he stops Sandow from doing it. Miz with a kick and side head lock. Titus catches Miz and hits a back breaker and a fallaway slam. Young tags in and Titus with a slam and he sends Young onto Miz with a gourdbuster. Miz with a jawbreaker and he points to Sandow but tags in Rose.

Rose with a wrist lock and side head lock. Rose with a shoulder tackle but Young with a discus forearm and reverse atomic drop and neck breaker. Young with a near fall. Rowan tags in and he punches Rose and follows with a head butt. Rowan with a forearm across the chest. Rowan with a fallaway slam and he tags in Ryder. Ryder with a forearm into the corner and he sets for the Broski Boot and connects.

Ryder misses the Rough Ryder and Rose with a clothesline. Konnor tags in and he kicks Ryder and kicks him. Viktor tags in and he kicks Ryder in the corner and punches him. Viktor with a slam and Konnor tags in while Viktor applies a half crab. Konnor with a leg drop and Young breaks up the cover. Konnor with a forearm to Ryder and he tags in Rose.

Rose with knees to the head and kicks. Sandow tags himself in and he hits the Reality Check and kips up followed by the removal of the sunglasses. Miz demands to be tagged back in and he tags Miz back in. Miz with a kick but Ryder with a face plant and both men are down. Ryback tags in and he takes care of Miz with a forearm. Ryback with a Thesz Press and he slams Miz’ head into the mat and follows with a spinebuster.

Ryback presses Rose over his head and slams him. Konnor and Viktor miss Ryback and Ryback with a double clothesline. Miz with kicks to Ryback and then he sets for the Awesome Clothesline but Ryback with a clothesline of his own followed by the muscle buster for the three count.

Winners: Ryback, Darren Young, Titus O’Neil, Zack Ryder, and Erick Rowan

We take a look back at the end of Raw from last week when Randy Orton was joined by THE VIGILANTE Sting in the ring.

We go to commercial.

Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins, Joey Mercury, and Jamie Noble

Mercury starts off and they lock up but Orton sends Mercury to the mat and he wants Orton. Rollins wants to tag in but Mercury tags in Noble instead and Rollins wants to know if Orton is that stupid. Orton with a kick and he sends Noble to the mat. Orton with the Garvin Stomp and he sends Noble through the ropes as he tries to hit Rollins. Orton pulls Rollins to the apron but Mercury stops him.

Rollins hits Orton while the referee was not looking and Noble with forearms and kicks to Orton and he does the Garvin Stomp as well. Noble with a forearm to the back of the head. Orton with a European uppercut and clothesline to Noble. Orton with a clothesline to Mercury and then he sends Noble to the floor. Orton with a power slam to Mercury and he puts Mercury in the ropes. He grabs Noble as well and he hits a double IEDDT.

Orton looks around for the RKO set up and Rollins tries for Black Out but Orton moves. Rollins escapes an RKO and then Orton hits the RKO on Noble for the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

We go to footage from John Cena’s interview from WWE.com.

He says at Wrestlemania you will see a man fight for what he believes in. He says what he believes in. He loves this country. There is proof of his unwavering support for the troops. John says that he is going to win the US Title so he can represent the United States and show everyone around the world that they are the elite. He will show that they will not waver. He will send the message on behalf of the United States.

Wrestlemania is about shutting up Rusev and bringing the title back.

Paige is in the back applying some make up and AJ stops by and she talks about how it looks like Nikki is trying to divide them going into Wrestlemania. Paige says that she has had to suffer with these insufferable slags. She will take the match unless AJ wants it. AJ says that she won’t fall into the trap. Paige tells AJ that she must be crazy to turn down a title match. The switch goes off and AJ returns to crazy mode, but Paige tries to calm her down with a friendly hug.

We go to commercial.

Paige (with AJ Lee) vs Nikki Bella (with Brie Bella) for the Divas Title

They lock up and Nikki with a pie face but Paige with a double leg take down and she punches Nikki. Paige with a head butt and she connects with knees from the apron while Brie watches from a few feet away. Paige screams while Nikki falls to the floor. Paige with a head butt, but Nikki with a double leg take down.

Nikki does some push ups but Paige knocks Nikki down and gets a near fall. Nikki goes to the floor and Paige goes to the apron and she hits a clothesline. Paige rolls Nikki back in and Nikki with a facebuster and she gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

DIVA Championship Match
Paige (with AJ Lee) vs Nikki Bella (c) (with Brie Bella)

They lock up and Nikki with a pie face but Paige with a double leg take down and she punches Nikki. Paige with a head butt and she connects with knees from the apron while Brie watches from a few feet away. Paige screams while Nikki falls to the floor. Paige with a head butt, but Nikki with a double leg take down.

Nikki does some push ups but Paige knocks Nikki down and gets a near fall. Nikki goes to the floor and Paige goes to the apron and she hits a clothesline. Paige rolls Nikki back in and Nikki with a facebuster and she gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Nikki with a reverse chin lock. Paige with elbows but Nikki with a spinebuster for a near fall. Nikki taunts Paige but Paige with a kick. Both ladies go for a clothesline at the same time and both go down. Paige with a series of short arm clotheslines followed by a running drop kick and she gets a near fall.

Paige runs into an uppercut and Nikki with a springboard kick out of the corner for a near fall. Nikki gets ready for the forearm but Paige ducks it and Paige with a thrust kick for a near fall. Paige sets for Rampaige but Nikki with an inside cradle for a near fall to counter. Paige with a knee and Nikki with an Alabama Slam for a near fall.

Nikki gets Paige on her shoulders but Paige gets to her feet and she kicks Nikki in the back of the leg and she hits Rampaige but Nikki kicks out at two. Nikki kicks Paige and then Paige and Nikki go through the ropes to the floor. AJ stops Brie from interfering and then AJ hits Paige with an elbow by accident and Nikki hits the forearm.

Nikki picks up Paige and hits Shock Treatment for the three count.

Winner: Nikki Bella

After the match:
AJ comes into the ring to check on Paige and Paige with a double leg take down and she punches AJ and then they have to be separated.

We take a look at the Intercontinental Title Contenders Gauntlet Match from Smackdown.

Tonight, we will see Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan wrestle, but you will get to choose the guest referee.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Snoop Dogg and he is accompanied on his way to the ring by Cameron, Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox, and Summer Rae.

Snoop mentions that California will be the home of Wrestlemania on Sunday. He says it will be . . .

Curtis Axel comes out and he interrupts and tells us not to change the channel. He talks about SnoopMania and then he tells Snoop that it is AxelMania. He will not listen to him talk about SnoopMania while AxelMania runs wild in Los Angeles.

Axel says AxelMania is here to stay.

Snoop says that Axel is the clown popping off on Twitter. He waited for him to show up. He asks Curtis what he wants to talk about and he says there is one more ‘Mania’ that he has forgotten about.

Hulk Hogan comes out because HulkaMania has to represent itself tonight.

Hogan wants to tell Axel a little story. When he slammed Andre over his head in front of 94,000 people, he knew that Hulkamania would last forever. Hogan says that when he heard Snoop’s first LP he knew SnoopMania would last.

Hogan wants to know what is Axel smoking. Axel rips his AxelMania shirt and then he does the finger point and he asks Whatcha gonna do.

Hogan punches Axel and Snoop throws Axel over the top rope. Snoop reveals a Hulkamania shirt and they have a pose down.

We take a look at the Brock Lesnar video that aired last week.

We go to commercial.

We are back and The Usos and Naomi are at the announce table and they will be part of the Fatal Four Way match on the Kick off Show.

Tyson Kidd, Cesaro, and Natalya vs Fernando, Diego, and El Torito

Cesaro and Diego start things off and Cesaro with a forearm and he gets a near fall. Diego with a cross body and he tags in Torito. Natalya tags in and Kidd tags himself in before Natalya can do anything. Fernando tags in and he hits a neck breaker and gets a near fall. Fernando misses a cross body and Kidd punches Fernando. Cesaro tags in and he kicks Fernando and gets a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Kidd tags in and Ceasro with the giant swing and Kidd with a drop kick.

Kidd gets a near fall and Kidd with a reverse chin lock. Fernando with an elbow and he drops him on the top rope. Kidd goes up top and Fernando with a drop kick and both men are down. Ceasro and Diego tag in and he hits a punch and a few corkscrew elbows and a flapjack. Torito tags in and Cesaro catches him. Diego with a drop kick and Torito gets a near fall. Fernando with a head scissors that sends Cesaro into the ropes. Kidd with a kick to Fernando. Torito kicks Kidd. Natalya tags in and hits a discus clothesline for a near fall. Natalya tries for a power bomb but Torito counters with a sunset flip for the three count.

Winners: Fernando, Diego, and El Torito

Wade Barrett cleans his belt and Kane enters the locker room. Kane says that Barrett must be proud to have the belt for 72 hours. Kane asks for the title belt, but Barrett says that has been working to get the title back. Kane says that he has been tasked to take the belt to hang it over the belt.

Kane says that if Wade does not comply, he will strip him of the title. Barrett says that it is a travesty and he gives it to Kane. Kane tells Barrett he only has to beat six other men and he likes those odds.

We go to commercial.

Rusev vs Jack Swagger

Swagger with a waist lock but Rusev with an elbow followed by punches and kicks. Rusev sends Swagger into the turnbuckles and he kicks Swagger in the back and punches him. Rusev says something to Swagger in Bulgarian and Swagger punches him. Swagger with an Irish whip but Rusev with a clothesline. Rusev with a kick to the back.

Rusev with a kick to the back and then he applies a chin lock trapping the arm. Swagger gets to his feet for a moment but Rusev brings Swagger back to the mat. Swagger with an elbow and punches to Rusev. Rusev with a kick and Irish whip but Swagger with a boot. Swagger punches Rusev but Rusev pushes Swagger and misses a clothesline. Swagger with a boot and he Irish whips Rusev and clotheslines him.

Swagger goes for the Swagger Bomb sponsored by We The People. Rusev stops him and tries for a kick but Swagger blocks it. Swagger with a belly-to-belly slam for a near fall. Swagger climbs the turnbuckles but Rusev gets away and he kicks Swagger in the back of the leg and then he kicks Swagger and then he goes to the apron to clothesline Swagger to send him to the mat.

Rusev with a jumping thrust kick and then he turns Swagger over and stomps on the back to set up for the Accolade. Swagger taps out.

Winner: Rusev

After the match:
Rusev does not release the hold because Lana is not there to tell him to release the hold. John Cena’s music plays and he releases the hold.

Cena comes to the ring and he attacks Rusev. Cena with a double leg take down and then he punches Rusev. Rusev with a forearm on the floor and he sends Cena into the ringside barrier. Rusev picks up Cena and runs him into the ring post. Rusev sends Cena over the announce table and he lands on one of the chairs.

Rusev grabs his Russian flag and swings it at ringside while Cena struggles to get back to his feet. Rusev sees Cena and Rusev with a jumping thrust kick to Cena. Rusev rearranges the announce table and then he sends Rusev face first into the announce table with a wheelbarrow slam. Rusev gets on the announce table and he stomps on the back and he applies the Accolade.

Officials try to pull Rusev off Cena, but five referees are no match for Rusev.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the announcers talk about whether Rusev had a plan to weaken Cena for Sunday night.

The lights go out and Bray Wyatt makes his way to the ring.

Bray asks why oh why do people hide from the truth? Is it because you are afraid? Is it because you are embarrassed to show who you are? Reality can be a very very difficult pill to swallow. That does not change the fact that each and every one of you are guilty. You are guilty. Somewhere deep down, you hate the person that you have become.

The truth is that you hate the job because the only thing you can see is the color green. You look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see so you put on the makeup to cover up all of the ugliness and inconsistencies in you. It does not hide the fact that you are LIARS. Bray says that he is not like you.

Bray says that he might be a lot of things, but he is not a LIAR. His tongue is the sword of truth. It cuts through the deception in your world. He speaks the truth that you hide yourself from. The Undertaker is just like you. The Undertaker is a LIAR. He tries to hide the fact that he is lost. He denies the fact that he is trying desperately have his soul set free. The angel with the burnt wings is here to take you back to the other side.

Bray says there is the mystical aura that you are used to. Can you feel it? These spirits no longer operate by your command. They belong to him now. He controls the light and the darkness and they march to his command. He is the judge of the living and the dead. Bray says the Undertaker is guilty. There is no redemption. There is no shield to carry you out. It will be marked with Sister Abigail’s kiss and Bray will take his place among the gods.

You will get the mercy that you have been begging for. At Wrestlemania, you can finally rest in peace (as Bray mocks the Undertaker pose)

We go to commercial.

Hall of Fame:
We are back and it is time to announce the final person who will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. They said it was broken by Rolling Stone, but I think Mike might have mentioned it a few weeks ago, Kevin Nash is going into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Natalya is doing her make up while Tyson is talking about how amazing something smells but Tyson has his head phones on while Natalya is behind a divider so she does not know that he is talking about Chicken Fries.

Natalya takes one of the Chicken Fries and she keeps them from Tyson.

Ambrose wins the vote to be guest referee by over 505. Take notice WWE!

We go to commercial

Daniel Bryan ves Dolph Ziggler
Guest Referee Dean Ambrose

They lock up and Bryan with a waist lock. Ziggler goes for the leg but Bryan gets away and into the corner. They lock up and Bryan with a side head lock. Bryan with a shoulder tackle and side head lock take down. They go for a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Bryan with a back drop and then he stomps on the elbow. Bryan with a European uppercut to Ziggler but Ziggler with punches in the corner as we see the ring post cam view.

Ziggler with a leaping elbow drop for a near fall. Ziggler with a side head lock. Ziggler slaps Bryan in the corner and Bryan pushes Ziggler. Ziggler pushes back and Bryan with a punch. They exchange punches and Bryan with a European uppercut. Bryan sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles. Ziggler with an Irish whip and he flips over in the corner. Bryan skins the cat and he sends Ziggler to the floor with a head scissors.

Bryan with a drop kick through the ropes to Ziggler and then he goes to the apron and he misses a flying knee. Ziggler with a clothesline that sends both men over the barrier into Yeatonville and we go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a reverse chin lock into a sleeper and he gets on Bryan’s back but Bryan backs Ziggler into the turnbuckles. Ziggler tries for a Fameasser but Bryan blocks it. Bryan with a rollup for a near fall followed by a German suplex for a near fall. Bryan goes up top and Ziggler hits the ropes to crotch Bryan.

Ziggler sets for a superplex but Bryan blocks it and he punches Ziggler and hits a head butt to send Ziggler to the mat. Ziggler goes up top and he hits a super X Factor for a near fall. Ziggler goes for a Zig Zag but Bryan holds on to the ropes. Bryan tries for a backslide but Ziggler blocks it. Ziggler with a back slide of his own for a near fall. Bryan misses a round kick with the left but does not miss with the right and he gets a near fall.

Bryan with kicks and then he hits the running drop kick. Ziggler goes for a second one but he is met with a super kick and Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match:
Ambrose raises Ziggler’s hand and then he hits the double underhook DDT and he throws off the referee shirt. Ambrose goes under the ring and he gets a ladder. Ambrose sets up the ladder in the center of the ring but Wade Barrett makes his way to the ring to pull Ambrose off. Truth comes into the ring and so does Stardust and Harper.

Harper attacks Ambrose while Barrett joins in on the attack on Ambrose. Ambrose kicks Truth and hits the double underhook DDT. Everyone tries to climb the ladder and then Barrett sends Bryan into the ladder and then hits him with a Bullhammer. Barrett kicks Stardust off the ladder. Ziggler with a super kick on Barrett. Stardust with a Flatliner on Ziggler. Ambrose and Stardust climb the ladder and Harper pushes it over.

Everyone is down in the ring or on the floor around the ring.

Paul Heyman knocks on Brock’s dressing room door and he tells him it is time.

We go to commercial.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman make their way out to the ring and Brock does the Brock Bounce on the stage.

Paul introduces himself and his client. Paul says if he hasn’t sold you yet on a reason for Roman Reigns to come to the ring on Sunday and take his beating like a man against Brock Lesnar, there is no way for him to convince you to subscribe to the WWE Network. If you don’t think the greatest athlete laying a beat down on the Samoan Badass, he doesn’t know what to tell you.

If you are looking for a fight and to see Brock Lesnar impose his will and mangle Roman Reigns, he swears to you that you will get your money’s worth on Sunday. It comes down to thi. Either Brock Lesnar is every single solitary thing he says he is or isn’t. Roman Reigns is everything they say about or he isn’t.

One man will be the winner and one man will be the loser. One man will be successful and one man will be a failure. Brock Lesnar makes a failure out of every man who steps in front of him.

Last year he had Brock Lesnar against The Streak. You said he can’t, but he did. At SummerSlam, he said that Brock would give John Cena a prison beating so bad it would get Cena out of the main event of Wrestlemania. He did and John is not going to be at the end of Wrestlemania.

Paul says that everyone is saying that Brock is a mercenary only out for the money. Brock is an intense competitor who loves being the WWE Champion as much as he likes to sadistically destroy anyone who tries to take the title from him.

He tells Roman that he should break into Brock’s house and take food off the table from his family and name his children Reigns if you want to try to take the title.

Brock is a conqueror who will go to your home and take your wife and name his children Lesnar.

Brock is a conqueror and he will main event Wrestlemania.

Roman, you say ‘I Can . . . and I Will.’ At Wrestlemania, the reigning, defending Champion says that you can’t and therefore, Roman Reigns, you won’t.

Roman Reigns’ music plays and he makes his way through the crowd to the ring.

Brock and Roman circle each other in the ring.

Brock holds up the title belt and Reigns takes it from Lesnar and he holds it up.

Brock tries to get it back and we have a tug of war over the title belt.


We go to credits.