View Full Version : WWE Hall Of Famer Is Taking Donations Again

03-24-2015, 06:32 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Sunny is back raising money for cancer surgery on GoFundMe. The description on her page reads like this:

"In April of 2013, I was diagnosed with stage 1 squamous cell Carcinoma of my cervix. I had 2 surgeries to remove it all, but sinde then, my lower stomach below my belly button (and below that) is not the same as it was. I need to get cosmetic surgery to get it back to what it used to be, b/c even though Im working my butt of in the gym and dieting hard, it just wont go away... It's very upsetting, and a I just want to look like the old me again... firm and tight...i's almost bikini season, and i dont want to look like i just gave birth!! Anything will help me achieve this gol, and be the best I can be.... for me, ad for YOU! Thank you for reading, and contributing, an God Bless!!"

03-25-2015, 08:40 PM
Is she really begging for money to get a cosmetical surgery because it's bikini season soon and she believes we get sth out of her looking then better than now because of the before mentioned surgery?

What the hell..?