View Full Version : Perro Aguayo Jr. funeral notes

Shootkick Man
03-25-2015, 01:26 AM
The funeral was yesterday. The church was overfilled, with what looks to be at least hundreds of people standing outside, just wanting to be there. (R de Rudo has a video of what the scene outside looked like.) The service was a a celebration of Perro’s life. Rey Misterio, Konnan, Latin Lover, Rayo de Jalisco were among those who stood as ceremonially guard next to the casket the entire time. There were many wrestlers in and out of masks at the service, but Konnan and Latin Lover being on opposite sides of the casket was striking. Those are two men who’ve not gotten along at times, and very much not gotten along at other times. Perro Aguayo Jr. was friends with them both. Rayo’s knew Perro Jr. since he was child. I believe I saw Terrible at the service in another picture; his biggest break was teaming with Perro Aguayo Jr. in a hair match. X-Fly’s visible in the second row with his blond hair; Perro Jr. knew him since he X-Fly was a kid hoping to get in the wrestling business and hoping to find a home. The lucha libre world can be a fractious, divisive place, but Perro had a connection with everyone and was friends with many. He reached so many very different people.

Hijo del Santo voiced a theory, one that others have brought up, that Perro Aguayo Jr. was already dealing with a back or spine injury prior to the match. The Aguayo family doctor told the press yesterday that, as far as he knows, Perro Jr. did not have any pre-existing spine or back injury. The doctor does not that luchadors often have at least two doctors. The doctor continued to absolve everyone involved of blame. A Yahoo article quotes an AAA spokesman as saying “they could’ve had 50 doctors in the arena” and it wouldn’t have helped.

Rayo de Jalisco Jr. took solace in Perro Aguayo Jr. dying doing what he loved. Rayo pushed for better protection for luchadors generally, in both insurance and medical services, but does not believe anything different could’ve been done in this case. Rayo was one of a few people noted as talking to Rey Misterio Jr. at the service; Rey (who did not wear his mask) is reported as being completely devastated. Rey’s friends surrounded as he left, to protect him from the media. The Tijuana commission has talked about wanting to talk to Rey to get his statement about what happened – they only talked to him briefly that night – but the lucha libre commission has repeatedly said they do not expect any charges to be filed.

El Universal has a video interview with Negro Casas, Blue Panther and Vaquerita about Perro’s passing. Casas was very emotional.

The next AAA TV taping is April 1st in San Luis Potosi. The local promoters have asked all their fans to wearing their Perros del Mal gear as part of a memorial.

Masked Republic will be releasing a special Perro memorial t-shirt, with the profits benefiting the family.

Boxer Jhonny Gonzalez, who been associated with AAA for a while, said he’s dedicating his fight on Saturday to Perro. There was a moment of applause for Perro in Arena Puebla.

Kcidis says goodbye to Perro Aguayo.

03-25-2015, 04:07 PM
Very sad indeed R.I.P