View Full Version : WWE Diva Superstars Results: 27th Mar, 2015

03-28-2015, 01:32 PM

Superstars Report / Results - 27th Mar, 2015
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Announcers: Rich Brennan and Byron Saxton

Summer Rae (with Cameron) vs Emma

Summer mocks Emma’s dance moves and she pokes Emma. Emma slaps Summer and Emma with a drop toe hold and she slams Summer’s head into the mat. Emma with a drop kick and Cameron distracts Emma and Summer with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Summer kicks Emma and gets a near fall.

Summer with a reverse chin lock into a Cobra Clutch. Emma gets to her feet but Summer brings her back to the mat. Emma gets to her feet and she punches Summer but Summer pulls Emma to the mat by the hair and Summer with a seductive cover but Emma counters into a near fall.

Summer with a leaping leg drop and she gets a near fall. Summer returns to the Cobra Clutch. Emma gets back to her feet and she drops down to get out of the hold with a jawbreaker. Emma struggles to get back to her feet but she gets her feet up when Summer charges. Emma with clotheslines.

Summer with an Irish whip but Emma with an elbow and she sends Summer into the turnbuckles and applies the DilEmma. Emma with a diving cross body into the corner and she sets for the Emma Lock but Cameron distracts the referee and Emma with a drop kick to Cameron.

Summer with a rollup and a handful of tights for the three count.

Winner: Summer Rae

03-30-2015, 06:29 PM