View Full Version : NJPW Invasion Attack Report / Results - 4th Apr, 2015

04-06-2015, 05:21 PM
NJPW held Invasion Attack this morning from a sold out Sumo Hall. There was a lot of trouble with the stream on NJPW World, as the site crashed before the show began. I was one of the lucky ones that logged in early and my stream worked perfectly as I didn’t refresh my page. The site is however now back up and running and the VOD is now available.

Alex Shelley, KUSHIDA, Yuji Nagata, Captain New Japan & Yohei Komatsu defeated Sho Tanaka, Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask IV, Ryusuke Taguchi & Manabu Nakanishi. This was a decent opener with a lot going on. Everyone got their couple of minutes and again Alex Shelley did his best to make the young lions look good. The crowd are really starting to turn on Taguchi. Shelley pinned Tanaka with Automatic Midnight, and it becomes clear later on why he has been picking up some wins.

Tomoaki Honma, Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Cody Hall, Tama Tonga & Yujiro Takahashi (Bullet Club). Quite the miracle happened. Honma hit a Kokeshi on the first attempt. He hit it successfully four times without missing. History made this morning! This was the Bullet Club B crew and wasn’t anything overly memorable. Hall looked better here than he did on Thursday at the Korakuen Hall show. Honma picked up another pinfall win when he hit the top rope Kokeshi on Hall.

Baretta & Rocky Romero (RPG Vice) defeated Nick & Matt Jackson (The Young Bucks) to win the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team championship. RPG Vice won tag team gold in their first major match in New Japan. This was an absoloutely outstanding tag team match and one of the best Young Bucks matches this year. I thought it was brilliantly laid out and was given lots of time to build to a fantastic finish. There was one spot I particularly loved where The Bucks decided to walk off with the belts. RPG chased them down the aisle and met superkicks as The Bucks sprinted back into the ring leaving RPG to scramble their way back in before the 20 count. Baretta looked amazing here and this was by far the best he has ever looked in New Japan. There were lots up innovative tag spots and it amazes me how The Bucks continue to think up new things to do. RPG Vice look like a well oiled unit already. RPG Vice won with the Spike Sunset Driver. If you like tag team wrestling, make sure you watch this match.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Kenny Omega defeated Mascara Dorada. This was as great as I expected it to be. Dorada again is just incredible to watch and Omega was the perfect guy to work with him. This was the best match Dorada has had in NJPW and the best one Omega has had since starting his current run. Dorada flew around the ring and Omega did all he could to ground him. Dorada hit an amazing hurricanrana as he leaped over the top rope and took Omega, who was on the apron, to the floor. Dorada effortlessly walked the top rope unassisted a couple of times. Omega’s snap Dragon Suplex is as quick as anything. Omega won with the One Winged Angel. After the match Omega said he beat Japan and Mexico and said he now wants to beat America. So he challenged Alex Shelley who was at ringside. So that’s why Shelley has been picking up victories, he will be the next challenger for the junior heavyweight championship.

Michael Bennett & Matt Taven w/Maria Kanellis (The Kingdom) defeated Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows (Bullet Club) to win the IWGP Tag Team championship. Bennett and Taven scored the biggest win of their careers and are the new IWGP tag team champions ahead of the ROH/NJPW tour in May. A lot of this match revolved around Maria and American style shenanigans. Bullet Club seemed more determined on getting a hold of Maria than they were of winning the match and The Kingdom took advantage. The New Japan cameramen continued their extreme obsession with Maria’s rear end. It was a decent back and forth match, but the crowd weren’t into it as it was the super villains taking on a group of new comers. At one point Matt Taven nearly broke his leg with a dive to the floor when his leg caught the top of the guard rail. Maria caused enough of a distraction for The Kingdom to hit Hail Mary (Spike Piledriver) on Anderson to win the gold. It’s a huge win for The Kingdom as they walked in from almost nowhere and took arguably the most prestigious tag championship in the world right now.

Hirooki Goto, Togi Makabe & Tetsuya Naito defeated Shinsuke Nakamura, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI (CHAOS). This was a fun match that did exactly what it was designed to do, and that was to advance the two upcoming title matches. Ishii and Makabe tore into each other with forearms and lariats. Naito and HASHI had their usual fun exchange with HASHI looking good. The finishing stretch came down to Nakamura vs Goto and it was fantastic. Their title match should be something special. Goto eventually scored the win when he hit a violent looking lariat followed up by Shouten Kai. After the bell Ishii and Makabe had to be separated.

Kazushi Sakuraba & Toru Yano defeated Katsuyori Shibata & Hiroshi Tanahashi. Well, Tanahashi didn’t manage to get his win over Yano. Yano did all his usual antics involving water, exposed turnbuckles and chairs and escaped again. The story of this was Shibata vs Sakuraba, as Sakuraba was forced into actually doing something by Shibata. These two have lots of history together and they exchanged holds until Sakuraba hit a lightning quick Firemans Carry on Shibata and locked in a Kimura, forcing Shibata to tap out. A singles match between them should be great as Shibata can bring the best out of Sakuraba and work his style. Tanahashi vs Yano isn’t over yet either.

Kazuchika Okada defeated Bad Luck Fale. This was much better than I ever thought it would be and one of the best matches Fale has ever had. The Rainmaker got his big win over Fale and got out of his slump in amazing fashion. Fale had one of his best showings ever and flew off the top rope with a big splash on Okada, which was a sight to see. Even though we knew Okada would win this, Fale had a few moments where he looked like he was going to beat Okada again. Okada somehow managed to hit a picture perfect bridging German suplex on the monster. Fale must have caught Okada in the face with something as he had a huge red mark on his face that looked nasty. The finish came when Okada Tombstoned Fale (Yes, Tombstoned!) and picked him up to hit The Rainmaker. After the match Okada stood tall with a foot on the chest of Fale as the cocky, confident, Rainmaker returned. This was a hell of a match and worth checking out if even just to see Okada German suplex and Tombstone Fale.

IWGP Heavyweight Champion AJ Styles defeated Kota Ibushi. This match had huge expectations and anticipation surrounding it and it absolutely lived up to the hype in front of a sold out Sumo Hall that were there to see that match. Both men walked to the ring with a very serious demeanour and didn’t do their usual pre match routines. This was game time. Kenny Omega accompanied Styles to the ring. Omega and Ibushi have a long history together after teaming for years in DDT and also in NJPW. Omega showed a lot of concern for Ibushi at ringside and didn’t partake in the usual Bullet Club antics. Styles hit Ibushi with a German suplex on the floor early on. Ibushi hit a lightning fast snap German suplex and at one point attempted the top rope dead lift German suplex that nearly took out Nakamura at Wrestle Kingdom. One cool spot came when both guys countered each other’s strike combos and took each other out with a Pele kick. The finish was breathtaking and is really something you need to see to believe. Omega got on the apron looking like he would attack Ibushi, but he hesitated. The distraction was enough for Styles to catch Ibushi as he came off the top rope with a Phoenix Splash and hit him with a Styles Clash. After the match Omega showed concern for Ibushi and stood back as Styles celebrated. It was an incredible match and one of the best in New Japan so far this year and another star making performance from Ibushi.

After the match, Okada attacked Styles and took him out with a Rainmaker and looks to be the next title challenger. It was last year at Invasion Attack, that Styles debuted in NJPW taking out Okada, so it would be fitting if Okada could regain the title one year after he lost it at Dontaku. It will also be interesting to watch the story between Ibushi and Omega develop, as a match between them could be a huge deal.

This was an excellent show. The two junior title matches and the last two matches are absolutely worth the price of NJPW World this month alone.