View Full Version : ROH TV (Supercard of Honor Showcase) Report / Results - 12th Apr, 2015

04-12-2015, 11:45 PM
ROH TV (Supercard of Honor Showcase) Report / Results
12th Apr, 2015

We are in Redwood City, California for a special Road Rage episode of Ring of Honor Television with two matches from Super Card of Honor.

Your announcers are Kevin Kelly and Adam Cole.

Before our first match starts, Cole tells Kelly that he is here to do a job as an announcer and that is it. He will not be venting about his injury and time away from the ring.

Jay Lethal has comments for Liger. He says Liger probably won’t understand what he is saying, but someone will tell him that Jay Lethal said he is a stepping stone. He will end Liger’s career. It is personal. Nothing has been lost in translation. It is personal. You stand in the way of him holding the record for the Television Title. Liger is coming after something that he does not plan on losing.

Ring of Honor Television Title
Jay Lethal vs Jushin ‘Thunder’ Liger

Lethal goes for the leg before they lock up and Liger with a key lock take down into a head scissors. Lethal eventually escapes but Liger with a rollup for a near fall. Lethal with a kick but Liger with a single leg take down and he gets Lethal into a rocking chair but Lethal gets under the ropes to force a break. Lethal goes to the floor. Lethal with a knee and forearms to the back.

Lethal with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Lethal with a double leg take down but Liger rolls through to escape and he teases a palm thrust but Lethal goes to the floor. Lethal gets on the apron but he wants the referee to keep Liger away. Liger with a knee and chops. Liger with an Irish whip but Lethal tries for a cross body but Liger moves and Lethal hits the mat.

Liger with a surfboard on Lethal and then he gets Lethal back onto the mat but he adds a chin lock until Lethal goes for the hair. Lethalkicks Liger and hits a hip toss and cartwheel but he misses the drop kick. Liger wraps up Lethal in a submission hold but Lethal escapes momentarily.

Lethal with an uppercut and forearm but Liger with a chop. Lethal gets to the ropes and Liger releases the hold. Liger with a chop but Lethal goes to the floor on an Irish whip. Liger misses a baseball slide and Lethal sends Liger into the guardrails. Lethal slams Liger’s head into the apron and he runs Liger into the guardrails again.

Lethal sends Liger back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Lethal sends Liger into the turnbuckles and he chops Liger and punches him. Lethal chokes Liger. Liger with chops to Lethal but Lethal with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Lethal with a figure four using his arms and he surfboards Liger and hits him in the back.

Lethal with an elbow drop and he connects with a second one. Lethal hits a third elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Lethal with a reverse chin lock and then he stomps on Liger’s chest. Lethal with a reverse chin lock. Liger gets to the ropes and Lethal releases the hold. Lethal points to the turnbuckles and he drops the elbow pad before sending a snot rocket onto Liger. Lethal goes up top for the elbow drop and he is stopped by Liger’s boot and Liger with a Liger Kick.

The referee starts his count. Lethal punches Liger but Liger chops back. They go back and forth as they alternate strikes. Lethal with a knee but Liger with an arm drag. Lethal tries for an O’Connor Roll but Liger blocks it. Lethal with an elbow but Liger with a palm strike after he avoids the Lethal Injection. Liger with a running palm strike and he puts Lethal on the turnbuckles.

Liger with a rana from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Liger goes up top but he lands on Lethal’s knees. Lethal with an inside cradle for a near fall. Lethal hits the Lethal Combination for a near fall. Lethal goes up top but Liger rolls away and to the floor. Lethal sets for a suicide dive and Liger blocks him and hits a Brainbuster on the floor. The referee starts his count and both men struggle to get back to their feet. They both get miraculous recovery powers to jump back into the ring at nineteen.

Liger kicks Lethal in the back and he tries for a sunset flip but Lethal drops down and tries to use the ropes but the referee sees it. Lethal tries to hit Liger with the belt but he misses. Liger misses as well and Lethal with a super kick and Lethal Injection for the three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Samoa Joe video package showing his return to Ring of Honor at the 13th Anniversary Show and his challenge to the winner of the main event.

We see Jay Briscoe’s promo from television a few weeks ago when the challenge was made officially into a match.

Ring of Honor World Title
Jay Briscoe vs Samoa Joe

They go face to face during the compliance with the Code of Honor. They try to lock up but neither can get the proper position. They finally lock up and Joe with a side head lock take down. Joe gets a near fall. They lock up in a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock. Joe with a hammer lock but Jay with a side head lock. Joe tries to get away but Briscoe holds on to the side head lock. Joe escapes.

Joe checks his knee before locking up again. Joe with a wrist lock and Briscoe with forearms. Joe sends Jay into the corner and he chops and punches Jay. The referee warns Joe about the closed fist. Joe with an Irish whip but Jay moves when Joe charges. Jay with a boot and Joe with an enzuigiri.

Jay and Joe exchange punches and Joe with slaps to Jay. Briscoe with a drop kick and Joe holds his knee again. Briscoe with a European uppercut and forearm. Jay with a suplex attempt but Joe blocks it. Jay with an elbow to the back followed by jabs and then he hits a suplex. Jay with jabs followed by a snap mare and reverse chin lock.

Joe with elbows and a forearm. Joe with more forearms and he goes after Jay but Jay drops down and Joe hits the ropes and goes down to the mat and he hold his knee again. Joe goes to the floor and Jay tries for a suicide dive but Joe with an enzuigiri. Joe with chops and jabs to Jay. Joe with an Irish whip and a running elbow and enzuigiri in the corner. Joe continues to limp as he favors his injured leg. Joe with a snap mare and chop followed by a kick and he goes with a leg drop for a near fall.

Joe chops Briscoe and Briscoe chops back. They go to uppercuts and slaps. Briscoe with an Irish whip and he charges into the corner but Joe sends him to the apron. Jay goes up top but Joe with a boot to knock Jay to the floor. Joe sets for a suicide dive and he connects and it sends Jay into the guardrails, but Joe may have aggravated his knee injury.

Joe with a chop and he puts Jay in a chair in the corner as Joe sets for the Ole Kick but Jay throws a chair in Joe’s face. Jay punches Joe followed by a forearm to the back and a kick to Joe. Jay Irish whips Joe into the guardrails and the referee decides it is finally time for someone to get back into the ring.

Joe trips Briscoe on the apron and then Joe swings Jay into the guardrails. Joe biels Jay into the guardrails and it is time to try for the Ole Kick a second time so he chops Jay first and then he hits the Ole Kick. Joe sends Jay into the guardrails. Joe sets for the Ole Kick one more time and he connects. Joe sends Jay back into the ring and he gets a near fall.

Joe with a knee and jabs to Jay in the corner followed by a chop to the head. Joe puts Jay on the turnbuckles and tries for the musclebuster but Jay fights out of it. Jay with a neck breaker and both men are down. Jay with jabs to Joe with forearms thrown in. Jay tries to get Joe on his shoulders but Joe blocks it and connects with forearms.

Jay with a super kick followed by a Saito suplex for a near fall. Jay with European uppercuts and he tries to get Joe on his shoulders. Joe tries for the choke but Jay avoids it. Jay with a roaring elbow and he gets a near fall. Jay with a Death Valley Driver and he gets a near fall. Jay sets for the Jay Driller but Joe counters with a back body drop.

Jay has a kick blocked and Joe with a rolling sweep of the leg and then he hits a clothesline followed by a reverse atomic drop and a running boot to the chest followed by a back senton for a near fall. Joe sets for a power bomb but Jay with a back heel kick. Jay with a forearm but Joe with a power slam and he gets a near fall.

Joe with a power bomb and then he turns it into a Boston Crab. Joe turns it into an STF in the center of the ring and then he turns it into a crossface. Joe works on the wrist, but Jay gets to the ropes to force Joe to release the hold. Jay with forearmsbut Joe with slaps and forearms. Joe misses a spinning back fist, but Jay does not miss with a roaring elbow. Joe with an enzuigiri and both men are down again.

Joe with a forearm and Jay returns fire. They go back and forth and Jay with a European uppercut. Joe with jabs and a running knee to the chest. Joe misses a charge into the corner, but Joe with an ST-Joe and then he puts Jay on the turnbuckles. Jay fights out of the musclebuster but Joe with a chop. Jay gets to the apron and he drops Joe on the apron. Jay with a sunset flip and then he hits a Jay Driller for the three count.

Winner: Jay Briscoe

After the match
Jay and Joe hug in the ring and Joe raises Jay’s arm.

We go to credits.