View Full Version : WWE European Live Tour 2015 Results - 12th Apr, 2015 (Manchester, England)

04-13-2015, 11:35 AM
WWE European Live Tour 2015 Results
Manchester, England
12th Apr, 2015

Neville defeated Finn Balor

Cesaro & Tyson Kidd (c) defeated Big E & Kofi Kingston

R-Truth defeated Xavier Woods

Damien Mizdow defeated The Miz

Natalya defeated Alicia Fox

Roman Reigns defeated The Big Show

Jimmy Uso defeated Fandango

Daniel Bryan, Erick Rowan & Dolph Ziggler defeted Sheamus, Bray Wyatt & Bad News Barrett

John Cena defeated Rusev

Finn Balor vs. Neville - Both guys got cheered but Finn played the heel in the match, pretty good match which Neville won with the red arrow, they shook hands afterwards

Cesaro & Tyson Kidd vs. Big E & Kofi Kingston - Loud "New Day Sucks" chants, Cesaro & Kidd were pretty popular, good match in which Kidd & Cesaro won with the giant swing/dropkick

R-Truth vs. Xavier Woods - R-Truth won with a rollup in about a minute, Woods had a tantrum after the match

The Miz vs. Damien Mizdow - Before the match Mizdow said he was going to be a stunt double for old times sake so he also bumped every time Miz took a bump, Mizdow won with the Skull Crushing Finale

Natalya vs Alicia Fox - Natalya was the face in the match and got an easy victory, a six diva brawl took place after involving heels Cameron & Rosa Mendes and faces Summer Rae & Emma

Roman Reigns vs. The Big Show - The crowd was 80% pro Roman Reigns, lots of "Please Retire" chants aimed at show, Reigns won with a spear, it was fine for what it was

During the interval we got a Connor The Crusher video

Jimmy Uso vs. Fandango - A bit of a dance off before the match in which Jimmy performed The Worm, Jimmy won in a quick match with a top rope splash

Daniel Bryan, Erick Rowan & Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus, Bray Wyatt & Bad News Barrett - Barrett brought up the Manchester derby before the game and insulted both teams and introduced the Preston North End team, really good match in which all the guys got their stuff in, Bryan won with the Yes Lock on Barrett, Bryan got the loudest pop of the night

Rusev vs. John Cena - Rusev tried to get the crowd to stand for the national anthem before the match before Cena interrupted, pretty good match in which Cena won with the AA