View Full Version : Steve Austin and WWE problems update

04-17-2015, 09:28 PM
WWE sources have indicated that despite any public denials, there are indeed continued issues between WWE and WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin.

Sources indicate that after Wrestlemania week, WWE legal sent a cease and desist letter to ProWrestlingTees.com regarding material they sell for Steve Austin in their official store for him. ProWrestlingTees.com did not return repeated attempts to get comment, but it appears a number of Austin-related items that were for sale have been yanked.

It would also appear that John Cena using a variation on the Stone Cold Stunner might be a way to try and infuriate Austin. Austin as well as former WWE Creative team member turned documentary filmmaker Chris Bell and his brother Mark ("Bigger, Stronger, Faster") referred to the move as "gimmick infringement" on a recent edition of Austin's podcast while Austin broke down why the move shouldn't be used in the manner Cena was using it.

Over the course of Wrestlemania week, a breakdown between the two sides led to Austin not attending Wrestlemania weekend. Sources indicate WWE had a flight booked for Austin, but Austin didn't check in and get on the flight. We are told that Austin turning down the new season of "Tough Enough" was a major factor in the current issues. Austin has stated on his podcast he turned it down due to scheduling issues with his CMT reality series responsibilities.