View Full Version : TNA Impact DIVA Report / Results - 17th Apr, 2015

04-18-2015, 08:58 PM
TNA Impact DIVA Report / Results - 17th Apr, 2015

Josh Mathews is flying solo tonight, as it's all about crowning new TNA Tag Team Champions! Taz and TNA have parted ways.

Tag Team Tournament Match
Matt & Jeff Hardy vs James Storm & Khoya

The Revolution jumps the Hardys before the bell, but the Hardys quickly turn the tables. The match spills out to the floor where Khoya lifts Hardy up and slams him onto the ring steps. Things finally settle down as everyone heads back inside and Matt is trapped on the Revolution's side of the ring. Khoya flattens Matt Hardy with a big clothesline for 2, but Hardy catches Storm with the Side Effect and makes the hot tag to Jeff. Jeff cleans house on Storm, dodges the Last Call and causes Storm to superkick Khoya, then Matt hits Storm with the Twist of Fate as Jeff comes off the top with the Swanton on Khoya for the win.

winners: Matt & Jeff Hardy

After the match
Storm starts smacking Khoya around for losing the match and calls him a failure. Khoya gets mad and storms off (no pun intended) as the Hardys advance to Ultimate X. Jeremy Borash interviews the Hardys and points out that the one title they've never held is the TNA Tag Team Title, and Matt says they're going to fulfill their destiny tonight and become the TNA Tag Team Champions.

We look back at last week when Eric Young destroyed Bobby Lashley's leg with the chair after the three way, and then we go backstage to Eric Young, who says he's the #1 contender and he wants what he deserves and is going to take it right now.

Eric Young comes out to the ring and says that he is not a person to be messed with, and he proved it last week. He thinks Kurt Angle is ducking him, and he doesn't care who he has to go through, he is the #1 contender and he wants his shot. He put Lashley out of the picture, and now he wants Angle 1-on-1. Kurt Angle comes out to the ring and says that Eric has been calling him out every day on social media, but he should do it face to face. Eric says he's not scared of Kurt because he sees a man holding something that belongs to him. He sees a man who can be beaten, who can be hurt real bad. Angle says he sees a man who is obsessed with the TNA World Title, and he already knows he has his title shot next week. He knows Eric wants the title back, and we all know Eric is a bit crazy and that's why everybody loved him, but he let that crazy turn him to the dark side. If Eric wins it back fair and square, if he can be the ld Eric Young who won the title, the best Eric Young, or (Kurt turns his back to Eric) he can be the new Eric Young and attack him from behind like a coward. Eric cocks his fist back and looks like he's about to do it, but Eric stops himself, walks right up behind Kurt, and says he'll see him next week. Eric leaves and glares at Kurt on his way to the back.

We go backstage where Low Ki and Kenny King have Spud cornered and are starting to threaten him when Ken Anderson walks in to stick up for his buddy. He gets under Low Ki's skin by saying he's just mad that Spud beat him twice, and Kenny says Anderson has a big mouth and Spud's a dead man, then hustles Low Ki out of the scene.

Tag Team Tournament Match
Ken Anderson & Rockstar Spud vs Kenny King & Low Ki

The BDC jumps Anderson and Spud before the bell and quickly trap Spud in their half of the ring. Low Ki in particular seems to take great enjoyment in laying a beating on Spud, but the little guy keeps fighting and hits King with an enziguiri to get to Anderson and make the hot tag. Anderson cleans house and gives Low Ki a Finlay Roll onto King. Spud sends Low Ki out ot the floor with a flying headscissors, but Low Ki slides a chair into the ring to Anderson and the ref makes Anderson (who was never anywhere near the floor to get the chair) get rid of it. Low Ki connects with a double stomp to Spud while the ref's back is turned and allows King to pin him and get the win.

Winners: Low Ki & Kenny King

Bram and Ethan Carter III are backstage, and EC3 says that he and the "other" upcoming star in TNA will take on Tigre Uno and his partner...well, we don't hear who that is because Bram says he is going to tear off Tigre's mask, rip his face off, and vomit down his throat. Ec3 says that's great, and Bram has a staredown with Tyrus before stalking off. EC3 says Bram is losing his mind...and he's reaping the benefits.

The Beat Down Clan is backstage and MVP gives King and Low Ki a hearty pat on the back for advancing, then he says he has a special assignment for Homicide to do with Kurt Angle. Homicide asks if he wants him to wrestle Kurt, and MVP says no, this is BDC business so it's going to be a fight. Homicide takes a razor out of his mouth and says Kurt is never going to see him coming.

Tag Team Tournament Match
Jay Rios & Tigre Uno vs Ethan Carter III & Bram

The crowd is really into EC3 as he goes at it with Rios, but Tigre comes in for some good, old fashioned illegal double teaming on EC3. Tigre catches EC3 with a Guile kick that sends him out to the floor and he tries to follow him out with a dive, but Tyrus grabs Tigre out of midair and powerslams him on the floor. EC3 rolls Tigre back inside and covers for 2, then tags Bram back in for the first time, and Bram puts the hurt on poor Tigre. Tigre dodges an elbowdrop by Bram and tags Rios in to do a bunch of flippy stuff. Rios manages to connect with a missile dropkick and a psringboard Ace crusher for 2, but EC3 catches Rios with a shot from the arm brace. Bram plants Rios with the implant DDT, then tags EC3 in to cover Rios for the win.

Winners: Ethan Carter III & Bram

After the match:
Bram and Tyrus get in each other's faces again after the match, but EC3 calms them down because they just won, you know.

The Knockouts are backstage, and they're...GOSSIPING! We'll get a big announcement regarding the division tonight!

The Mystery Cameraman catches up to Kurt and asks his weekly stupid question: what happened out there with Eric Young? Kurt says there's a slim line between crazy and genius and Eric straddles that line, but tonight he saw a glimmer of the old Eric. As for Homicide, he's just crazy, and he hopes Homicide has good insurance because he's sending him to the hospital tonight.

Christy Hemme is in the ring and says the Knockouts Division sets TNA apart from the rest of the wrestling world, and she introduces Angelina Love, Madison Rayne, Gail Kim, Brooke Tessmacher, and Knockouts Champion Taryn Terrell. Christy says next week will be TKO week and will focus on the Knockouts, but Angelina snatches the mic out of Christy's hands and says she's the record holding six time champion and it should be a celebration of her. Gail snatches the mic out of her hands and says it's not about Angelina or any of them, it's about the fans. Madison grabs the mic now and asks Angelina how many times she lost the Knockouts title, then says Gail is annoying, and none of them are the Queen B. Christy grabs the mic and says everyone will have their chance next week when there's a four way for a shot at the Knockouts Title with Madison, Brooke, Angelina, and Gail facing off for a shot at the Knockouts Title. Brooke gets more excited than I think anyone's ever been for anything and says she's bringing a Texas sized ass next week. Christy says that's not all, because we'll have some new Knockouts debuting next week, and Taryn Terrell is defending the Knockouts Title against Awesome Kong. Taryn says she's proved why she deserves to be here, and next week she'll prove again why she is the Knockouts Champion. This brings Kong out of the back and she starts a brawl with Terrell, and the other girls try to separate them, but it breaks down into a six way brawl that ends with Terrell coming off the top rope with a dive that wipes out all the other girls. She goes back in the ring and holds the belt upwhile Kong glares at her from the aisle.

The Bromans are backstage and there appears to be tension between them. Robbie walks off and bumps into Bobby Roode and Austin Aries, who get into his head by saying he's the better Broman, he's more experienced, he has better hair, and the sky's the limit for him. They envision him as a future World Champion, and Robbie says they're right, and he's not sure which of them he's going to beat tonight...maybe both! He walks off and Roode and Aries snicker mischievously over the con they just perpetrated, then walk off to mess with Jessie too.

Tag Team Tournament Match
Austin Aries & Bobby Roode vs The Bromans

Aries and Roode use the dissension between the Bromans to get the jump and trap Robbie in the ring, viciously working him over while smacking Jessie up every time he tries to get into the ring. Jessie finally trips Roode from the floor and allows Robbie to cheapshot him, but the dissension causes the Bromans to have a couple of miscues and Roode takes them both out with clotheslines. Aries tags in and goes to town on both Bromans, and the Bromans get a brief advantage, but the miscommunication again causes them to lose ground, as Roode drags them both to the floor where Aries takes them out with a dive through the ropes. Aries hits the IED on Jessie back in the ring, Roode hits a spinebuster, and Aries finishes with the 450 splash.

Winners: Bobby Roode & Austin Aries

After the match:
Robbie gets mad at Jessie for losing the match and starts poking him in the chest, but Jessie starts yelling back at him. Robbie piefaces Jessie a couple of times, Jessie does it back, and they start brawling. DJ Z runs in to try and pulls them apart, but they both shove Dj Z out of the way and walk off.

We go out to the parking lot where Homicide is beating Kurt Angle up, ramming his face into the door and bringing him into the backstage area to choke him and beat him in the head with a trash can lid. Homicide goes after Angle with a chair and rams it into his ribs as we go to commercial.

We're back, and Kurt Angle has turned the tables and is now choking Homicide with his shirt. Homicide wraps a chair around Kurt's neck and rams it into the post, then smashes Kurt's face into the steps. Kurt returns the favor, then drags homicide back when he tries to escape through the crowd. Homicide goes to the eyes and rolls Angle into the ring where he flattens Angle with the Ace Crusher. Homicide smashes Angle with his boot, but Angle pops him over with a German suplex and catches him in the anklelock. Low Ki and Kenny King run out and jump Angle, and now MVP is in the ring giving directions as his flunkies work the champion over. MVP finally gets involved and lays Angle out with the Blackout Kick, and that brings the Rising out to even things up and take the rest of the BDC out as MVP stalks Angle with a steel chair. He gets ready to clean Angle's clock with the chair, but Eric Young runs out and stops him. MVP smiles, drops the chair, and walks off, obviously with the idea that Young will use the chair to finish Angle off. Young picks up the chair and, witha deranged look in his eyes, hauls back on the chair and...drops it. He looks Angle in the eyes, then rolls out to the floor and backs his way up the ramp as Angle looks after him incredulously.

We see a video package hyping up Ultimate X, and the main event is up after this commercial break!

The Dollhouse is coming, and they're f'ing nuts! They'll be here next week for TKO Night! Josh runs down a bunch of other stuff we'll see next week, and then it's...MAIN EVENT TIME!

Ultimate X/TNA World Tag Team Title Match
Matt & Jeff Hardy vs Ethan Carter III & Bram vs Austin Aries & Bobby Roode vs Low Ki & Kenny King

The bell rings and everyone starts going at it right off the bat. The heels all get cleared out right away, leaving the Hardys to go at it with Roode and Aries. Aries and Roode dump the Hardys as well and Aries takes them out with a dive through the ropes as we go to commercial.

We're back, and all heck is still breaking loose. Low Ki chokes Matt Hardy in the corner with his boot as Bram and Carter dump Aries to the floor. Now the heels are all by themselves in the ring and go face to face, and they waste no time going at it. Bram and Carter dispose of the BDC and Bram tells EC3 to go get the belts, but his injured arm won't allow that, so EC3 uses his ingenuity and grabs a ladder from under the ring. Everyone else in the match runs in and won't let that happen, and the Hardys are the only ones left standing when the smoke clears on that latest skirmish. They both go up and climb across the cables as the BDC does the same, but Tyrus shakes the scaffolding supporting Ultimate X and knocks all four guys off the cables. He comes in and flattens all four opponents, then EC3 comes in and climbs on Tyrus' shoulders to go for the belts. Aries is in and takes Tyrus out with a missile dropkick that knocks EC3 down as well, Bram runs in and clotheslines Aries, Roode gives Bram a blockbuster, then they ram Bram into a ladder and Aries drills him with an IED, followed by a spinebuster from Roode. Roode goes up and starts to climb, and stands on Aries' shoulders to shimmy across the cable. Homicide runs in and attacks Aries and Roode to take them out, then he sets the ladder up for Low Ki and King. Matt Hardy comes in and gives Homicide the Side Effect, then climbs the ladder and goes blow for blow with King before giving him a Twist of Fate off the ladder. Matt goes back up the ladder, Low Ki leaps up out of nowhere to go at it with Matt, but Jeff climbs along the top of the scaffold to get to the center of the X. He kicks Low Ki off the ladder, Matt climbs back up, and they grab the belts to claim victory and claim the gold.

Winners and New TNA Tag Team Champions: Matt & Jeff Hardy

04-20-2015, 12:08 PM
thanks for posting